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Questions tagged [rishi]

rishi (Sanskrit: "seer; one who sees") — is a word that simply means a sage or a divine seer in general. the great sages of ancient India who, in deep states of meditation (communion with the cosmos), and through spiritual experimentation, discovered the underlying, fundamental truths of the Universe, and whose teachings formed the basis for the spiritual culture of the ancient Vedic civilization.

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Who are the wives of Rishi Durvasa?

This particular chapter from the Shiva Puran on Shiva's dalliance with Parvati mentions something interesting: The sage Durvāsas separated Indra in copulation with Rambhā and the sage got separation ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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Are sages also classified as tamasic?

Padma purana Uttara Khanda chapter 235 verse 26-30 Here Lord Vishnu to approach 10 tamasic sages Kaṇāda, Gautama, Śakti, Upamanyu, Jaimini, Kapila, Durvāsas, Mṛkaṇḍu, Bṛhaspati, Bhārgava and ...
Harsh's user avatar
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Where can I meet Vedic rishis?

Where can I meet vedic rishis who are not associated with advaita dvaita or vishishtadvaita? Who teach purely Vedic teachings directly and not associated with any bhasyas..are there any such gurus/...
Harsh's user avatar
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Who is the Kiratarupi Maharudra Rishi mentioned in the Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham?

The seer for the Dattatreya Vajra Kavacham is identified as 'Kirātarūpī Mahārudrṛṣiḥ'. This is inferred from the lines in the kavacham, as taken from the Himavath kanda of Sri Rudrayamala: asya ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Do puranas mention any sages/yogis other than Sage Dadhichi who showed A Universal form?

In Shiva Purana, We come Across Sage Dadhichi, Who is said to have showed A universal form. Shiva purana Section 2.2 - Rudra-saṃhitā (2): Satī-khaṇḍa Ch 39 Do puranas similarly mention any other ...
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Do you know any Gurus with title of Rishi Maharshi Bramharshi or Devarshi presently?

There have been many rishis like Maharshi Mahesh Yogi,Vethathiri Maharshi etc. Do such rishis exist in present times that use similar titles?
Harsh's user avatar
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List of Shaiva sages mentioned in scriptures

Which Sages are described in the scriptures(Vedas,Upanishads,Puranas) to be Shaivas (Devotees of Shiva)? Please provide a list of Shaiva sages as long as possible.
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What is the detailed story of Rishi Jabali turning cow meat into onions?

In the book "Accounts of the Writings, Religions and Manners of the Hindoos" by William Ward published in 1811 there is a section on extraordinary deeds by various high-souled Rishis. (Pages ...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
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Where is the following incident found?

There is a story roughly as follows: A sage (probably Angiras, though I don't remember for certain) was preaching jnan to his ancestors by addressing them as his children. Then, his ancestors ...
Harsh's user avatar
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List of Advaita Vedanta proponents: The rishis, sages, gods that supported Aham Brahmasmi

Consider this question as a sequel to this question: Advaita Vedanta Gitas Advaita Vedanta as an interpretation of Vedanta is one of the oldest. Consider this question as a comprehensive list of all ...
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Which Rishi was cursed to be an animal for faltering in a sacrifice?

However he was saved by a god? Who was the person who cursed him and which kind God saved him?
ajitdas's user avatar
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Apart from Brahmarishi Vishwamitra any people from Kshatriyas became rishis?

Vishwamitra was originally a rajanya and then achieved enlightenment. I take it that he achieved Brahmin Varna. Are there any more examples with references?
ajitdas's user avatar
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Rishi Viswamitra created a new heaven, could not produce food for him and his family?

So i was reading srimad devi bhagavata purana in which its mentioned the story of Trisanku and sage viswamitra. in that story its stated sage viswamitra's family was living in raja Trisanku's kingdom ...
Deepanshu Molasi's user avatar
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Who is the Rishi Samharabhairava?

The banalinga kavacham discusses one Rishi Samharabhairava (संहारभैरवऋषि) in the beginning, but I can't find any information about who he was. It seems that he himself wrote that mantra. I know of an '...
CDR's user avatar
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When a Rishi is associated with a mantra, does it mean anything more than he/she is the author of the mantra?

for example the dhyana shloka of Vishnu Sahasra Nama says Asya shree vishno divya sahasranama sthotra maha-mantrasya, shree vedavyaso bhagavan rishih Similarly, each mandala/group of Rig Vedic ...
S K's user avatar
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Who was Rishi Talavkara, the founder of Talavkar Shakha of Samaveda?

As we know that out of thousand Shakhas of Samaveda, only three are prevailing today - Kauthuma, Jaimini and Ranayani. Jaimini shakha of Samaveda is also known as Talavkara. No information about ...
Pandya's user avatar
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What are these incidents mentioned by Lord Shiva as examples of helping his devotees?

While reading the Shiva Purana Rudra Samhita Parvati Khanda I came across the following declarations by the Lord: The vow of the king of Assam (Kāmarūpa) was made fruitful. I saved king Sudakṣiṇā who ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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What was the origin of mlecchas according to Hindu scriptures

Hinduism scriptures describe to origin of people of India as they were born out of rishis but how do they describe about the origin o people of other countries which are called as mlecchas and ...
Hindutvadi 's user avatar
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The story of the sage Rishyasringa

The Wikipedia article for the Sringeri Sharadamba Temple mentions that: As per Hindu legend, the place is associated with sage Rishyasringa, son of Vibhandakamuni. He did severe penance at this place,...
Shashaank's user avatar
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Are there some phenomena or somethings which in Hinduism which not explained by science and can only be explained by scriptures/religion/supernatural?

An atheist argument would be everything could be explained scientifically. Are there some phenomena which even science cant explain and can only be explained by the scriptures/rishis/sadhus?
Shiv's user avatar
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How to do trataka on a deity/idol?

I want to know about doing trataka on idol/deity what's the method, what's the benifits and which deity the best to start with
Abhinav Raj's user avatar
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What is the major difference between a Brahmana and a Maha Rishi (sage)? They both have divine knowledge, so what are their purposes?

. Are Brahmana and Rishis same? What makes them different? .
Thor Odinson's user avatar
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Are there two different rishis kutsa and kutsat?

I belong to kutsat gotra. I know about kutsa rishi but i want to know was there any kutsat rishi in past or kutsat and kutsa rishi are one and the same?
Harsh's user avatar
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Do goddesses and wives of any rishis wear the Yajñopaveetam (sacred thread)?

Male gods and other devas and sages, are all depicted wearing the sacred thread in their images or murtis. And, the scriptures too describe their form (in the dhyana-shlokas) with a sacred thread. ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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How are sages able to travel the multiverse?

From what I understand this can only be accomplished by the help of at least 1 deity?
Orionixe's user avatar
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I am Ghoi vaishya and my gotra is gangal i am trying to find my sage and kuldevta. any help would be really awesome!

I am Ghoi vaishya and my gotra is gangal i am trying to find my orignal rishi and kuldevta. any help would be really awesome!
Rishi's user avatar
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What are the major examples of Brahman or Sage became King in Hinduism?

In Hindu Varna system, politics, war and ruling the kingdom is Dharma of Kshatriya. Similarly, Dharma of Brahman is to learn, teach, perform Yadnya and other vedic activities, advice the king etc. On ...
Aastik's user avatar
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In the time of the Mahabharata, how would royal priest worship a great rishi?

The image, above, is an excerpt from Kisari Mohan Ganguli's translation of The Complete Mahabharata. It describes the scene when Satyavati calls Vyasa (by thinking of him) to ask him to father ...
Parag's user avatar
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How did Shukracharya get Sanjeevani Vidya?

There are many instances where Shukracharya made use of his Sanjeevani Vidya to revive the dead Asuras. My question is how did he get this knowledge and who gave it to him?
Kiran's user avatar
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If Akrodha is considered a virtue, then why most sages and Devtas do not possess it?

Akrodha is a virtue according to Hinduism and Krodha is consider a tamas quality. Absence of anger (akrodha) means being calm even when insulted, rebuked or despite great provocation. Akrodha does not ...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
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Are there two Kashyaps

Kashyapa is one of the Saptarishis to whom several important texts such as the Kashyapa Samhita (on Ayurveda) is attributed. Then there is Kanada, who is the father of the Vaisheshika school of Hindu ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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Is there any book devoted to better decision making? [closed]

Is there any book written by the sages devoted to better decision making in life ?
Shiv's user avatar
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Recreational activities

Can someone please provide the recreational activities suggested by ancient sages for students so that I can focus better. I mean how students in ancient India, while staying away from cities used to ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Gautama maharshi's parents/ancestry

Who are Gautama maharshi, one of sapta rishis, parents and ancestors linking all the way to Brahma? Are there any stories related to his birth? Mahabharata describes him as son of Gotama but nothing ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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How to reconcile these incendiary acts of Devaguru Bṛhaspati, in the story of Dīrghatamas (from Mahābhārata)?

In the Book 1: Adi Parva, Sambhava Parva (Section 104) of the Mahābhārata, we encounter an appalling story of sage Dīrghatamas, as narrated by Pitāmaha Bhīṣhma to Satyavatī. I'm quoting the ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Why gods were unable to save them from curses of human beings?

No offense but I am unable to understand why Hindu gods seems unable to save themselve from curse. For example:- Ganesha was beheaded by Shiva because he was cursed by Sage Kashayapa, Vishnu was ...
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
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Is there any original detailed treatise on the rituals (Kalpa Vedanga) of the Vedas other than the Kalpa Sutras and who is the propagating Rishi?

Understanding Scriptures - Part 2 Summary: The questions are right at the end indicated in big bold letters. One can get a summarised view by reading the question section. The logic and reason of ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Who are the Valakhilya rishis?

Source says: Valakhilyas- are thumb sized ascetics accompanying the sun in its every day travel in the sky. They are protecting the humanity by taking all the extra heat and act like the ozone layer. ...
S K's user avatar
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What's the significance of Mṛta Sanjeevani Vidyā, when sages (like Bhṛgu Rishi) can revive dead people just by their tapas itself?

As I ask in this Question about some of my doubts in reference to the Mṛta Sanjeevani Mantra (मृत संजीवनी मंत्र), similarly, there have been several instances when sages have been able to revive the &...
Vivikta's user avatar
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How to become a celestial Sage like Narada?

How can I or anyone become a celestial Sage like Shrí Narada.?
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Mandavya Rishi, the King and Yamaraja Curse

As per the Adi Parva of Mahabharata, Chapter 106 & 107, the story of Mandavya Rishi is narrated. In short, he was given a punishment by the soldiers of a (KING ?) , and thus made to sit on a ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Who is Queen Choladevi?

Who is Queen Choladevi and what is she doing with Sage Angiras in this painting?
Celestial's user avatar
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Do rishies and maharishi attain super power after long years of meditation or other act's?

After long years of meditation can a maharishi attain super power like the ability to use Alchemy (the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Is this story true? How can a Rishi curse a God? Rishi Bhrigu, the father of Shukracharya and the husband of Kavyamata, curses Vishnu saying,“ Hey Vishnu! By killing a woman, you have breached ...
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Is there a list/book of all Mantras, their Rishis/seers & the Dieties corresponding to each? [closed]

Is there a list or collection of all mantras, their rishis & their deities ?
user22694's user avatar
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Who was Sankhyanasa rishi and what is his gotra pravara?

Who was Sankhyanasa rishi? Who were his forefathers and what was is his lineage? What is his gotra pravara? There is some info that his gotra maybe is a sublineage of Vasishta gotra, very similar to ...
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Is dharma created by God, rishis, and the devatas?

What does "dharma" mean? And is dharma created by God, rishis, and the devatas, or is it eternal and always applicable to all of humanity, all the time?
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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What is the story of Rishika Vagambharni who had reached the stage of identifying herself with Devi through her Saadhana?

While chanting Devishukta of Rigveda (10.125) in recently passed Navaratri time, I came to know about daughter of Ṛṣi Aṃbhṛṇa​, named Vāk (also known as Vāk + Aṃbhṛṇa​ = Vāgāṃbhṛṇi). It is said that ...
Pandya's user avatar
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How did rishi Bhringi take birth with 3 legs?

There are many sculptures of rishi Bhringi in temples of South India; which show he has 3 legs. Is there any scriptural basis that he had 3 legs by birth or did he get them after birth? Here are some ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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Do scriptures mention of rishis, who have the power to create fully grown human beings? [duplicate]

Do scriptures mention of rishis, who could create fully grown human beings using their power?
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