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What is the meaning of the word 'Gītā (गीता)'?

Well, it's a no-brainer that etymologically, the word 'gītā' literally means 'that which is sung or chanted'. However, by that logic even Rāmacaritamānasa is sung or chanted, or even a daily ārtī (आरती...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Why is Ramana Maharshi referred with the title of "Bhagwaan"?

According to his Wikipedia: Ramana Maharshi was an Indian Hindu sage and a jivanmukta (liberated being). He was born Venkataraman Iyer, but is mostly known by the name Bhagavān Sri Ramana Maharshi. ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Are static and mobile mounts of Gods called by different names?

Vishnu lies on Adisesha but uses Garuda to move around. Garuda is called "vahana" I believe, but how about Sesha? What is Sesha considered?
S K's user avatar
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What is the meaning of demon names: yAtudAnAs and AtatAyins?

Demons are also called yAtudAnAs and AtatAyins. What are the meanings of these two terms and why demons are called so.
B.Chandrashekara's user avatar
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What is my religion? [duplicate]

I was watching Satguru (Jaggi Vasudev) video on YouTube where he said that Hindu is not a religion, its a geographical identity and that's why all part of India follows different practices and have ...
Zerotoinfinity's user avatar
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Shaivism or Shivaism?

What is the correct term to use, Shaivism or Shivaism? I could not find a good source about how the word Shaiva (Saiva, Caiva) appeared and when.
Julio Olivieras's user avatar
12 votes
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When was the expression "Sanatana Dharma" first used and what does it mean?

Does it mean it has existed forever and would exist forever? Does it mean it is changeless? The evidence shows that India is now only 80 percent Hindu and there are all kinds of forces trying to ...
S K's user avatar
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What was the name of 'Hindustan' before 'Bharat'?

Well I know that 'Hindustan' was called 'Bharat' after the name of king Bharat, but curious to know what was the ancient name prior to that?
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Sanatana dharma or Hindu [duplicate]

From somewhere I came to know 'Hindu' is a geographical word, it is not a religious one. Original word is 'Sanatana'. Is it true?
Krishna Kumar Gupta's user avatar
42 votes
9 answers

What is the origin of the word "Hindu"?

It is a fact that the term "Hindu" derives from the river "Sindh". But most of Hinduism's tenets and teachings derive from the Vedas. Why wasn't it named after the Vedas, but it's rather given a name ...
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