Questions tagged [scripture]

For questions about the holy texts of Hinduism. Please also use a more specific tag (e.g. [vishnu-purana]) if possible.

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What is Hinduism's view on racism?

Does Hinduism uplift racism or condemn it? I want an answer based on the Vedas, Dharmashastras, Puranas and other primary religious texts.
Rajam's user avatar
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How should students (who go to secular schools) practice Hinduism?

How should students who go to secular schools behave and practise Hinduism according to the Dharma Shastras?
Rajam's user avatar
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Are the Itihasa superior to the Puranas?

We know the Puranas are less in authority to the Smritis (i.e. Dharma Shastras) as this is according to Vyasa Smriti,Chapter 1,Verse 4. So if Puranas are below Dharma Shastras then where are the ...
Rajam's user avatar
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Fetus hearing sound stories in Mahabharata and Ramayana

Can you list all the stories in Mahabharata and Ramayana where Fetus hears the sound in mother's womb? This includes Shiv Puran, Vishnu Puran & Bal Ganesh mythologies.
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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What is the nature of Man in Hinduism?

The nature of women is described within the Manusmriti as the following: Manu assigned to women sleep, sitting, ornament, lust, anger, dishonesty, malice and bad conduct. So then what's man's nature?...
Rajam's user avatar
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How should one read the DharmaShastras?

I am looking to eventually read the Dharma Shastras... but I don't know how to approach them, so I would like some information about how to read the Dharma Shastras. (Like, when to read them, which ...
Rajam's user avatar
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Why is the cow considered holy when one of it's births are by the killings of Brahmins?

You can find this within the Manusmriti chapter 12 verse 125: He who kills a Brāhmaṇa enters the womb of a dog, a pig, an ass, a camel, a cow, a goat, a sheep, a deer or a bird, or that of a Caṇḍāla ...
Rajam's user avatar
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Scriptural references for Jivas getting Moksha in Shiva loka

Are there any Scriptural references which state that Jeevas can Attain Moksha on reaching Shiva loka and not fall back in Samsara?
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Vedavati and Vaishno Devi question

Questions about Vedavati and Vaishno Devi? A) Is Vedavati mentioned in the Valmiki/original Ramayan? Not in Uttar Kanda but his original work which ends after the return to Ayodhya. B) Is her story in ...
ms347's user avatar
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Primary source for Ambedkar's claims on Veda Vyas Smriti

I'm looking for the primary source for the following claim made by Ambedkar (link). I tried finding the text here but I am not able to find it. Does someone know the exact verse of this text in the ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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What other scriptures created by other Vyasas?

I know Krishna Dvaipayana (present Veda Vyasa) wrote Puranas, Mahabharata and also Valmiki (24th Vyasa) wrote Ramayana. Like this, I want to know about other scriptures created by other previous ...
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To attain moksha, must you be born as a Hindu?

Imagine that a person is living in the USA or anywhere in the world like Africa is peaceful, loving, and worships God but does not know anything about moksha. Will he get moksha or he will again be ...
Hindutvadi 's user avatar
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Why are 'HUMAN BEINGS' different, according to Hindu Philosophy?

All of us inherently recognise the concept of fundamental human dignity - that human beings are BORN FREE and EQUAL. But why are they, what is its philosophical basis in HINDUISM? What is the basis of ...
Siddharth Bhardwaj's user avatar
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Do any scriptures mention Lakshmi's 18 sons and Astha Lakshmi?

I know Lakshmi has 18 sons and that she took eight forms called Astha Lakshmi. Do any scriptures mention them?
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Are there any examples of monochrome flags in scripture?

Flags in scripture usually feature animals - Garuda for Vishnu, the bull for Siva, and so forth. Are there any other monochrome flags like the Bhagwa flag mentioned in scripture?
S K's user avatar
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Is Sookshma Sharira really made of Prakriti's 5 subtle elements or Tanmatras?

I posted a similar question here before but didn't recieve any answer. So i'll just post this again. In which holy text is there mention of sookshma sharira being a product of Prakriti's Tanmatras? ...
The Crimson Universe's user avatar
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How to practise hinduism? [closed]

How to practise Hinduism for a college student ?or how to practise Hinduism in general?Are there any benefits of it? I am really confused on practising Hinduism? I am so much focused on my studies ...
Shiv's user avatar
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What are all the Authentic Tantra Scriptures accepted by the Srikula branch of Shaktism?

Can someone list all the authentic Tantra Scriptures that are accepted by the Srikula Branch of Shaktism?
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According to scripture, how should we eat on banana leaves?

In many parts of India, people eat using banana leaves as plates. Oftentimes, each food is arranged differently and placed in a particular corner or part of the leaf, and the type/taste of each item ...
CDR's user avatar
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What are the authentic verses and source of Shri Hanuman Chalisa?

Many people chant Hanuman Chalisa, which was written in Awadhi language by Shri Goswami Tulasidas like it given here. But recently many people have started saying this is not the authentic version, ...
Hari Kumar's user avatar
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Which Shastras say that we should not eat after Sunset?

In one of the discourse or dialogue, Jagadguru Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Mahaswamigal, while describing the good qualities of crow, said It wakes up at Bramhamuhurtam……it caws and wakes you ...
Hari Kumar's user avatar
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Can a Brahmana boy marry a Muslim girl?

Pranam, I read that a Brahmana boy may marry only a Brahmana(of his race),Kshatriya or a Vaishya girl.. And that a king can marry a woman of any race..(Mahabharata) 1)But is it possible for a Brahmana ...
aryaninvader's user avatar
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Scriptures and Adultery

What do Hindu Scriptures remark about adultery for wives and for husbands? Are there specific exemptions or also the references that injunct punishment of any kind for adulterous wives or adulterous ...
pi-π's user avatar
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In which scripture it is written that there are 84 Lakh types of organisms?

In which scripture it is written that there are 84 Lakh types of organisms? Who was the person who said it? Is it written in Gita? Was it said by god?
river's user avatar
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Status of religious literature composed in regional languages

Sanskrit is the undisputed liturgical language of Hinduism, & many books dealing with Hindu theological matters are by default composed in Sanskrit. However, there exists a good amount of ...
অনু's user avatar
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Is there any scripture that states Sanskrit is the mother of all languages?

Is there any Hindu scriptures that explicitly stated Sanskrit as the mother of all languages?
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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I am brahmin ( not following brahmachari) but does Sandhyavandane, etc!

I am brahmin ( not following brahmachari) but does Sandhyavandane, etc! Can I masturbate? Will that make me impure? Should I change my janeu later? Please answer!
Please help's user avatar
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Character who repeatedly fails even after trying?

Is there any character in epics/scriptures (Mahabharata, Ramayana, etc.) who does not gain a skill they have worked on for long? What is their thought process after this; what do they do? For example,...
muser's user avatar
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Mantra scriptures

Which scripture contains list of various mantras to achieve various things in life? It should contain actual mantras not general guidelines about chanting mantras.
Murali krishna's user avatar
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Why doesn't god interfere in the working of the world?

Related: When will god protect? If we all are the children of God why doesn't protect us all? Why doesn't god interfere if something bad is happening to good people? How could one have so much faith? ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Who is a Pativrata Stree?

If a woman marry 2 men then would she be worthy for having title of Pativrata stree or SATI? I want to know the titles of women given by their numbers of husbands in Hinduism. Like if 1 husband then ...
Devi Das's user avatar
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How does the jiva or soul control the body?

Are there any scriptures about this? For instance, how would a jiva move the arm of the body, or walk?
Cadillac's user avatar
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Are the levels of warriors mentioned in any shastra in detail?

The levels such as Rathi, Atirathi, Maharathi, Atimaharathi and Mahamaharathi. Are these really mentioned in scripture or just fictional. Does any scripture describe the criteria to be called as one ...
Rudra's user avatar
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Why we say "jay" before the name of gods and godesses?

It means victory to the specific god, like jay maa durga means something like victory to you mother durga. But why is it used in praises in scriptures?
Rudra's user avatar
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Where is the shloka "bramha janati iti brahmanaha" found?

Where is this verse found "The knower of Brahman is a Brahmin"
aryaninvader's user avatar
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What is Hinduism's view on appropriate societal norms?

Nowadays one of the recurrent views I see expressed on the internet is that the current norms in Indian society were brought in by the British or the Islamic invaders, and were not present in ancient ...
New's user avatar
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How many times does the word 'अनन्त' (Ananta) come in the Vedas?

I would want to know how many times does the name 'अनन्त' (Ananta) come in the Vedas?
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In what scripts the oldest Sanskrit literature was written?

In what scripts the oldest Sanskrit literature was written? When was Brahmi script used for it? I am aware that Vedas were orally memorized -- and were not written for a long time.
Udghosh Yt's user avatar
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Looking for english version of the kalika puran.?

Looking to read the kalika puran. What is the best unabridged/critical English translation to get into.? Links or author name will be greatly appreciated.
Nakura's user avatar
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How should disabled people live their life?

Disabled people have difficulty leading lives like normal people, like career, marriage,etc. So, do scriptures tell specifically about their duties or how should they lead their life in case its ...
Rudra's user avatar
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Does any scripture talk about extinction of Vanaras?

I have never heard of any scriptures talking much about vanaras after Ramayan and except lord hanuman. And they seem to have gone extinct in today's time except for lord hanuman again. Does any ...
Rudra's user avatar
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Why Atma is interpreted as a witness.?

Namaste, please help with the understanding of Atma is a witness or Sakshi. Reference: BG 9:18. In the materialistic world, the act of witnessing requires something (perhaps light) to enter something (...
Mukund's user avatar
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What's the difference between the chariot and the two birds?

In the Upanishads, there are two metaphors that are both included. These are "The chariot" and "The two birds" but what is the difference between the two?
Hellokittygal R's user avatar
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Explain the metaphysics (the nature of Ultimate Reality) of the Upanisads as expressed in the metaphor of the “chariot” and the “two birds”.?

Critically explain the metaphysics ( the nature of Ultimate Reality ) of the Upanisads as expressed in the metaphor of the “chariot” and the “two birds”. Clearly bring out their differences. What ...
Hellokittygal R's user avatar
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Who is the Hindu god of sacrifice?

Who is the Hindu god of sacrifice? I tried to find out by Googling it, but all I found out was that it was Agni. But I thought that Agni was the god of fire. So, who is it then?
Akash's user avatar
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Which God should i pray to get rid of speaking ghost and evil spirits and what mantra should I chant according in Vedas and Hinduism [closed]

I am suffering from speaking ghosts and evil spirits. They sometimes attack me and cause pain in my body. What do the Vedas say about getting rid of haunting ghosts and evil spirits attached to humans?...
Unknown's user avatar
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What does "Hare Rama" means here.?

I was watching a movie called final destination and there's a part when a stranger guy appears and says this phrase.: Hare Rama. Well I suppose this is an hindu phrase because he showed a book that ...
curiousUser's user avatar
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Spiritual work of past life

Suppose I get initiated into a mantra and chanted it in my past life would I need initiation to chant that same mantra in this life
Abhinav Raj's user avatar
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About Girl child - What does Vedas and Shastras say in Sanatana Dharma.?

Just curious to know what do Vedas or Shastras say about a girl child? Like from when it's born to her journey of life. Can someone give some references.?
Newbie's user avatar
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Does Shiva live in invisible form in Kailasa?

Does Shiva and Parvati live in Mount Kailasa in invisible form ? As He is not seen there by normal people.
river's user avatar
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