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Questions tagged [sadhana]

disciplined and dedicated practice or learning, especially in religion or music.

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A Story of Two Ants And The Pot of Sugar

There's a story about two ants who were searching for food. I've paraphrased it below. They found a place where sugar was being prepared in a huge pot and ran towards it. One of the ants jumped into ...
Harihara's user avatar
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Meaning of Achamanam?

Achamanam ritual which is done before worship has any esoteric meaning ? Or it has to something with body(astral or causal) or mind ? Like mantra chanted by sidda will give immediate effect but for ...
Spiritual Aspirant's user avatar
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anusthan vs purascharana

To attend mantra siddhi(realising the deity), one has to do purasharana(x japa, x/10 homa, x/100 tarpana, x/1000 marjana, x/10000 bhojanam). Even in many references they are saying about anusthana, ...
Spiritual Aspirant's user avatar
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Purpose of worshipping a ugra Devi and devtas?

There are many ugra devtas in Hindu pantheon like Narasimha , Shamshad Kali, ugra Tara ,Chinnamasta , Chandi , Chamunda ,matangi ,dhumavati , bhairava etc,. Worshipping especially Kali and maa Tara is ...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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Gayatri Purushcharan

I want to do Gayatri Purushcharan, I have taken diksha from Gayatri pariwar but it's difficult to get continuous guidance from them. I travel a lot. Where can I find a guide
gaurav's user avatar
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Why do chanting malas have 108+1 beads?

I have often heard that the number 108 has a special significance in the Vedic culture; when mantras are chanted using beads, it is done in a cycle of 108 times. And when 108 times are completed, the ...
Aditya Mishra's user avatar
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How does one control chitta during japa/sadhana?

I understand it takes time to control the mind as a beginner. But does it mean I have to force back my thoughts onto the deity I'm focusing on everytime my mind wanders? Have you controlled your ...
Anirudh's user avatar
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Is it possible for humans to attain the power to display Vishvaroopa (cosmic form)of their own through any Yoga , Mantra or Tantra Sadhana?

Is it possible for humans to attain the power to display a cosmic form through any particular Yoga, Tantra or Mantra sadhana? What do different scriptures and philosophies say about it? It's ...
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Is it possible for humans to attain the power to create Universes or Multiverses of their own through any Yoga , Mantra or Tantra Sadhana?

Is it possible for humans to attain the power to create Universes or Multiverses of their own through any particular sadhana? What do all the different scriptures and philosophies say about it? It's ...
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Vishnu Prayer while invocation of other Deities

Is there any way I can invoke and praise (Budh, Brihaspati, Mangala) and various other devatas and rishis before I start my prayer solely dedicated to the lotus feet of Vishnu?
Haridasa's user avatar
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Mantra/Sloka to chant before we lit a lamp

For water we usually chant gange cha sloka, which provides all auspiciousness of these holy rivers: ganga. yamuna. godhavari. saraswati. narmada. sindhu. kaveri. Question: Is there anything similar ...
Spiritual Aspirant's user avatar
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Is Virtual Sadhana the same as in person?

Recently I have seen news making headlines of the Sadhana App for ios and Android devices for Hindus to be able to practice Sadhana in a modern way thats environmentally friendlier and also much more ...
Kalinago's user avatar
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I want to start Durga Devi Sadhana

If there is anyone who is doing Durga Sadhana could you please share some info. Is there any mantra that needs to be recited daily? I find reciting 32 names of Durga Devi stotram is one approach. but ...
ckb's user avatar
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What is the correct method for Manasik Japa?

How do you actually perform manasik japa? What is the correct method?
Aspiring Learner's user avatar
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Dharmashastra and certain types of alcoholic beverages

Among the 5 greatest sins, is the drinking of Surā or alcohol. Basically, Tamasic foods are not recommended which include, fermented items such as alcohol. However the dharmashastras have carved an ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Significance of stones in mouth: An intriguing aspect of Vidura's final state in the Mahabharata

In the Mahabharata, the state of Vidura just prior to his departure is vividly described. Here's the excerpt He had matted locks on his head, and gravels in his mouth, and was exceedingly emaciated. ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Can anybody provide authentic quotations regarding Karna-Pishachini?

Karṇapiśācinī sādhanā is a well-renowned practice within the occult circles. It is mostly used to obtain material benefits, most notably to obtain knowledge about the past, present & future of ...
অনু's user avatar
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Exploring sadhanas for transformation: Overcoming the impact of birth on nature

In a fascinating discourse between Yudhishthira and Bhishma found in the Anusasanika Parva of the Mahabharata, Bhishma discusses the interplay between a person's birth and their conduct. He ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Can one break down mantra japa sadhana into two sessions for ease of use?

I am planning on doing mantra sadhana during this Navratri for Durga Worship. I intend to do 108 repetitions (per day) of a certain stotram. I will take Sankalpa for the same before starting my ...
akash4eva's user avatar
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Is there any sattvic sadhana to experience divine beings extremely fast?

There is an abundant number of sadhanas in Hinduism. The nature of sadhanas can be classified into three categories: Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic. Doing Sattvic sadhanas are highly recommended for ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What exactly is a "Chaattan"?

In Kerala,there is a continued tradition of worshipping "Chaatan".They are believed to be beings who can harm ,and are sent by an individual for a specific purpose(possibly even death).They ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Is the Hamjaad sadhna endemic to Hinduism?

I’ve heard of a sadhana that focuses on a being called “Hamzaad”.The “Hamzaad” sadhana is said to be more dangerous than other sadhanas, but upon successfully attaining this state, the Hamjaad is said ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Is it possible to change one’s physical features via tapasya/sadhna?

Is it possible to change one’s physical features like height, weight, voice, eye colour etc through a sadhana(s)? What category will such a sadhana fall into,vama margi,or dakshina margi? Edit: I don’...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Does the order of these four names govern the steps in attaining moksha?

Consider the following four names from Lalitha Sahastranaama Loka theetha She who is beyond the world Guna theetha She who is beyond properties Sarvatheetha She who is beyond everything Samathmika ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Panchamundi and Navamundi asanas

I was curious about the Panchamundi and Navamundi asanas. Is the provision of sitting and meditating in those asanas given in tantras of Sri Vidya, Kubjika Tantra or tantras like Jayadrathayamala? ...
samique upreti's user avatar
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Why do I feel internal tremors/shaking while meditation?

I'm new to this site. Apologies in advance if I made any mistake. Please read the details. I've recently started meditation. I do it every night before sleeping. But after a few minutes of starting ...
Spongebob's user avatar
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How long pet animals or birds mourn?

It feels immense pain to lose a pet bird and due to this its pair bird is screaming and behaving so weird, silent sometimes and arrogant toward us. How long this will continue? Is there a chanting ...
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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Who controls the mind according to Advaita Vedanta?

According to Advaita Vedanta if I am always the witness consciousness, Brahman, then who 'controls' the mind? Mind control is an important part of most Sadhana, and if I am the watcher of my thoughts, ...
Chandramouli Santhanam's user avatar
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Wearing chakra specific color clothes?

We know that each chakra has a specific color associated with it and that there are certain types of food or gems specified in our texts for each chakra that helps balancing/activating/aligning that ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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What are the Matrikas exactly?

Say for example, if I say the word “Narayana”, as such, there is no problem. But if I chant “Om Namo Narayana” which is a mantra, in the absence of Diksha, it may be a problem(death and permanent ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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What should a celibate do ,to attain moksha ,only by maintaining unbroken celibacy?

This video attributes a quite to Swami Shivananda,saying that practice of unbroken celibacy for 12 years,will be sufficient for the practioner such that he will undergo Self Realization,when he hears ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Certain sadhanas require one to abstain from speech for a period of time. Do scriptures allow written communication in such a case?

Certain sadhanas require one to abstain from speech for a period of time (say, 40 days). Most householders cannot adhere to this. Do scriptures allow written communication in such a case? If yes, ...
chhatra's user avatar
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Is listening to music bad for moksha?

Many people listen to music,this is a fact,Carnatic Music being one among them. A spiritual aspirant is advised to shun all sense pleasing actions. Since listening to music that he/she likes,...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Sense organ suppression as a sadhna

Podcast with Sarvesh Shashi 5:28-6:00 He mentions Not touching , Staying silent, Vipasana,etc. Can someone elaborate on what sadhanas is Sarvesh referencing to? Please also give scripture reference. ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Benefits of devi 'Durga' naam jap with proofs scriptural reference from sāshtras

I want to know the benefits and results of chanting Durgâ name only. Can we chant Durgâ name without guru dikșha? And, what if I chant it constantly for some years? Can I get siddhi from it? Will my ...
Devi Das's user avatar
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What makes Brahma muhurta special for sadhana? [duplicate]

Why is brahma muhurta given so much importance? What exactly is its significance as per shastras? I heard that at the time of brahmamuhurta all rishis on earth release their spiritual energies and ...
Rudra's user avatar
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Are there any mantras or sadhanas that enable one to remember the current birth in the next birth?

How can we ensure remembrance of all knowledge gained in current birth in the next birth if moksha is not achieved?
chhatra's user avatar
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Are there any ragas/musical instruments associated with each chakras/energy centres?

I am interested in knowing and understanding if there are any Indian classical ragas/ musical instrument associated with the chakras/energy centres? Reason am asking is coz we have seed syllables/beej ...
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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Touching water after daily puja - sãdhanã bad?

I have heard that one must not touch water after having finished their daily pújã/upãsanã - पूजा/उपासना. This is because, that due to mantra-uccharaña - मंत्रोच्चारण while doing sãdhanã - साधना, a ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Kreem Beej Mantra Sadhana

What is Kreem Beej Mantra Sadhana, can it be used for the recovery of a person. I want to know everything about the mantra, the pros and cons of it, and whether I have to offer any puja to Kali? If ...
Pranjal Basak's user avatar
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How to become a disciple of Devi and see her as Guru?

This question the accepted answer to which further links to this blog post details a procedure for one to became a disciple of Lord Dakshinamurthy. This discipleship is mainly for the purpose of ...
chhatra's user avatar
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Guru mantras for people without a guru: Is there any scriptural support?

The general consensus appears to be that a living guru who is accessible and can give initiation to the seeker is absolutely essential for any form of progress in Sadhanas. However, in his book "...
chhatra's user avatar
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Are there any associations between Dus (Dasha) Mahavidyas and Shreman Narayana and or Shree Vishnu?

In the many manifestations of Maa Shakti as Adi ParaShakti, we encounter the Dus Mahavidyas which some practicioners in tantra sadhana consider also to perform the bhakti and the sadhana towards Maa ...
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Is it possible to live like in Krita Yuga [Satya Yuga] for an individual, despite being in Kali Yuga?

Being inspired by this very extensive answer: to a question about Yugas, I would like to know if, applying all the human efforts and energies to sadhana ...
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Why do Hindus worship rats and Monkeys? [closed]

Why do Hindus Animal Worship ?
aahnik's user avatar
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Fear and negative thoughts [closed]

I do everything: pooja and Pranayam, but still I always get negative thoughts. It always seems that only bad things will happen with me. I do read sunder kand daily. Please advise. why it is like ...
rakesh verma's user avatar
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How to practise 'Prati Prasav Sadhana'?

I read online that 'Prati Prasav Sadhana' is helpful to recall ones past lives. But I couldnot find anywhere how to do it. Can you please let me know how to practise it at home.
The White Cloud's user avatar
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Why it is said to recite any mantra 108 times? [duplicate]

In order to complete any prayer or sadhana, it is said to repeat any mantra for at least 108 times ? What is the significance and importance of that ?
5eeker's user avatar
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Need to know precise steps for tattwa shuddhi sadhana?

As the title says I need to understand in brief precisely all the mandatory steps a sadhak needs to follow for tattwa shuddhi sadhana. Please cite authentic references.
Just_Do_It's user avatar
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What happens if a mantra / sadhana is siddha?

Basically we everytime come to know that in order to make a mantra / sadhana work for you, it should be siddha first. There are different types of sadhana / siddhi for different purposes. I wanted to ...
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