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Does anyone have a complete list of Demons that Shiva Killed and a list of Demons who worshiped Shiva? [closed]

In my attempt to understand the Gods(their Tatvarth), I wanted to know what demonic tendencies were not approved by Shiva and what demonic tendencies worshiped Shiva. We all know some of the demons, ...
M4NI5H's user avatar
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Do the demons ever try to conquer Brahma loka or Shiva loka?

When Daitya Hiranyakashipu conquered the universe, he conquered up till Swarga. Text 13: O my dear King, Hiraṇyakaśipu was always drunk on strong-smelling wines and liquors, and therefore his ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Is Duryodhana awarded as leader of Rakshashas by Lord Shiva?

I want to know if there is any reference in our puranas saying that Duryodhana is awarded as leader of Rakshashas by Lord Shiva. The reason for his birth is a boon to Rakshashas or something along ...
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