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What were the heights of Rama and Krishna?

What was the height of Lord Rama and that of Lord Krishna according to Ramayana and Mahabharata? Please answer along with the scripture quotations.
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Why did Gautama Muni curse Ahalya? Did she know about Indra before Gautama muni cursed her?

Story of Ahalya, Indra and Gautama Muni is very popular. Briefly, it goes like this. Gautama Muni went to river for bathing rituals. Ahilya, his wife was alone at the Ashram. Indra who disguised like ...
sbharti's user avatar
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Where was Ravana born? Do we have any mention of Ravana's birth place in any Ramayana or Purana?

Where was Ravana born? Do we have any mention of Ravana's birthplace in any Ramayana or Purana?
Parthibaraj Rajasekar's user avatar
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Anyone from Tamilnadu who has read Kamba Ramayana and can refute this guy's arguments? [closed]

I have studied Valmiki Ramayana but not Kamba ramayana. I can also see he is at fault in a few places. but I like to hear from others. I am requesting answer from those who accept Rama as God, not as ...
Parthibaraj Rajasekar's user avatar
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Where did lord Rama live after he got exiled, according to Valmiki Ramayana?

Where did lord Rama and Sita live after they got exiled from Ayodhya, according to Valmiki Ramayana?
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Was it possible to reject a girl if she approached a man in ancient Hindu India?

I read many places that there was a custom in ancient India. A man can not reject a girl who approaches him (Swayamagata Kanya). This was true for marriage; this was true for sex. Is this rule is ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Was Kumbhakarna a robot?

Indologist Nrisinghaprasad Bhaduri wrote in his book "Valmikir Ram o Ramayan" that it was told to Vanaras that Kumbhakarna was a "Yantra"(machine). Nrisinghaprasad Bhaduri argued ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Was widow re-marriage prevalent in Mahabharata?

Was widow marriage prevalent in ancient India? I was wondering about the custom of widow marriage in India. I know a couple of examples from Ramayana. Mandodari and Tara (wife of Bali) both remarried ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Was Raavan really a Ved pandit, and a great scholar? What were his dharmik qualities and acts if any?

It is often heard that Raavan was one of great person to live. He was expert in Vedas, and other scriptures. He was sitar player. However, I'm not able to find any scriptures' details to ascertain ...
sbharti's user avatar
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Gautama and Ahalya: she didn't turn into stone?

Popular Ramayana story describes Rama touching Ahalya, in stone form, and rescuing her. But in Mahabharata, the story is completely different. Gautama asks his son to kill his wife and goes away. His ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Brahmarishi Vishvamitra in Vedas and Itihasa

How is Brahmarishi Vishvamitra in the vedas different from what is mentioned about him in the itihasa?
Ganesh Sharma's user avatar
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How was Vajrajwala, Wife of gigantic Kumbhakaran in comparison to him? How did they live together?

Maharshi Valmiki in First Sarga, Uttarkand, Ramayan says that there was nothing as big as Kumbhakaran, and that he had two sons Kumbh and Nikumbh. Do we have any details about marriage of Kumbhakaran ...
sbharti's user avatar
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Did Rama stop the aerial car at Nandigrama itself to meet Bharata?

I have a confusion on whether Rama stopped the Pushpaka Vimana at Nandigrama itself to meet Bharata. If yes, then how Rama and Sita reached Ayodhya from Nandigrama?
Kiran's user avatar
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How to reconcile Rama's Vishwaroopa, Upanishads and Krishna saying he is Rama only among warriors?

Lord Rama is often known as the supreme being according to Vaishnavism. This is evidenced by many scriptural refereces: Brahma in Valmiki Ramayana 6.117.31-32 calls Rama the first/primeval and ...
R. Kaushik's user avatar
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Blind obedience to father in Scriptures

Shantanu agreed to Pratipa's wish, hence had to marry Ganga. Bhishma left everything for his father's wish. Rama followed the orders of his father and left for exile even when he could have easily ...
Sudhir Sharma's user avatar
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Does the fever curing mantra given by Dvivida found elsewhere? Is it in a mantra group family? Are any other mantras supposed to be written?

In Chapter 27 of the Kalki Purāṇa a short mantra is written by Dvivida for curing Lakṣmaṇa of a fever: समुद्रस्योतरे तीरे द्विविदो नाम वानरः Samudrasyotare tīre Dvivido nāma Vānaraḥ This is an odd ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Is there any scriptural basis for the claim that Europeans/White people are vanaras and belong to Hanuman's lineage?

According to some Europeans, they were treated as untouchables in the 17th century in India. According to the Nepali civil code of 1854 they were "Pani Na Chalne Chhoichhito Haalnu Naparne" ...
R. Kaushik's user avatar
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Did Ravana wear a sacred thread?

Did Ravana wear a sacred thread? If I get any sastric reference it will be helpful
Parthibaraj Rajasekar's user avatar
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What is the first Sloka in Ramayana?

Valmiki keeps on wondering about Maanishada... sloka and Brahma says it is Saraswathi's grace and it is considered as the first sloka. Then what about the conversation between Sage Narada and Valmiki, ...
Kappagantula Ram Narayan's user avatar
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Did any Rishi tell that Lord Hanuman would compose Brahma Sutra Bhashya?

I read somewhere, that in Valmiki Ramayana, its written that Valmiki or some other Rishi predicted that Lord Hanuman would compose Brahma Sutra Bhashya in future. Is this true? Where exactly in ...
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Why Mother Sīta is shown holding lotus in Her left hand?

In almost all representations of Mother Sita with Lord Rama, She is shown with a lotus in her left hand. As evident in the following images. While it can be explained why Sri Rama is shown with Bow ...
RishX's user avatar
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Lord Hanuman is called as "Pavan-putra", the son of wind. The Vedas say, there are fortynine winds. Which Pawan, helped conceive Lord Hanuman?

Krishna says in B.Gita (chapter #10) among the 49 winds, "marichi" is His own opulence. The Vedic Puranas further relate that Sage Kashyap fathered daityas (demons) from his second wife Diti....
user30612's user avatar
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According to Nyaya, are Mahabharata and Ramayan real or mythology?

According to Nyaya school of philosophy in Hinduism, is itihaas like Ramayan and Mahabharata real history or mythology .
Dark Knight's user avatar
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What is Shri hanuman siting on in the given image?

In this image, what is Shri hanuman siting on?
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Veda vyasa mahabaratham [duplicate]

Where will I get mahabarat books written by maharishi veda vyasa in India? Also I wanted to get srimad Bhagavadam by vyasa and ramayan written by valmiki. When I search for such books I don't get the ...
user23599's user avatar
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Did Parashurama cede all his powers to end the confrontation with Rama in the Ramayana?

The two Ramas have a confrontation and at the end Parashruma says But I triumphed over matchless realms of heavens with my ascesis, oh, Rama, you may hash them up with that irreversible arrow... let ...
S K's user avatar
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Does Shri Rama return in the month of Chaitra or Vaishakha?

The main question is right below, if you want to avoid the scriptural reference in the middle. also below we are following Amanta calendar (similar to South India) Valmiki Ramayana Shri Rama was ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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What's the story of Shravan Kumar's parents?

As discussed in this QnA, the name "Shravana Kumara" (श्रवणकुमार), as is genrally captured in our popular imagination, is not actually found in the Valmiki Ramayana based recensions. The old ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Which incarnations of Lord Vishnu are mentioned in the Rāmāyaṇa?

Like the Mahābhārata has several explicit references to various incarnations of Lord Vishnu, including that of Shri Rāma, What about the Rāmāyaṇa? Which all incarnations of the Lord, have been ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Is there any mention of Lord Krishna in the Rāmāyaṇa?

In the Canto CXIX.: Glory To Vishnu of the Yuddha Kāṇḍa of the Valmikí Rāmāyaṇa, after Rāvaṇa has been defeated, all deities appear in the sky and eulogize Shri Rāma, as Lord Vishnu himself ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Is the Moksha achieved after getting slayed by the Supreme Lord impermanent as in the case of Jaya and Vijaya's first two births?

As per this QnA, anyone killed by the Supreme Lord achieves Moksha. Then why is it that the cursed Jīvātman of Jaya & Vijaya (the door keepers of God Vishnu's Vaikuntha) had to be re-born not ...
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How come sage Valmiki did not know about Rama up until Narada narrated to him? When the birth of Rama was celebrated and everybody knew him [duplicate]

I started reading Ramayana and had this doubt so thought would be better to ask it here.
Moksha Kalwad's user avatar
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Did Lakshmi come out of Samudramanthanam in the Ramayana version?

In the twitter feed of eminent Srivaishnavite lecturer/teacher Velukkudi Krishnan - somebody asked the above question.
S K's user avatar
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did Indrajit tell Ravana that Rama was Narayana himself? In this (In Hindi) episode Indrajit tells Ravana that when he fired them at Lakshmana, Brahmastra, Pashupathastra and Narayana chakra only saluted Lakshmana ...
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What leisure activities found in Mahābhārata, Rāmāyaṇa & Purāṇa-s?

The modern world has got sports, degenerated cinema, etc. for leisure activities. I wonder what all our ancestors did as pastime?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
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Why did the Sea God (Samudra) not yield to Lord Rama when he was however, willing to help Hanuman using Mainaka?

In the Sundarakanda of the Ramcharitmanas it is said: जलनिधि रघुपति दूत बिचारी। तैं मैनाक होहि श्रम हारी॥५॥ Knowing him to be a messenger of Rama, the Sea (Sea God) told Mainaka to become a reliever ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Why did Hanuman say that he can't liberate himself from Indrajit's Brahmastra?

When Indrajit fired Brahmastra towards Hanuman, Hanuman say he has no capacity to liberate himself from Brahmastra. Here is the quote from Sundara Kanda Sarga 48. "I have no capacity to liberate ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Did Ravana from Ramayana lust over Goddess Parvati?

I was reading an answer on quora which states that Ravana lusted over Goddess Parvati. Did Ravana lust on goddess Parvati ?
Dark Knight's user avatar
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The Four Curses and a Boon by Devī Sītā

In his book, Sita: An Illustrated Retelling of the Ramayana, Mr. Devdutt Pattanaik talks about an interesting event during the exile period of Śrī Rāma, Devī Sītā & Lakṣmaṇa, where Devī Sītā ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Do any authentic vedic scriptures depict Sri Ram as the only ultimate parabrahman?

In the present era, many people worship Shri Ram as Bhagavan, many people see him as merely an incarnation, and many people consider him to simly be an ideal man. But other than the Sri Valmiki ...
Anupom Mazumder's user avatar
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How did earth sustain itself after Rishi agastya drank all the water from the oceans?

Rishi Agastya drank the oceans so the Devtas can iradicate the asura's hiding in the depth of Oceans,but he digested all the water and it was not filled back. Then after many 1000s of years later ...
vince's user avatar
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Peace negotiations with Vali

Rama send Angadha as peace envoy before the war start. Krishna goes himself as peace envoy before the great war. There is always first try to resolve by peaceful process and eat is last resort. Along ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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How did Rama kill Rakshasa Viradha even though the latter had a boon that no weapons can harm him?

The below quotes are taken from Bibek Debroy's English translation of Valmiki Ramayana. In this world, I would not be slain by any weapon, nor would it be able to penetrate me or slice through me. ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Slavery in Ram Rajya

Here ओशो-राम-राज्य-कैसा-था Osho is claiming that there was slavery in the Rama's time and women were bought and sold. Are there any verses that mention the same or any proof that there was slavery ...
dark_prince's user avatar
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What is the varna of Jambavan? [duplicate]

Many people in South India say that Jambavan is a dalit. Is it true? What do Ramayana and other scriptures say?
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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who arrived first in satyug? [duplicate]

who arrived first in satyug ? Lord Ram or lord krishna According to this Lord krishna arrived first in satyug but Valmiki written ramayan before Ved Vyas- Mahabharat So here im confused
jasmine's user avatar
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Who is Matanga rushi?

What are the names of Matanga rushi's father and mother? Were children of Matanga rushi Brahmins? how did Matanga rushi change his caste? Was Jambavanta a Chandala?
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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List of critical edition of Hindu texts?

I have read Critical edition of Ramayana [will start with CE of Mahabharata too]. I was wondering if anyone have the list of critical editions of other Hinduism text?
Shiv Sahil Guleri's user avatar
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Relation between Rama and sita?

If Nimi and Kukshi were sons of Ikshvaku then how could Rama and Sita marry? If they shared common ancestry then they would become brother and sister in relation, right? please elaborate.
Jayanth MG's user avatar
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Is there any connection between Hanuman of Ramayana and the monkey King who journeyed to the west?

Is there any truth in saying they are the same.Even though both stories are completely different? Monkey king was an important part of a Chinese folk story. He was a demi God and he was an immortal. ...
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