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Questions tagged [rakshasa]

One of the category of Asuras descended from Kashyapa and Khasha, others being Daityas and Dānavas. Rakshasas were born in the lineage of Heti, Vidyutkesa, Sukesa, Malyavana, Sumali, and Mali.

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7 votes
2 answers

Who killed Ahiravan or Mahiravan?

I was thinking that Ahiravan and Mahiravan are two different Rakhasas but according to the answer of this question, I found both are two different names of same Rakhasa and he is a brother of Ravan. I ...
Kailash Chandra Polai's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Who are the demonic beings called Yatudhanas?

This verse of Rigveda mentions a class of beings called Yatudhanas: I balm with oil the mighty Rakṣas-slayer; to the most famous Friend I come for shelter Enkindled, sharpened by our rites, ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the meaning of Brahmarakshasa?

What is the meaning of Brahmarakshasa and how is it different from Narasura, Rakshasa, Asura etc? Is Ravana a Brahmarakshasa?
Kailash Chandra Polai's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can Asuras or Rakshasas be summoned by any ritual?

In certain Pagan traditions in the West especially Goetia, demons are summoned by rituals mainly for material purposes. Can Asuras and Rakshasas be summoned in Hinduism by rituals? If yes, for what ...
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Why two Rakshasa idols are kept near the main idol of Govindaraja Temple, Tirupati?

I was listening to Chaganti Koteswara Rao's speeches about the Govindaraja Temple, Tirupati. He said that there 2 Rakshasas are kept near main idol. Why 2 Rakshasas are kept near the main idol of ...
user12177's user avatar
1 vote
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Who actually were demons (Rakshash) and Danav mentioned in Ramayana, Mahabharata and other purans? [duplicate]

Were they different species or just human following adharma? We read in puranas that they were powerful, mayavi, had body features like animals. I am confused. Tulsidasji says in Ramcharitmanas ...
Mirg Nitin's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Is Raavana a rakshasa or a brahmin and how he can be a king too?

First, how is Raavana a rakshasa and a brahmin at the same time? Second, if Raavana is Brahmin, how is he the king of Lanka? Since one's caste was determined based on one's karma, I would think ...
Ketan's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Who is the current leader of Asuras?

The leader of Asuras, also known as Asurapati. The only one alive is Raja Bali who is now under protection of Shriman Narayana in the form of Vamana avatar. If he is in some other place and not ...
Yogi's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What is Rakshasa, were they only in Ram period and not any more?

I could not understand who are the RAKSHASAS and if they belong only to India, Lanka or anywhere else in the world? If they were in that period then why don't they exist in today's world? How did ...
Ali Adravi's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Do Rakshasas have a gotra?

Did all Rakshasas descend only from Kashyapa or from other sages as well ? Were Vasishta Agasthya of Rakshasa origin? What proportion of Rakshasas were evil and what part pious and neutral judging ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Asuras/Rakshasas who became good?

There were some Rakshasas like Vibhishana who were noble. Were there any Asuras/Rakshasas who were initially evil but eventually became good i.e moved to the side of Dharma?
Bharat's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Righteousness among Rakhshasas

Even though Ravana was among topmost in Bhakti towards Shiva the entire clan is branded evil for misdeeds that he alone was responsible. Vibhishana was a god man of morals, could rule well not ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why is Ravan considered a Rakshasa?

Ravana's father was a Brahmin while his mother a Rakshasi. Then why is he considered a Rakshasa, Rather than a Brahmin. Is it because of his actions?
ypbear's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Who were Ahiravan and Mahiravan?

Were there any characters like Ahiravan and Mahiravan in Ramayana? What did they do in Lord Rama's battle against Ravana? I heard they captured Lord Rama and Laxmana. Can someone explain this ...
Mr_Green's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Are the Rakshasas (demons) eternal?

God (Paratma) in Hinduism is beyond the realm of time, as a result of which He is eternal. According to the Hindu philosophy, each living creature possesses a soul (inner core of consciousness) which ...
Debasis's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Difference between Devas, Daevas, Asuras and Rakshasa

What is the difference between Devas, Daevas, Asuras and Rakshasa fundamentally? It is very confusing to distinguish and characterize them without clear examples.
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