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Does bhashya mean bhashantaran?

Bhashya is different form bhashantaran of bhashya is same as bhashantaran What is mean by bhashya ? What is mean by bhashantaran ?
1 vote
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Meaning of "ऋतस्य श्रृंगमुर्विया विपप्रथे।"

What would be the translation of this verse and is it from rigved? Is there any commentary available for this? ऋतस्य श्रृंगमुर्विया विपप्रथे।
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What is the meaning of Sachidanand?

What is the meaning of Sachidanand? What does the word "Sachidanand mean? I think the word can be broken into - Sat + Chit + Anand. Does it have some relation with Brahmha (Sat) , Chit (Vishnu) ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is this word referring to in Bhutochatanam?

This sloka is used before puja (Sandhyavandanam in my case) to clear away ghosts and other bad spirits. उत्तिष्ठन्तु भूतपिशाचा येते भूमि भारका | एतेषां अविरोधेन ब्रह्म कर्म समारभे || This can be ...
4 votes
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Sanskrit references for the usage of the word varna for a given sense

The word Varna has been used by scriptures in different senses/meanings based on the context. This question is restricted to the usage of Varna in Humans only. I know at least five senses: Varna ...
1 vote
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Are there any possible senses(meanings) for the word Varna wrt humans other than the ones given?

I recently asked a question requesting Sanskrit verses containing the word Varna in different contexts. I provided the five senses: Varna assigned by Krishna for each individual based on guna and ...
5 votes
2 answers

Raghuvamsha - Meaning of Kakapakshadhara

In Raghuvamsha Maha-kavya, chapter 11, stanza 1, why is Lord Rama referred to as Kakapakshadhara? What does it mean?