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Questions tagged [sandhyavandanam]

Questions about Sandhyavandana (Sanskrit:संध्यावन्दन), a ritual performed three times in a day, as instructed by Guru to Dvija whose Upanayanam is done and Yajnopavita is received.

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What is the impact on Bhuloka due to non-performance of the Sandhya Rituals?

With increasing number of Brahmanas giving up their daily Sandhya Vandana rituals: Does this directly impact the earthly species in general along with Suryadeva or only those missing their Sandhya? ...
Harihara's user avatar
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Can someone point the source of this verse?

The website says it is mentioned in Vishnu Dharma- yo'nyatra kurute yatnam dharma karye dvijottamah vihaya sandhya pranatim sa yati narakayutam Can someone point the exact location of this verse ...
Harsh's user avatar
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While doing Sri Vaishnava Sandhyavandhanam, can everyone do Kesavadi Tarapana?

My limited exposure, I have seen people saying 'tarpanam' has to be done who have lost their parents. So wondering if even I, who have my parents alive, can do that section of the sandhyavandana?
subject-q's user avatar
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Directions for performing Achamanam

Is it true that one should not perform Achamanam while facing west? If so, why, and what is the proper way to perform Achamanam for sayam sandhya (at dusk) since we have to face west while performing ...
Venkat Rangarajan's user avatar
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Japa counting, 10 onwards, using fingers and beads

I have heard two different views on Japa counting using palm/fingers. There is consistency in counting 1-10 (from middle node of Anamika, and finish at Tarjani bottom node). But I see differing views ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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What is the procedure for Sandhyavandanam for a Krsna-Yajurvedin Nambudiri of the Taittiriya Sakha and Baudhayana Sutra?

Please inform me, what is the exact procedure of Prataha, Madhyandinah, and Sayam Sandhyavandanam for a Krsna-Yajurvedin Nambudiri Brahmin of the Taittirya Sakha and the Baudhayana Sutra?
Anirudh's user avatar
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Differences in Yajnopavita and Sandhyavandanam by region, Sakha, Veda and Brahmin group?

Are there any differences in how the Yajnopavita is worn among groups of Brahmins? among various Pancha Dravida and Pancha Gauda groups? or is it the same three-stringed white thread for all? What are ...
Anirudh's user avatar
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What was the actual ancient way of doing Sandhya?

We all know in the current Sandhyavandanam paddhatis that are available to us, contains many procedures or mantras that are from Puranas like the shuklam baradharam mantra or the apavatri pavitrova ...
Ayus's user avatar
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Is Tarpanam a part of Sandhyavandanam?

Is Tarpanam a part of Sandhyavandanam?. I have seen many books, each showing a different. In some books, there is no tarpanam. Does Tarpanam appear in the Rigveda, Yarjurveda, and Samaveda ...
Shiva Narayana's user avatar
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Difference between Medha suktam and Saraswati Vandana?

What is the difference in the purpose of chanting Medha suktam and Saraswati Vandana? What should a student chant , and what are the various benefits of doing them ?
Sillyasker's user avatar
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How to do Gayatri sandhya Upasana?

The book ‘om Gayatri and sadhana’ written by swami mukhyananda of Ramakrishna mission has discussed 24 practices to perform the Sandhya Upasana . These are - acamanam, vignesvara dhyanam, pranayama ,...
Sillyasker's user avatar
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I wanted to learn the exact steps along with mantras to do nitya agni at home

I wanted to learn the exact steps along with mantras to do nitya agni at home. I have attained dwija. I wanted to know about all the yagnas like brahma yagya etc. The detailed steps. Could anyone post ...
Ravi Bhaskar's user avatar
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3kala-Sandhyavandanam - multiple queries [closed]

Namaste I read most of the questions on this portal about Sandhyavandanam but somehow my questions are not answered.I am recovering from lack of knowledge of these rites over years, and with covid, ...
bawarchee's user avatar
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Does Siva reside In the Sun?

Are there verses praising Siva as residing within the Sun like there are statments for Vishnu regarding the same?
Paramshiva's user avatar
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Do yoga scriptures mention the average number of human thoughts per day?

There are several references to the number of times a human breathes in a day in general, which is typically around 21,600 times. The frequency of breath is an important factor in practices such as ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Does the pracrice of Sandhyavandanam survive in any significant numbers outside the South?

Even in the South, it seems to have reduced a lot. From my observations, seems to be very rare in the North, apart from transplanted South Indian Brahmins.
S K's user avatar
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How much time past sunrise is it safe to sleep again?

It is said that one should not sleep during sunrise. Suppose I was awake all night for study, job, mahashivratri or whatever. I stayed awake during sunrise and after the sunrise I decide to sleep. How ...
Sunil Kumar's user avatar
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I am brahmin ( not following brahmachari) but does Sandhyavandane, etc!

I am brahmin ( not following brahmachari) but does Sandhyavandane, etc! Can I masturbate? Will that make me impure? Should I change my janeu later? Please answer!
Please help's user avatar
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Bhajans and stotras for mleccha/unitiated person to chant at midday and sunset?

This video claims that a person who has not undergone upanayana, can receive similar benefits to sandhya vandanam by chanting Aditya Hrudayam at sunrise followed by japa of the sarva gayatri mantra. ...
Thomas Satirsley's user avatar
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Can we do Sandhyavandanam without taking bath?

Can we do Sandhyavandanam without taking bath? Is there some restrictions before doing Sandhyavandanam?
Newbie's user avatar
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Sandhyavandanam and Maadhiyanikam

Many people in this current world are not able to do Trikala Sandhyavandanam. In that case, I have heard people saying the Prata Sandhyavandanam and Maadhiyanikam can be done together. Is it allowed ...
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What is this word referring to in Bhutochatanam?

This sloka is used before puja (Sandhyavandanam in my case) to clear away ghosts and other bad spirits. उत्तिष्ठन्तु भूतपिशाचा येते भूमि भारका | एतेषां अविरोधेन ब्रह्म कर्म समारभे || This can be ...
xax's user avatar
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Is Brahma Yagna to be performed only after one's father is deceased?

Brahma Yagna is a Nitya Karma Anushtana performed by Dvija (Brahmanas, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas). Some people state that Brahma Yagna is only performed after the father is deceased. Others say that ...
Savitr̥'s user avatar
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Can we do Sandhyavandanam in Bedroom?

Is there a restriction in doing Sandhyavandanam in particular place or it can be done anywhere?
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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Sandhyavandanam: sitting or squatting?

I see two types of sandhyavandanam: performed while sitting and performed while squatting. Smarthas usually sit while sri vaishnavas usually squat. Which scriptures are each practice based on? It ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Vibuthi during Sandhyavandanam

Should I apply Vibuthi like a paste after mixing it with water or just as it is? I am confused about this, because some say you should only mix it with water while giving pitru tharpanam.
Magesh Prasath N's user avatar
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Can Sandhyavandanam be performed by Sanyasis?

Can Sandhyavandanam be performed by Sanyasis? I am not sure of this topic and there are different answers which state otherwise. Can someone please clarify who and all can perform Sandhyavandanam and ...
Newbie's user avatar
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How can a working class Hindu practically do sandhyavandanam thrice a day?

Sandhyavandanam is prescribed thrice a day for Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. Back in the day one could perform Sandhya thrice a day. But now after Hindus have diversified and left their ...
Savitr̥'s user avatar
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Can we find the meaning of Sandyavandanam In our local convenient language?

Brahmins do Sandyavandanam mugging the book. How do we understand or know the meaning of the mantras we chant? Only those who is master in Sanskrit can understand, rest they just chant full book. Is ...
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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Need translation for these Sanskrit verses in English

Aapo hi stha mayo bhuvah         Ta na urje dadhaatana         Mahe ranaya chaksase         Yo vah sivatamo rasah         Tasya bhajaya teha naha        Usatiriva matarah        Tasma aram gamama vah  ...
junkone's user avatar
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How to do Sandyavandanam in English

I would like to understand and express the sandhyavandanam in English. Is there a process/resource that can do the same ritual in English?
junkone's user avatar
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Is there any scripture which says how sandhya vandan should be performed

I want to know about procedure as to how sandhya vandan should be performed and also it's significance
Harsh's user avatar
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Translation and meaning of Shukla Yajurveda Madhyandia Shaka Sandhya

Sri Animesh Nagar has documented the Shukla Yajurveda Madhyandina Shaka Sandhya prayog in his blog I have presented the relevant section below. Can you please help me provide the pronounications in ...
inpraiseofagni's user avatar
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What is the difference between suputam and panchamukham mudra?

In photos it seems that both the mudra are same. Are there any difference between these two mudras in applying pressure in points?
Shripad R Joshi's user avatar
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Which mantras (in metres other than Gayatri) are prescribed for the Sandhya of Non-Brahmins?

It is said that one must follow the mantra in Gayatri metre of the Upasya (generally main Gayatri), granted by the Guru. There’s a whole list of them in the Taittiriya shakha. There also seems to be a ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Sandhyavandanam for those not initiated (without Upanayanam) using Puranas. It is possible?

Many statements (eg. ŚB 1.4.25) talk of how non-initiated persons (irrespective of caste) cannot follow Vedic procedures, and how for them to read and follow, the Puranas and itihasas were composed. A ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Does navagraha tarpana in sandhyavandan reduce the astrological effects?

In sandhyavandan, subsequent to Argya to Sun, we have navagraha tarpana to be offered to nine grahas - aditya, somam, agarakam, budham, brhaspatim, sukram, sanaiscaram, rahum and ketum. When we offer ...
Agamas Tantras's user avatar
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Sandhya Vandana during Ashoucha

In this answer Rickross provided exemption for Sandhya Vandana during ashoucha period. Sandhyopaasana needs to be performed both during ‘Jaataashoucha’or ‘Mritaashoucha’ or Ashuddhi on account of ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Dharma sandeham [duplicate]

1: I hear many people telling things like there is no need for women in periods to not work and be normal but sanatana dharmam strictly says women should not do any kind of work for those three day. 2:...
user19157's user avatar
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What scripture says "sandhyAheenaha asuchihi nityam anarhaha sarvakarmasu; yadhanyatkurutE karma na tasya phalamaSnutE"?

I know that SandhyA vandanam is not a Shruthi (veda samhitAs) concept, but is a Smriti & Sutras driven tradition (please correct me if I am mistaken). However, someone threw this verse at me ...
Vijay Sharma's user avatar
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Variations in Gayatri mantra, why?

I've come across two versions of the Gayatri mantra. One is this: The other is this: The only difference is that in the first pada, the word "varenyam" is different. Both these variations ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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What to do with sandyavandanam water? Can it be drunk?

Normally we throw away the water left over after sandayavandanam or pour it under a tree. Can I drink the water instead of throwing it away? Can it enhance my health? Also can others drink it?
Soorya Subramaniam's user avatar
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Can we do Mantra japa while consuming non vegetarian on a daily basis?

I have a particular condition which makes me unable to consume more carbohydrate food. I usually stay active and consume a balanced diet with meat included. Lately I wanted to start sandhyavandan and ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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Exemptions for performing Sandhya

Are Hindus exempted from performing Sandhyavandanam in certain circumstances like natural disasters or travel?
Mihirakula's user avatar
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In Sankalpa mantra of Sandhyavandanam 'upasishye' means?

The meaning of 'upasishye' and 'preetyartam'.
Anantha Krishnan's user avatar
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Does mAnasika puja or mAnasika anushtanam or mAnasika UpAsana have any basis in ItihAsAs or Smritis or Upanishads or Vedas?

mAnasika pUja is lauded & bheema is given as an example. If so, what stops one who is lying down in sleep at 4am everyday, instead of getting up, just continue lying down and then do in his mind ...
Vijay Sharma's user avatar
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Sandhyavandana and other Vrata timings when outside India

Sandhavandana normally times normally goes upto 9am in morning and 9pm in evening in India (with prayaschitta arghya). But when outside India, for example in Europe, the sun rise and sun setting times ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Where in scriptures is it mentioned that it is a brahmin's (or dwija's) duty/dharma today to do sandhyavandan?

2nd prashna of 2nd anuvaka of Taittiriya Aranyaka only mentions what Brahmavaadins did in ancient times when rakshasas gained boon with which they fought with Aditya, and to aid Aditya in such fight ...
Vijay Sharma's user avatar
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Is there a specific Sandhyavandanam for Vaishya varna i.e different from what is usually prescribed for Brahmins?

Brahmins usually have Sandhyavandanam rituals as per the Veda associated with their family. For example, Yajurveda (there are some sub-branches as well) or Samveda. Is there a Sandhyavandanam ritual ...
user2153522's user avatar
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Can we do gayathri mantram instead of sandhyavandanam?

Can we do Gayathri Mantram instead of sandhya-vandanam? If yes, May I know how many times does the Mantram need to be chanted?
Nikhil srivastav's user avatar