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Questions tagged [mother]

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Who lies higher - Mother or Vedas?

Who lies higher - Mother or God(Vedas) ?
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Is this statement about lust true in Hinduism?

2.215. One should not sit in a lonely place with one’s mother, sister, or daughter; for the senses are powerful, and master even a learned man. I'm not a Hindu, but is the belief really that a son ...
Rayyan khan's user avatar
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Why did Devaki keep having children even though she knew they'd all be killed except for the last one?

Why did Devaki keep having children even though she knew they'd all be killed except for the last one? It must have been hard for a mom to see her newborn baby being killed- but she still continued to ...
Ajay Sharma's user avatar
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Did Draupadī had a mother.?

Draupadī was born from fire. Did she had a mother.? Wiki tells that Draupada had a wife. But, did Draupadī had a mother.? Was Draupada's wife alive when she emerged from the fire.? Was there any ...
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