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Who are the sons of Pulastya that were born as Duryodhana's brothers?

Rishi PUlastya had sons who were born as Duryodhana's brothers. Whhat are the names of the sons of Pulastya that were born as Duryodhana's brothers? ...
Fun life's user avatar
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How were Rakshas created?

Rakshas definitely don't fall under the four varna system . So, What is the story of creation of Rakshas ?
river's user avatar
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Is Kuvera Rākṣasendra? Where is Rākṣasendra mentioned in the Mahābhārata? What is the source [Ann.111]?

Source: It says it means Rāvaṇa (I find this unlikely), or Kuvera (which would bring about more questions, but will also answer a few). Where in the ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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How can the rishi Rishyasringa have sons / relatives rakshasa? [duplicate]

This is something that led me to ask, since in Mahabharata a rakshasa named Alambusha was the son of Rishyasringa while Baka, Kirmira, Hidimba and Alayudha were his relatives. So my question is, how ...
Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez Agu's user avatar
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Is it true that Ghatotkacha had the Ravana bow as well as demons from the Ravana clan?

Quora answers, like this claim that Ghatotkacha had Ravana's bow, demons of Ravana's clan and even his floats. Is this true?
Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez Agu's user avatar
4 votes
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Is Duryodhana awarded as leader of Rakshashas by Lord Shiva?

I want to know if there is any reference in our puranas saying that Duryodhana is awarded as leader of Rakshashas by Lord Shiva. The reason for his birth is a boon to Rakshashas or something along ...
Tej's user avatar
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Who actually were demons (Rakshash) and Danav mentioned in Ramayana, Mahabharata and other purans? [duplicate]

Were they different species or just human following adharma? We read in puranas that they were powerful, mayavi, had body features like animals. I am confused. Tulsidasji says in Ramcharitmanas ...
Mirg Nitin's user avatar