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Why did Ravana, Kansa die such easy deaths?

I mean people who were slaughtered by them died so severely while on the other hand they died so easily without much so pain ?
Shiv's user avatar
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Which king was more powerful between Kārtavīryārjuna and Rāvaṇa, and did they ever share their thrones with each other?

[This is a question I'd asked on Yahoo! Answers some time ago which did not elicit any particularly helpful responses thereat.] Both the thousand-armed Hehaya king Kārtavīryārjuna and the ten-headed ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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Why is ravana still worshipped in a few places till today despite being the demon king?

I have seen in films, heard tales about how in south India many people worship ravana, surely they must be following a different folklore version which edifies ravana but isn't Ramayana an universally ...
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