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Questions tagged [mukti]

mukti or mukhti (Sanskrit: "liberation") is deliverance from the samsara (cycle of birth and death). The condition of freedom from ignorance (avidyâ) and the binding effect of karma. Liberation from material existence. See: moksha.

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41 votes
10 answers

Is Moksha a permanent state?

In Bhagavat Geeta (Chapter 9 Verse 7), it is said that the Jeevas are created at the start of Kalpa, and this cycle keeps on repeating for-ever. This implies that the Mukti or Moksha is not a ...
gaj's user avatar
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5 answers

How can one know which path among karma, bhakti and jnana is suitable for him?

The few known ways to reach god are bhakthi marga, karma marga, gnana (jnana) marga & yoga marga. How one can know the best way which suits to him? Are there any references? For this ...
pbvamsi's user avatar
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Is mukthi possible from world's other than bhuloka(ie. From swarga and naraka)

In bhuloka, it is possible to achieve mukthi by doing several Sadhana. When we go to naraka or swarga, our sukshma Sarira(subtle body) will be there only sthoola Sarira(Gross body) is dropped during ...
Servent_of_Rama's user avatar
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Which Āstika schools mention the different types of Muktis?

Which Āstika schools mention these different types of muktis: Sārūpya, Sālokya, Sārṣṭi, Sāmīpya, Sāyujya, Viśate, Kaivalya, Moksha Are there more types of muktis in āstika schools? Which types of ...
X10's user avatar
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Do any Vaishnav sect believe in Jivan Mukti?

I used to believe that JivanMukti; a state of liberation while still in this body was something that was specific to advaita Vedant sect only. But I recently came across a quote by Gaudiya Vaishnav ...
Vishal prabhu lawande's user avatar
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Is Moksha (liberation) the highest attainable level for a jivā (soul)? Is there anything above Moksha?

Moksha (liberation) is the ultimate goal of a jivā (soul). So, If I've understood it correctly, when a jivā attains moksha, it is freed from the cycle of life and death, being absorbed into the '...
Navik Goswami's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is there any difference between a normal person and a jivan muktha except perception?

In some texts like Yoga Vasista, I read that, normal persons have physical perception aka stula drishti and jivan mukthas has unified/ultimate perception aka tatva drishti. I am interpreting it as the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the difference between Mukti and Moksha

As already requested in my earlier question if the Jivatma didn't stay more than 5 days either in moksha and naraka. However what's the difference between mukti and moksha. Do you someone have any ...
ssr1012's user avatar
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3 answers

What is called for those who have not realized their Saguna or Nirguna bodies?

Whoever has awakened to the true nature of their being is called Brahman in Hindu. What is the called for those, who have not awakened to the true Nature ?
Frank Hestermann's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Doing "evil" or "good" after being self-realized wont affect such an "individual" because he is not bound to the illusion of the material, yes or no?

When self realized,you understand the illusion and rise above the illusion. It wont matter if you do good or evil since the concept of good and evil is something that is bound to the illusion and the ...
Prefer anonymous's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What exactly is the concept of Manonasha in Advaita?

What is the meaning and concept of Manonasha according to Advaita. It seems to imply destruction of the mind and sookshma shareera, as sookshma shareera is made of mind. Please answer with citations ...
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What is the difference between the Nivrtiya(निवर्तीय) way and प्रवृत्ती (prvartiya) way?

As we know from the Brahmasutra (composed by Badarayana Rishi), the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads show us the source of Mukti(emancipation) and this way is Nivrtiya(निवर्तीय), whereas the way ...
NullPoiиteя's user avatar
4 votes
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How many types of mukti are there?

I would like to know how many types of mukti are there. Also, is mukti the same thing as moksha? If not, what is the difference between those two? If there are different types of mukti, is any type ...
user12458's user avatar
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Why jivan mukthas won't do dharma with mental effort only?

This question should be answered based on Advaitha only. There are many jivan mukthas across scriptures who carried out their profession: Rama, Krishna, Vasishta, Vyasa, Suka, Vishwamitra, Lila, ...
hanugm's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is correct - Sat-chit-ananda or Sat-chit-anantha?

We have always been given to believe that the state that you achieve when you realize Moksha and the experience of the highest truth is best described as Sat-chit-ananda. And this is often described ...
Ranjiv Kurup's user avatar
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Can a person achieve Jivan Muktha state without vicharana?

Is vicharana(thinking) a mandatory step for attaining Jivan Muktha state? Is there any such example from scriptures that a person got Jivan Muktha state without any vicharana?
hanugm's user avatar
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Question on the Sākta conception of Mukti

While reading about the conception of Mukti in Shaktism, I came across the following - This Absolution, advocated by the Sakta philosophers differs only slightly from the Absolution advocated by the ...
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How to forgive people who have wronged you in life?

Forgiving people is essential to get Mukti . How to forgive people who have wronged you in life , who have mistreated you , cheated you etc ?
river's user avatar
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What is difference between living and non-living? [duplicate]

This question arises from general perspective that one should contemplate and final result is this nothing between God and us. Could this be the case with non-living things which seem to concentrate ...
tejasvi's user avatar
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If self realization or Kaivalya Mukti is only way to escape the rebirth cycle then why there is a concept of other types of Muktis or Mokshas?

There are four types of Muktis, Salokya, Samipya, Saroopya and Kaivalya . Then if a person gets Salokya or Samipya or Saroopya mukti will he born again? Or only Kaivalya mukti let's you escape from ...
Deepeshkumar's user avatar
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Will the scriptural statements about continuous creation be falsified upon liberation of all as per Advaita?

According to Advaita Vedanta, this world is just an illusory perception because of avidya of jiva. When jiva realizes that he is brahman, then nothing else exists for him. If all the jivas in the ...
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2 answers

Devayana, Pitrayana and Progressive Salvation

Hinduism talks about paths a a departed soul would take Devayana- Path for liberated souls Pitrayana- Path of Ancestors , taken by not so sinful souls Adhoyana - Path of sinners , directly to hell. ...
tekkk's user avatar
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Does chanting name of Krishna in Kali yuga gives you moksha?

In Kalisantaran Upanishad it is mentioned that we can attain moksha by chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra. But what I believe is Moksha means getting free from the shackles of Karma. Once we have ...
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Why does the Srimad-Bhagavatam say that mumkshus reject worsipping of the fierce forms of God?

Srimad-Bhagavatam 1/2/26 says: mumukṣavo ghora-rūpān hitvā bhūta-patīn atha nārāyaṇa-kalāḥ śāntā bhajanti hy anasūyavaḥ English Translation: Those who want salvation reject the fierce ...
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Karma and afterlife

In abrahmic relegion there's concept of heaven and hell. In buddhism or nastika relegion there is karma. But in Sanatana Dharma there is mention of both so I don't understand what will happen after ...
AnimexArmy India's user avatar
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Is it true that if a person gets liberated , his ancestors also get liberated?

Is it true that if a person gets liberated his ancestors also gets liberated ?
river's user avatar
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Is there any easy method/systematics method to attain self realization in short time duration?

Is there any easy method/systematics method to attain self realization ? I have read the story of Budhha . He take 5 years to attain self realization But it is very long time duration . I want to ...
jasmine's user avatar
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Does dharma and adharma applicable to a Jivan Muktha?`

It is well known that a person who is not a Jivan Muktha is bounded by Dharma and Adharma. That is, one needs to do dharma only as per scriptures. What about a person who achieved a Jivan Muktha state....
hanugm's user avatar
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Sri bhagavad ayya says "There is nothing to be done" [closed]

"Everything which is achieved, has to be loosed away" which means Liberation is not a sate which can be attained because we are already liberated, we just have to see it. Liberation is very simple ...
Ritesh.mlk's user avatar
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Will the scriptural statements about continuous creation be falsified upon liberation of all as per Vaishnavism?

According to Vaishnava Vedanta, this world is not the place to stay. And the real goal is to reach Vaikuntham. If all the jivas in the world attain mukti, then does the scripture statements about ...
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0 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of "MOKSHA"? [duplicate]

How can one realize he has attained "MOKSHA" After becoming free several times, one can remember the accumulated experiences of hardships, depriving oneself of pleasure, abstinence through ...
user37920's user avatar
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Clarifications on self-initiation to assume Dakshinamurti as guru

Background This post Procedure to make God(s) our Guru gives answers and references on how one can self-initiate and assume Dakshinamurti as guru. Because this is a complex topic, there are a lot of ...
user3330840's user avatar
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Estimation of number of Jivanmukthas in Indian society

According to Krishna in Geetha, one can guess that a single Jivan Muktha may exist in atleast 10,00,000 people Amongst thousands of persons, hardly one strives for perfection; and amongst those who ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What are the ways to attain Mukthi in present 21st century or generation of 2020 year in Kaliyuga [duplicate]

What are the ways to attain Mukthi in present generation of 2020 year of 21st century in Kaliyuga for brahmachari brahmins?
venkat's user avatar
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Any Sanskrit verses that explicitly states that Ganesha, Surya and Hanumana grants Moksha?

As per various texts, Shiva, Vishnu, Shakti have been told capable of granting Moksha. Surya and Ganesha are part of the panchayatana smarta deities, in addition to the above three. So along with them ...
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