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Questions tagged [rakshasa]

One of the category of Asuras descended from Kashyapa and Khasha, others being Daityas and Dānavas. Rakshasas were born in the lineage of Heti, Vidyutkesa, Sukesa, Malyavana, Sumali, and Mali.

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0 answers

What is the impact on Bhuloka due to non-performance of the Sandhya Rituals?

With increasing number of Brahmanas giving up their daily Sandhya Vandana rituals: Does this directly impact the earthly species in general along with Suryadeva or only those missing their Sandhya? ...
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0 answers

Rakshasas outside humans in Satyayuga but inside us in Kaliyuga -- In what texts is this idea found?

I found this interesting post on Quora: First is Satya Yuga. The Rakshasas fought with Satya (not me!) being outside the Human race! But they cannot enter into the Human Race! [...] Finally the ...
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0 answers

Is Evil eligible to find his true love?

What does scriptures say about soulmates for Evil? Can an Evil have a soulmate? Imagine a person (human) who has done horrible crimes in his lifetime - have god assigned him a partner before his birth?...
6 votes
6 answers

Asuras/Rakshasas who became good?

There were some Rakshasas like Vibhishana who were noble. Were there any Asuras/Rakshasas who were initially evil but eventually became good i.e moved to the side of Dharma?
1 vote
1 answer

Do Rakshas have Brahmana Varna among them?

Rakshas can have Kshatriya Varna in them . The proof of it is , Ravana was son of a Rakshasi woman , but he was still considered as Brahmin. The mother of Ravana was Rakshasi-Kshatriya . This is why ...
15 votes
3 answers

Who are the demonic beings called Yatudhanas?

This verse of Rigveda mentions a class of beings called Yatudhanas: I balm with oil the mighty Rakṣas-slayer; to the most famous Friend I come for shelter Enkindled, sharpened by our rites, ...
7 votes
2 answers

How were Rakshas created?

Rakshas definitely don't fall under the four varna system . So, What is the story of creation of Rakshas ?
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0 answers

Did Brahma kill any Asuras/Rakshasas tormenting humanity? [duplicate]

The Puranas are full of tales of Asuras/Rakshasas who obtain boons from Brahma and trouble humans and Devas only to be killed by Vishnu. Did Brahma also kill any enemies of humans/Devas?
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0 answers

How did Rakshas gain supernatural powers?

There are many stories of Rakshas having supernatural powers. How did Rakshas gain supernatural powers ? Most Rakshas had supernatural powers , they would fly in sky etc. How did they gain such ...
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Why is no Rakshas having supernatural powers present in Kaliyuga?

There is no Rakshas having supernatural powers seen in Kaliyuga , Why ?
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Who are the sons of Pulastya that were born as Duryodhana's brothers?

Rishi PUlastya had sons who were born as Duryodhana's brothers. Whhat are the names of the sons of Pulastya that were born as Duryodhana's brothers? ...
5 votes
2 answers

Was Raavan really a Ved pandit, and a great scholar? What were his dharmik qualities and acts if any?

It is often heard that Raavan was one of great person to live. He was expert in Vedas, and other scriptures. He was sitar player. However, I'm not able to find any scriptures' details to ascertain ...
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0 answers

The difference between the term ‘Maya’ used for Rakshasas and Brahman respectively

Maya, is a frequently used term across various scriptures with different connotations as below:- When talking of Brahman, Maya is used in the context of jada Prakriti tattva as is stated in the ...
18 votes
3 answers

Who were Ahiravan and Mahiravan?

Were there any characters like Ahiravan and Mahiravan in Ramayana? What did they do in Lord Rama's battle against Ravana? I heard they captured Lord Rama and Laxmana. Can someone explain this ...
7 votes
2 answers

What was the relationship between Ravan and Tadaka?

I remember watching some mythological in which Ravan calls Mareech his mama i.e. maternal uncle. But Mareech and Subahu were the sons of Tadka so does that make Ravan the grandson of Tadka? I checked ...
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3 answers

Why is Ravan considered a Rakshasa?

Ravana's father was a Brahmin while his mother a Rakshasi. Then why is he considered a Rakshasa, Rather than a Brahmin. Is it because of his actions?
2 votes
4 answers

Is Raavana a rakshasa or a brahmin and how he can be a king too?

First, how is Raavana a rakshasa and a brahmin at the same time? Second, if Raavana is Brahmin, how is he the king of Lanka? Since one's caste was determined based on one's karma, I would think ...
7 votes
3 answers

Righteousness among Rakhshasas

Even though Ravana was among topmost in Bhakti towards Shiva the entire clan is branded evil for misdeeds that he alone was responsible. Vibhishana was a god man of morals, could rule well not ...
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0 answers

According to Hinduism, are all demons dead by now in the current time line or can new demons get created now? [closed]

According to Hinduism, Are there any demons yet to be killed, or will get killed now i.e in the present timeline at this moment, or is there any god battling with demons now and we are not aware of it?...
7 votes
0 answers

Did demons also have a Varna system?

Is there any reference of a demon or rakshasa having a varna? Was the Varna system followed by Rakshasas?
6 votes
2 answers

What is the story of Kali the demon?

There is a demon named Kali on whose name Kaliyuga is there. In which of the Puranas his story is given? What is the story of the demon Kali?
4 votes
1 answer

Are non-Hindus secretly assisted by asuras and rakshasas in their translations of the Vedas?

It is known that pitrs and devas assist brahmanas in their performance and dissemination of dharma, which includes interpretation of the vedas with the correct meaning. It's also known that rakshasas ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can a human become demon or viceversa?

Can a human of degraded character become demon or rakshasa? Or can a demon become human through his good character? Justify with refrence of scriptures.
7 votes
2 answers

Who is the three headed son of Ravana

In Ashok.K.Banker 's Ramayana he has written that in the forests of Chitrakoot Khara and Dushana were led by a three headed demon named Trisiras leader them against Ram. Grieved at the giants' ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is scriptural reference for the concept of Brahma Rakshasa?

As per this wikipedia article Brahma Rakshasha are Sprit with quality of brahmin as well as Rakshasha. Can someone please tell what is Origin of the concept Scriptural reference where this concept is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is Kuvera Rākṣasendra? Where is Rākṣasendra mentioned in the Mahābhārata? What is the source [Ann.111]?

Source: It says it means Rāvaṇa (I find this unlikely), or Kuvera (which would bring about more questions, but will also answer a few). Where in the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Which scriptures did rakshasa use to study?

What did the rakshasa use to study? Did they also have some kind of their own Veda? What did Ravana use to study?
4 votes
1 answer

Was Vibhishana powerful?

We all know that Vibhishana was a Brahmin-Daitya/Brahmin-Rakshasa and was an ardent follower of Lord Rama. But I think he didn't kill even a single person in the Rama-Ravana war. So, in my view, he ...
5 votes
1 answer

Who is the Rakshasa named Ravani in Ramayan?

Who is the Rakshasa named Ravani in Ramayan? Is Ravani the charitor of Ravan or the son of Ravan? It is said that Ravani was more powerful than Ravan and sometimes he bounds Indra with his magical ...
7 votes
2 answers

Who killed Ahiravan or Mahiravan?

I was thinking that Ahiravan and Mahiravan are two different Rakhasas but according to the answer of this question, I found both are two different names of same Rakhasa and he is a brother of Ravan. I ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why scriptures show demons(Rakshasa) as evil while they protect people?

Whenever we read our scriptures, we see the demons(Rakshasa) as people having evil powers and they always busy in troubling others. But I was stunned when I read the etymology of Rakshasa in Ramayana. ...
4 votes
1 answer

How long to meditate for god to come and visit?

In Hindu mythology, God has given boon to demons for meditating. Generally, how long the different demons had to meditate to make god visit them. Wanted to know general estimate of time to meditate, ...
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0 answers

Does anyone have a complete list of Demons that Shiva Killed and a list of Demons who worshiped Shiva? [closed]

In my attempt to understand the Gods(their Tatvarth), I wanted to know what demonic tendencies were not approved by Shiva and what demonic tendencies worshiped Shiva. We all know some of the demons, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Where did Rakshasas live during the time of the Ramayana?

Where did Rakshasas live during the time of the Ramayana? According to the Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Rakshasas, Pisachas, ghosts, etc live in Antariksha loka, which is basically Bhuva Loka, which is ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why viradha said that he should be buried in a Pit?

I was reading bengali ramayan by parashuram and came accross this . ramayan aranya kand , viradh vadh this says that it is the customary for rakshasas to get buried after death. अवटे च अपि माम् रा...
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Aren't Rakshasas known for uncontrollable passions, lust, greed and deceit?

Aren't Rakshasas known for uncontrollable passions, lust, greed and deceit ?
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What are sacrifices done on new moon and full moon where a part is thrown for Rakshasas?

Sage valmiki uses many metaphors and writes in a poetic sense while explaining an incident in the Valmiki Ramayana. There are hundreds of usages of Upama and rupaka alankara which is used to explain ...
12 votes
1 answer

Are the Rakshasas (demons) eternal?

God (Paratma) in Hinduism is beyond the realm of time, as a result of which He is eternal. According to the Hindu philosophy, each living creature possesses a soul (inner core of consciousness) which ...
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0 answers

Does Rakshasas belongs to human species? [duplicate]

Is Rakshasa a separate species or a group of people in human species? I mean, does Rakshasa means a bad/immoral human or entirely different from human species? Rakshasa
3 votes
1 answer

Is anti-Brahminism a quality of Asuras and Rakshasas?

Is anti-Brahminism a characteristic of Asuras and Rakshasas? Which group of created beings is the most anti-Brahmin (hatred and opposition to Brahminism and Brahminical way of life)?
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Is it a sin for Rakshasas, Pisachas, and Asuras to kill humans?

The armies of the Asuras (Daityas and Danavas), Rakshasas, and Pisachas frequently come to Earth and kill humans. It is even said in scriptures that the food for Pisachas is human flesh. Do these ...
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0 answers

Do demons (Asuras, Rakshasas, Pisachas, Nagas, etc) reveal false religions to humans according to Hindu scriptures?

According to the Puranas, Vishnu as Buddha revealed a false religion, which we know today as Buddhism, to deceive the Daityas who were using the Vedas to acquire power. Similarly, do Hindu scriptures ...
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Can Rakshasas do Yajnas?

Can Rakshasas do Vedic Yajnas? Are there instances where Rakshasas were doing Vedic Yajnas, like in the Ramayana?
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1 answer

Can Asuras or Rakshasas be summoned by any ritual?

In certain Pagan traditions in the West especially Goetia, demons are summoned by rituals mainly for material purposes. Can Asuras and Rakshasas be summoned in Hinduism by rituals? If yes, for what ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it a sin for a human to kill innocent Rakshasas, Asuras, Pisachas, or Nagas?

It is a sin for a human to kill other humans, animals, etc. But what about celestial beings? Is it a sin for a human to kill innocent Rakshasas, Asuras, Pisachas, and Nagas? Like can humans commit ...
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Do the armies of the Asuras and Rakshasas ally with the Mleccha kingdoms in their attacks on the Vedic civilization?

The Asuras and Rakshasas have a knack for destroying the Earth, the Vedic civilization, and the members of the 4 castes. Do the armies of the Asuras and Rakshasas form alliances with the Mleccha ...
5 votes
0 answers

Do the demons ever try to conquer Brahma loka or Shiva loka?

When Daitya Hiranyakashipu conquered the universe, he conquered up till Swarga. Text 13: O my dear King, Hiraṇyakaśipu was always drunk on strong-smelling wines and liquors, and therefore his ...
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Is it the dharma of Rakshasas to be evil?

I remember Ravana being berated for being adharmic (fighting while rendering himself invisible, if i recall right) and he says thats the way Rakshasas behave. Is Rakshasa Dharma described anywhere?
3 votes
1 answer

Why do we acquire Karma only in human birth and not in higher births such as Demi gods, etc?

There are tales of Rakshasas (Demi gods) in Mahabharata (Kansa, etc), Ramayana, etc. who committed mass murders. Did they not acquire bad Karmas for what they did?
8 votes
1 answer

Who is the current leader of Asuras?

The leader of Asuras, also known as Asurapati. The only one alive is Raja Bali who is now under protection of Shriman Narayana in the form of Vamana avatar. If he is in some other place and not ...