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Questions tagged [punishment]

daṇḍa (punishment) sanctioned primarily by the king for grave sins

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How to achieve punya in our lives and get human birth in next life?

Punya helps a soul to get human birth and get good reward for our action. What are the good karmic acts that a human being can carry out consciously to get huge amount of punya . Also what actions one ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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Is the pouring of lac in a Shudra who hears the Vedas or recites them intentionally Danda or Prayaschitta?

Generally, people say that Shudras who hear the sacred knowledge (Vedas) have to undergo painful punishments, but is this self-imposed or imposed by a ruling or governing authority? Because, if it is ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Generally Cruel Punishments in Dharmashastras and Unfair ones

Can someone explain to me the reason why most of the crueler punishments were to lower Varnas and the very nature of them being cruel and capital in nature? Seeing as the crime doesn't match the ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Manu on verse 8.33 on stealing lost property

As per Manu 8.33 it states, "Property that has been lost and found should remain in the charge of specially deputed (officials); and the thieves that he may detect in connection with this, the ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Eternal Hell in regards to Mahabharta

According to this verse in Mahabharta, there is an eternal hell "Yudhishthira answered,--'He that summoneth a poor Brahmana promising to make him a gift and then tells him that he hath nothing to ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Are there any verses of reduced punishment for sinners in kaliyug

1.does mahabharat, ramayan(or puran /upnishad)have any verses where it says there might be a less punishment for sins in kaliyug?? Or are punishment same in all yuga 2.Also if one do sin knowing it's ...
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dharmraj yudhistir's dharm

There was a huge gathering, and you were betting on Draupadi. ​​Tell Yudhishthir, how can you be called Dharamraj? this is a part of a poem and i know that it was a sin of yudhistir, can anyone ...
Nitesh's user avatar
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What are the punishments for evoking lust in another person?

What are the punishments given to a man/woman (mostly woman) who creates lustful feelings to the opposite sex by showing skin / private parts and blabber. Any references from scriptures like Garuda ...
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Why does Skanda Purana say to cut off the tongue of a low-caste person who reads the Vedas?

In Skanda Purana, there's a verse वेदोच्चारणमात्रेण क्षत्रियैर्धर्मपालकैः । जिह्वाछेदोऽस्य कर्तव्यः शूद्रस्येति विनिश्चयः ॥ ६ ॥ vedoccāraṇamātreṇa kṣatriyairdharmapālakaiḥ | jihvāchedo'sya ...
Samujjwal Chowdhury's user avatar
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According to the Garuda Purana, what happens to a son who strikes his father?

What happens when a son beats an abusive father? What kind of punishment will he get? (Specifically according to the Garuda Purana)
bikku bikash's user avatar
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Do living beings really learn from punishments?

We know from the law of karma that good deeds lead to rewards and bad deeds lead to punishments and the loka where you will reincarnate to experience the effects of your actions will depend on the ...
fallen apsara's user avatar
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Punishment for Blasphemy? [duplicate]

Is there any punishment for blasphemy in Hinduism? Do any scriptures or Smritis say how a King or a government should punish the blasphemer? The speaker of This video, Henry Doktorski, claims the ...
Profile name's user avatar
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Punishment for brahmana for hearing?

I have seen that scriptures tell a shudra should not hear. when shudra hear then others should keep Lead/oil on ears. But I did not see that one scripture did not told brahmin should not hear. when ...
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Why did Mahadeva help Ashwatthama in his heinous endeavour? [duplicate]

Ashwatthama entered the Pandava camp in the dead of the night and massacred the mighty warriors when they were asleep. However, initially, he was stopped at the gate and could not enter the camp. He ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Was Ashwatthama punished for his heinous crime? [duplicate]

Ashwatthama assassinated members of the Pandava camp in the dead of the night when they were sleeping. It is a heinous crime. One should not cast weapons against kine, brahmanas, kings, women, ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Does Medhatithi contradict Manu Smriti while writing Bhasya? Does this verse of Manu allow a Bramhana to commit all bad acts and escape punishment?

Manu Smriti verse 9.319 says : Similarly even though they betake themselves to all sorts of undesirable acts, yet Brāhmaṇas should be honoured in every way; for they are the greatest divinity. But ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Why killing someone, stealing and drinking, all are equated on a same level of offense?

Manu Smriti 11.65 - 11.66 11.65. Neglecting to kindle the sacred fires, theft, non-payment of (the three) debts, studying bad books, and practising (the arts of) dancing and singing, 11.66. Stealing ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Punishment for the crimes committed by the head of the house?

The Smriti texts and other religious treatises deals with a lot of prescriptive rules on the householder' lives and rituals. A commonly pointed out situation is of discipline, crime and subsequent ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Are the Punishments in Manu Smriti and other Shastras literal?

Few verses of Manu Smriti like Manu 8.279-282 seem so offensive and against basic Compassion. Are they literal Punishments or just warnings not to commit bad acts???Even Shankaracharya quotes a verse ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Death penalty by kings in sanathan dharma

It is clear from the story of Kalmashapada that executioning exist as a punishment for bad humans in sanathan dharma "The Gandharva continued, 'Thus commanded, the cook went out in search of ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Punishment of intercourse between children below 13 or 12?

I saw some children who were siblings and still they were doing sexual activity even though they were kids and their big friends told them to do so, are they still punishable according to Sanatan ...
Ashish 's user avatar
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Does hurting someone for their own good accumulate bad karma?

We know bad actions result in bad reactions. If a parent beats his kid for his studies, will he accumulate bad karma? If not, then, if the parent locks him in the house, don't let him play, don't ...
krishnamaya's user avatar
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Who is 'they' in Gautama Dharmasūtra 23.1?

Gautama Dharmasūtra Chapter XXIII 1. They shall pour hot spirituous liquor into the mouth of a Brāhmaṇa who has drunk such liquor; he will be purified after death. Who shall pour hot ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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What is the punishment in hell for destroying the statues of gods in temples? [duplicate]

What is the punishment in hell for destroying the statues of gods in temples? In Sri Vaishnavism, Brahman makes himself accessible to humans in 5 forms: Para, Vyuha, Vibhava, Archa, and Antaryami. ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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How is prāyaścitta different from daṇḍa? Are both complementary to each other?

How is prāyaścitta (atonement or expiation) different from daṇḍa (punishment sanctioned by the king)? Is prāyaścitta a voluntary/self-imposed punishment for a sin that one commits? Are both ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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ill effects of not fulfilling a vow- Tirupati

From ancient times, pepole visiting tirupati take a vow of tonsuring their hair if their wish gets fulfilled. What happens if a person doesn't fulfill this vow? He took a vow of tonsuring his hair if ...
Amit's user avatar
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What can a king do to prevent Rudra from destroying his kingdom and people?

This answer has shown that Rudra destroys evil countries. My question is, what can a king do to prevent Rudra from destroying his kingdom and people?
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Is the law of karma violated when entire countries get punished for the evil actions of certain individuals?

This answer has shown that Lord Shiva destroys evil countries. By "evil country" it is meant a country where majority of the people and leaders do evil actions. Now my question is, is it fair to ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Do entire countries suffer punishment for their sins?

The Hindu religion says that individual people suffer for their sins and get rewarded for their merits. My question is, do groups of people, like entire countries, suffer punishment for their sins? ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Does Hinduism have a notion of proportionate punishment?

Some of the punishments prescribed in Manusmriti etc. sound like cruel jokes: A Shudra who insults a twice born man with gross invectives shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin. (Manu ...
S K's user avatar
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Is Kushagni Pravesa a punishment mentioned in scripture?

It is said that Kumarila Bhatta a contemporary of Sankaracharya betrayed the Buddhists by pretending to be one and learnt their secrets. He then punished himself for this betrayal by slowly burning ...
S K's user avatar
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Does Manusmriti (or similar works) prescribe punishments for Brahmins who propagate scripture to the undeserving?

In particular, I want to know the penalty (if any) for teaching scripture to Mlecchas.
S K's user avatar
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How does the concept of reincarnation fit in with heaven and hell? [duplicate]

I am trying to understand how the concept of the 7 heavens and 7 hells fits in with reincarnation in Hinduism. It was my understanding that a person with Sattvic qualities would be reborn to Sattvic ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Why can't we enter heaven with our physical body?

Why can't we enter the heaven with our physical body? However if some of the sages have entered, who are all? please list them. If we can't enter with the human body in the hell then so punishment ...
ssr1012's user avatar
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Karmic result of a gay man marrying a straight woman fraudulently

What could be the karmic punishment of a gay man who marries woman without telling her that he's gay, but fulfills her sexual and other needs and woman doesn't doubt it? Are there any scriptures that ...
Curious's user avatar
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Which scriptures mention Siva beheading Brahma?

This is not the same as Rudra stabbing Prajapati at the request of the other Gods for his incest with his daughter.
S K's user avatar
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Is hiding one's caste a punishable offense?

From this article: Although the first Maratha ruler, Shivaji, freely recruited Mahars in his army, two centuries later, by the time of the Peshwas, the status of Mahars was lower than ever. The ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Were the harsher punishments laid out in smṛtis actually carried out or they merely served as a deterrent?

Were some of the harsher punishments laid out in smṛtis like the Manu actually carried out (any real examples?) or they merely served as a deterrent? From Manusmṛti: On abusing a Brāhmaṇa the ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Is capital punishment allowed in hinduism for abuse?

From Wikipedia- In the Mahabharata, Shishupala's mother was given a vow by Krishna, her nephew, that he would pardon his cousin Shishupala for a hundred offenses. When Yudhishthira underwent ...
S K's user avatar
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What is/are the punishment(s) for corruption?

Corruption is a dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. More particularly, Bribery is a specific offence which concerns the practice of offering something, ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
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What are levels (types) of Narakas?

Our scriptures describe about 28 types of Narakas, what are they and what are there levels? Here with levels I want clarification on which Naraka is considered bad to worst in punishments?
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