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Other Religions-Which are different from Hinduism.

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Can anyone debunk this claim regarding Non Hindus and other religion as per Hindu scriptures

I found this image online which contains references from Vedas and Puranas regarding disbelievers and blasphemers and how Hindu scriptures condemn them. Can anyone explain/debunk these claims?
Crackling Cyclone's user avatar
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Which religion practices does rakshas in hindu scriptures in ancient times followed?

Which other dharm other then vedic dharm does malache followed in ancient times?
Manveersingh Jadoun's user avatar
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Hindu scriptures and Christianity

Now this question is controversial and keep in mind I am not a syncretist. However, to Hindu text mention any mysterious figure that possibly could resemble the figure of Christ? If not what about ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is it sin when one sing prayer of other religion(if he goes to convent school)?

Vyasa says, '..The rejection of one's own creed, the practice of other people's creed, ......- these all have been pronounced by persons conversant with duties to be acts that no one should do.’ ...
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Other countries or religion in dwapuryug?

im very confused since many days as i heard about some sumerian kings list which states their kings in order and says that the kings before flood lived even upto 36000 years and after flood kings ...
Shivam Gogna's user avatar
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To attain moksha, must you be born as a Hindu?

Imagine that a person is living in the USA or anywhere in the world like Africa is peaceful, loving, and worships God but does not know anything about moksha. Will he get moksha or he will again be ...
Hindutvadi 's user avatar
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Which stories to believe?

there are have been stories of people claiming that shiv ji or krishna came to help them, they themselves seeing them in their form. But there is also story of dayanand that god is formless(he saw a ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Differences between Lingayats and Aradhyas?

Lingayat community was founded by Basavanna. What is the history of Aradhyas who are shiva followers too and they too wear lingas. What are the differences between these communities?
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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Is there any concept or story of Shiva related with Jainism? [closed]

What does the Jainism religion say about Shiva? Do the Jains pray to Shiva or they only pray or follow their tirthankara? Is there any concept or story of Shiva associated with Jainism?
prem30488's user avatar
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Are there any similar statements from scriptures that reject "setting up of religious standards"?

Consider the following question and answer from the scripture named Mahabharatha The Yaksha asked,--'... what is hypocrisy?... Yudhishthira answered,--'... The setting up of a religious standard is ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Do Hindu scriptures allow adopting better moral teachings from other cultures and religions?

Modern-day Hindus seem to follow a mixture of moral and philosophical teachings drawn from a variety of cultures and religions, both eastern and western. E.g., some Hindus actively choose a vegan diet ...
throwaway's user avatar
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Christumatha Nirupanam is available in English?

The book Christumatha Nirupanam is available English translation
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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How have prominent gurus explained the difference between Abrahamic gods and ishvara(bhagavan)? [closed]

What is the difference between Abrahamic Gods like YHWH, Allah, and dharmic Gods like Vishnu and Shiva? How have gurus explained why you should not worship Abrahamic Gods and instead worship dharmic ...
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Have any prominent critics of the Bhaviṣya Purāṇa explained the second references to Christianity and Islam?

A common criticism of the Bhaviṣya Purāṇa is that it was written after the prophecies for Christianity and Islam. I don't find this at all convincing, because the Bhaviṣya Purāṇa references them at ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Is there an historical connection between Hinduism and Christianity? [closed]

I have grown up as a christian (catholic). Yesterday, I visited a Hindu temple and can't help but notice some similarities Praying people either put their flat hands together or fold them together, ...
Wouter's user avatar
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Description Of Jambudweep In Different Indian Religions

I have been researching quite a lot on Hindu cosmology and geography. Moreover, I am keen on learning similar geographies of other sub-religions of India, especially those that grew from within ...
YashT's user avatar
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Is it true that pre colonial Hinduism never taught that all religions are same?

A few days back, prominent Hindu rights activist,Shefali Vaidya shared a post on her facebook feed. It had a message from Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya. Here it is- As I travel the nation delivering ...
RishX's user avatar
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Why does Buddhism last so long into the future in Hinduism, while the other religions seem missing?

"Buddhists" are mentioned in the far future in multiple places like the Kalki and Bhavishya Puranas. This is over 400,000 years in the future for the Kalki Purana, so they can't be Buddhists ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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What are notable contemporary Hindu apologists?

Christianity has a very mature body of apologists. Islam has its fair share of apologists too. But what about Hinduism? Wikipedia mentions a few authors, but I was curious to know if there are any ...
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Did any shakaracharya debate with adharmic religions?

Did any Shankaracharya debate with adharmic (like Islam,Christianity) religions.
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Is the "Mahayuga (i.e., 4 Yugas) lasting for only 5000 years" theology of Brahma-Kumaris found in any scriptures?

The Brahma Kumaris believe that: The universe follows an eternal, naturally occurring 5,000-year cycle, composed of four ages (yugas): the Golden Age (Satya Yuga), the Silver Age (Treta Yuga), the ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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What does the Vedas say about non hindus(people who reject vedas) and its philosophy?

What does vedas say about non Hindus or those who reject vedas and its philosophy? By philosophy I mean reincarnation, Moksha and karma.
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Did Ramakrishna really follow other religions or was it a later addition in his biographies? [closed]

For thise who don't know, Ramakrishna is said to have followed christianity and islam for some time. He even said to have eat beef during his time as muslim which I discussed here in my question,Did ...
RishX's user avatar
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What will happen to the person who disrespect others' beliefs (other religions)?

When a hindu disrespect or hurt the religious sentiments of a person that belongs to other religions (like Islam or Christianity) will he/she get bad karma? And is the punishment for this same as ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Why Sikhism isn't a philosophical school in Hinduism? [closed]

Sikhism is a religion that has the concept of reincarnation and pantheism like Hinduism. They reject vedas like jainism and Buddhism. So why it isn't a philosophical school even thou it follows ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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What is Difference between Hinduism and other religion? [closed]

What is difference between Our gods and other religion gods ? According to Puranas
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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What does Hinduism say about deities from other pantheons?

Does Hinduism have any views about gods from other pantheons/religions?
Orionixe's user avatar
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Is it possible for a non Hindu who rejects the teaching of Vedas and Gita attain Moksha?

Can a Muslim attain Moksha even if he worships Allah and follows the teaching of the Quran? Can a Jew attain Moksha even if he follows the teaching of the Torah? And can a non Sanatani attain Moksha ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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What Hinduism verse is similar to the following Christianity verse?

What verse is most similar to the following verse in Hinduism? Love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31
William's user avatar
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"Moksha" and Arms and Weapons [closed]

Is the attainment of moksha the final stage of Hinduism? after achieving the goal they again take arms and weapons in their hands?>> because working is better than remaining idle. Those who ...
user37920's user avatar
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How do Hindus refute the Muslim belief that the Quran is Apaurusheya? [closed]

Just like how Hindus believe the Vedas are Apaurusheya, Muslims also think that their Quran is Apaurusheya. This is a traditional belief of Islam: Createdness refers to the Islamic doctrinal position ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Is there any scriptural precedent for praying in the second person (using "you")? Is this from outside Hinduism?

In modern times, when people pray, they do it overwhelmingly in the second person. In scriptures, however, the third person (or no person) is overwhelmingly the person the prayers are in, and I have ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Wolves appear often in religion, with many wandering, houseless people/deities having wolves as companions Why, then, are there no domesticated dogs?

Wolves are commonly mentioned in religion, appearing as beloved companions of many deities. Domesticated dogs, who are known as Man's best friend have no representatives on the other hand. I find this ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Nature of enlightenment

How did different people with different philosophies and ideologies attain the same enlightenment or did they not? Buddha attained enlightenment and so did Adi Shankaracharya, but their philosophies ...
dark_prince's user avatar
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Why aren't other religions detailed in Puranas and other scriptures?

Why don't Hindu texts talk much about other religions? Some people say no other religion existed at the time of Santana Dharma but as per holy books of other religions their religions existed right ...
Rakesh's user avatar
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Is there any equivalent of Norse Mythology event: RAGNAROK in Hindu Mythology? [duplicate]

I was curious if there exists any RAGNAROK like an event in Hindu Mythology as it does in Norse Mythology. If it does exist, then how are they similar and if it does not exist, then why?
harshrathod50's user avatar
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Did Ramakrishna eat cow's meat during his time as a muslim?

Srila Prabhupada during a conversation about sakhibekhi(one of thirteen apasampradayas) mentions about Ramakrishna which can be read here Hari-sauri: Oh, he became a woman sometimes. Prabhupada: Yes, ...
RishX's user avatar
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What are necessary and sufficient conditions for being a Hindu, if they are to make Jains, Sikhs, etc. non-Hindu? [duplicate]

What parameters are used to classify Jains Sikhs Buddhists etc as Non-Hindu?
carpe diem's user avatar
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By killing mosquito/bedbugs take us to hell? [duplicate]

Some castes don't consume meat because of some religious traditions and practices. But knowingly or unknowingly we all have killed insects. For example, even microorganisms that enables curd from ...
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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Why did Gautam Buddha marry his cousin , when cousin marriage is banned in Hinduism? [closed]

Siddharth was born in a Hindu family. Siddharth Gautam Marriage was arrange marriage with his cousin. But as much as i know cousin marriage is banned in Hinduism
Goi Garg's user avatar
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how hindusim surviveed even though it was under external occupation [duplicate]

India was ruled by Islamic invaders and christian west. How come hinduism survives and continues to flourish ? the same happened in africa, america and australia. ony christianity and Islam survives ...
sathishkumar_kingmaker's user avatar
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What's the difference between Dvaita and the Abrahamic faiths? [closed]

In Dvaita there is Atman and Brahman, while in the Abrahamic faiths there is soul and God. These systems sound similar, but I assume they are in fact different? According to Hindu philosophers, what ...
WillyWonka's user avatar
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According to Hindu philosophy, what are the flaws in Buddha's teachings?

What are the flaws in Buddhism according to Hindu philosophers? Did Buddha really reject the Vedas and Hinduism?
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How are interfaith marriages treated in hindu scriptures? [duplicate]

What do smritis say about marrying someone from other faiths?
Anisha's user avatar
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Is any malevolent entity(like satan/iblis in abrahmic religions)present in Hinduism? [duplicate]

I would like to know if any malevolent entity is present in Hinduism which us equivalent to devil in abrahmic religions.If I remember correctly, once Srila Prabhupada compared Maya to satan/devil and ...
RishX's user avatar
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Is yoga a religion?

Is Yoga a form of religious Hinduism? Are beliefs such karma, reincarnation or gods needed to practice it? Is appropriate to practice yoga if you are agnostic, atheist or believer in other religions ...
PbxMan's user avatar
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On the status of other religions, between the sages of Advaita and the scriptures

The "modern" sages of the Advaita are part of the Traditionalist School: for them, the other religions are other valid paths to the Absolute. I will quote from Sri Râmakrishna to illustrate ...
Kalapa's user avatar
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How Does Hindu Dharma Differ from Other Religions? [closed]

There are so many religions and every religion believes that there is some God. There are good people who want to do good Karma. Why is the need for so many religions and why isn’t there only one ...
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Which scripture is the source of the following sloka?

Sri Sri Sitaramdas Omkarnath quotes one line of a sloka in one of His writings: na sikshed yaavanim bhaashaam na gachched jaina-mandiram meaning : One should not learn any European (Yaavani) ...
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Do demons (Asuras, Rakshasas, Pisachas, Nagas, etc) reveal false religions to humans according to Hindu scriptures?

According to the Puranas, Vishnu as Buddha revealed a false religion, which we know today as Buddhism, to deceive the Daityas who were using the Vedas to acquire power. Similarly, do Hindu scriptures ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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