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"Is 'Atimaharathi' a fake term? If not, what is its reference in ancient texts like the Vedas, Puranas, or Itihasas?

"Is 'Atimaharathi' a Newly created fake term? If not, what is its reference in ancient texts like the Vedas, Puranas, or Itihasas? Please provide exact refrence.
Golden Thought's user avatar
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Is there any instance of Sati practice described in Itihasa and Purana?

Was Sati practice (a widow sacrifices herself by sitting atop her deceased husband's funeral pyre) prevalent or rare in Hindu society described in Itihasas, Puranas, Vedas etc? Was it a norm or an ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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A question about Marriage

It is said in Manusmriti that a Brahmana may marry a Brahmana girl of his own race(same country probably) then girls of lower varnas.. In itihasas and puranas we find examples of Sages marrying ...
Harsh's user avatar
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Does any scripture talk about extinction of Vanaras?

I have never heard of any scriptures talking much about vanaras after Ramayan and except lord hanuman. And they seem to have gone extinct in today's time except for lord hanuman again. Does any ...
Rudra's user avatar
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What are the different texts to learn about Lord Rama?

I love hinduism and in that I love reading about Lord Rama and Mata sita. I want to know which other Ramayanas or texts related to Lord Rama are available to us so that I can read them. Can someone ...
Giyu Tomioka's user avatar
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Was shri rama born from ashvamedha yajna or putrakameshti yajna?

I will procedurally conduct the ritual contained in the preamble of adharva-veda with procedural hymns, called putra kaameSTi i.e., the ritual that bestows sons, for your benefit." VR [1-15-2] ...
user28510's user avatar
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Is the translation of Bhusundi Ramayana available online?

Is the translation of Aadi Ramayana/Bhusundi Ramayana (spoken by lord brahmaa) available online? (English or Hindi translation)
jaishreeram's user avatar
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Is there any scriptural basis for the claim that Europeans/White people are vanaras and belong to Hanuman's lineage?

According to some Europeans, they were treated as untouchables in the 17th century in India. According to the Nepali civil code of 1854 they were "Pani Na Chalne Chhoichhito Haalnu Naparne" ...
R. Kaushik's user avatar
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What's the story of Shravan Kumar's parents?

As discussed in this QnA, the name "Shravana Kumara" (श्रवणकुमार), as is genrally captured in our popular imagination, is not actually found in the Valmiki Ramayana based recensions. The old ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Which incarnations of Lord Vishnu are mentioned in the Rāmāyaṇa?

Like the Mahābhārata has several explicit references to various incarnations of Lord Vishnu, including that of Shri Rāma, What about the Rāmāyaṇa? Which all incarnations of the Lord, have been ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Were there public events for sports and recreation which were followed in Ancient India? [duplicate]

In both Ramayan and Mahabharath, there are references to marriage alliance being made through tests of skill. If so, were there public events like the Olympics or World Cups of today which were ...
mustard's user avatar
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Are there instances in Hinduism where Dharma is cited to both support and oppose an act?

For example - the killing of Duryodhana is condemned by Baladeva and celestial beings showered flowers on the fatally wounded Duryodhana when he chastised Krishna for his acts of treachery throughout ...
S K's user avatar
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How many wives did Ravana have?

Is Mandodari the only wife of Ravana? Or did he have other wives too? If he had more than one wife, then why is only Mandodari famous? In which scripture(s) are others mentioned? What are the names ...
Kailash Chandra Polai's user avatar
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Where did the Brahmastra, which Bhagwan Rama launched to dry up the sea, eventually fall?

At the time when Lord Rama was on his way to Lanka, he asked the sea god (sagara) for help and to make way for his journey , but the sea god didn't offer any help. Then Shree Rama activated brahmastra....
Mirg Nitin's user avatar
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Sources validating Rāvaṇa’s plan to build a staircase to heaven

There are several pages out there claiming a legend of Rāvaṇa planning to build a staircase in order to get to heaven (or, the region of the moon) without performing Vedic rituals. All of the sources ...
Gabe Hiemstra's user avatar
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References to Varanasi in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata

An ongoing study by IIT Kharagpur shows that civilization may have existed in Varanasi as long as 4500 BC. My question is inspired by this study. What are the references available to Varanasi or ...
Amit Saxena's user avatar
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Why are only Ramayana and Mahabharata classified as Itihasa?

What does Itihasa mean? Also, why no other text is classified under Itihasa except these two?
Amit Saxena's user avatar
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What is the story of Alambusha, demon son of sage Rishyasringa?

Alambusha, AKA Shalakantaka, was a Rakshasa (demon) who fought on the Kaurava side in the Mahabharata war. As described in the Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata, he was the one who killed Arjuna's son ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar