Questions tagged [atma]

Atma or Atman means our soul (Jivatma) or the supreme soul (Paramatma)

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What is difference between Kshetrajna, and Atman.?

This doubt is from a shloka of Mahabharata. Is Kshetrajna same as Linga Sharira.?
Sophie Clad's user avatar
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Is there an Advaitan text which explains the relationship of different aspects of the absolute reality

Is there any explanation of the relationship between Brahman, Ishvara, Atmans, and Prakriti in this world? Obviously, we are all within Nirguna Brahman, but details in regards to these aspects also ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is Individual soul created or an eternal being according to Madhva and Ramanuja? if God is all pervading, why we have to go vaikuta after mukti?

Namo vaḥ🙏 As per Madhva and Ramanuja individual souls are separate and not equal to Brahman. if so, Is individual soul(jivatma) created? If it is created, why God created us separate from him? Just ...
Srikanth Srikaram's user avatar
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If the God of Hinduism is omnipotent, can he destroy the soul (atma)?

To begin with, Let us not delve into tangential questions as to "Why would he do it?" and "What would arise out of doing it?" and so on as they are not our focus. I would simply ...
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How did the different Non-Vedantic Astika schools such as Samkhya etc. justify the existence of multiple omnipresent souls?

As stated in this answer, Many of the Non Vedantic Astika school such as Samkhya, Nyāya etc. Held to the belief that the soul is all pervading/omnipresent. My question is do these darshanas offer any ...
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Did Sri Ramanujacharya attain nirvikalpa Samadhi

Did Sri Ramanujacharya ever attain nirvikalpa samadhi or Dharmamegha samadhi and at last Maha Samadhi ?
Tech Tat's user avatar
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Why jeevatma gets detached from paramatma?

Jeevatma is like a droplet detached from paramatma, the ultimate omnipresent eternal soul. By achieving moksha, jeevatma gets freed from reincarnation and gets merged in the paramatma. But why the ...
goose's user avatar
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Are there any schools of hinduism that hold the Soul to be perishable / non-eternal?

Hinduism has a plethora of schools, All holding a wide variety of beliefs about the nature of the Atma. Are there any schools that hold the soul/atma to be perishable and subject to destruction?
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What happens to someone who dies without any thoughts as per Hindu scriptures?

Bhagavadgita 8.6 says यं यं वापि स्मरन्भावं त्यजत्यन्ते कलेवरम्। तं तमेवैति कौन्तेय सदा तद्भावभावितः।।8.6।। Which means whatever entity one thinks of at the time of death, he attains the state of that ...
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If everything has taken on forms from eternal past in various rebirths, why are we not already born with self realization of moksha?

I have read that the soul is eternally present. Since the eternal past it has undergone an infinite amount of rebirths without beginning. Why is the realization of moksha needed at that specific point ...
Malcolm Saint Felix's user avatar
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Which is second best life form after human

It is said that the human life is achieved by good deed (karma) and soul has to go through 8.4 million life forms before becoming human. So if suppose God has a point score that any soul that scores ...
puzzled's user avatar
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As per Advaita, Atman/Self/Brahman is unborn and doesnt "pass" away when body dies? What is the reference for it?

As per Advaita Vedanta, its the Sukshma Sharira(Subtle Body/Mind) which reincarnates after a body dies and Atman/Brahman/Self does not "pass away" or "leave" when body dies. But in ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Bhagavata saptaha for wandering souls

A priest in a prashne had advocated bhagavata saptah for one of my relatives who had lost his ancedtors (coming under sapindikas) in the pamban train crash in 1964 and the bodies were never recovered. ...
Suresh kunjithaya's user avatar
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How does Advaita Vedanta assert and prove the eternality of cognition of Non dual Atman?

This article [1] says Śāntarakṣita has however refuted the Upanishadic non-dualism in the Tattva Sangraha’ chapter 7, section 5. In his refutation of the Upanishadic view he has referred to the ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Difference between Atman, Chetna and Chaitanya?

In my understanding of the scriptures, it's mentioned that Atman, a small part of Brahman, resides within every living entity, giving rise to Chetna, which we can equate with consciousness. So, is it ...
Swarnim Khosla's user avatar
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Why and how do Advaitans reconcile that one's true nature is Atman/Brahman alone?

While I understand that Upanishads try to reconcile and prove logically that Atman is the true witness, why can't it be that Subtle body alone is our true nature ? Where and when was this subtle body ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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Is experience of Self/Atma not a mystical experience as per Traditional Advaita Vedanta? If so how can it be experienced?

Padmapāda, in his commentary upon Sankara’s introduction to the Brahmasūtras, explains that there are two factors involved in the very notion of ‘I’: there is the ‘not this’ (anidam amid) aspect which ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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How does a Jnani forbearer various unpleasant events from perspective of Atman?

Swami Sarvapriyananda while quoting Gita 2.14, 2.55-57, writes , "Events which would make most ordinary men miserable, leave him unshaken, for he sees the same infinite Atman shining through (or, ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
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What happens to sukshma sharir after death?

We leave the gross body behind, the aatman is reincarnated in another life form based on our karma, but what happens to the subtle body? Where does it go after death? What happens to it once we die? 🙏...
Tanya Singh's user avatar
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Uniqueness question : How to identify a Soul as it doesn't have name, body, religion, country etc etc! How to differentiate a soul from another?

What is the id of the soul? How to identify it? As body , mind nothing is permanent how we can define a soul? Ex: How to identify the soul of Karnan? It is said that, karma will follow each births ...
AndroidManifester's user avatar
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How does Adi Shankara refute the idea of dualism between Brahman and the Atman?

How does Adi Shankara refute the idea of the Atman and Brahman being separate? Does he use the Upanishads for proof or does he use logic/reasoning to prove the identity of the Atman and Brahman being ...
Rajam's user avatar
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In advaita, does the drop (atman) transmigrate?

In Advaita tradition, the word "soul" is rightly used by some advaitins to refer to the mortal jiva or sookshma sharira that transmigrates to heaven, hell, various lokas or other physical ...
The Crimson Universe's user avatar
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Regarding rebirth of animals and other non humans

The human birth is considered to be an opportunity to realise oneself and attain moksha through punya karmas. Hence only the vedas propound such truths. My question is regarding animals, how could ...
TheSeeker's user avatar
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What is Pind Deh? Does it attach to Soul and transmigrate to next life, imparting karmas etc?

What is Pind Deh? Does it attach to Soul and transmigrate to next life, imparting karmas etc? Karma, influence of previous birth, reincarnation.
Jay Thakar's user avatar
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Need help for my friend's soul after he passed

my dog was euthanized, it was not long before he would have died naturally. Is there anything I can do for the soul to pass on more easily, and not suffer more bad karma in the next body/life due to ...
klemzee's user avatar
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Do Our Thoughts come from the Cosmos?

I have been learning more about the nature of the mind, pranayama and, in general, the Hindu view of reality. One thing I’ve really been exploring as of late is this idea that we are not our thoughts ...
iamlearner's user avatar
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Why Atma is interpreted as a witness.?

Namaste, please help with the understanding of Atma is a witness or Sakshi. Reference: BG 9:18. In the materialistic world, the act of witnessing requires something (perhaps light) to enter something (...
Mukund's user avatar
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Can two spirits / atma enter the same body

I have see this answer below but it's not clear if two souls can enter the same body at the same time:
user9371453's user avatar
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Who is it that is looking for Brahmgyan?

My long quest for the Brahma gyan or moksha has led me to a lot of reading, research and meditation and today a question just popped in my mind that seems to be absolutely essential for me to get ...
Budhdhee Prakash's user avatar
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Atma(n) of human, animal, vegetal, mineral forms of existence

Is Atma(n) the same, identically, in human, animal, vegetal, mineral forms of being, or is there a difference in grade, in degree between them? So to speak, if every species has its own form of ...
Shulammith's user avatar
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Do each of the manifestations of the devas have their own jiva?

There are 33 devas but thousands of thousands of manifestations of these 33 devas. Do each of these manifestations have their own jiva, or do they share there jiva with other manifestations of the ...
Terjij Kassal's user avatar
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Self atman or anatman?

Im trying to understand the idea of an unchanging Self in Hinduism, though I come from a Buddhist background I am very open. Have not given the idea of the Self much consideration before I wonder how ...
jwe's user avatar
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Did soul of Sati talk with Parvati ? Can soul of one's previous birth from heaven talk with body of one's next birth?

In this episode of hindi serial it is shown that soul of Sati talked with Parvati (who was alive). (Watch from 26:23) Also It was shown that Shiva used to meet and talk with soul of Sati secretly from ...
river's user avatar
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What does "killer of soul" which is written in Śrī Īśopaniṣad, Mantra no 3 means?

In Śrī Īśopaniṣad, Mantra no 3 its quoted:- "asuryā nāma te lokā andhena tamasāvṛtāḥ tāṁs te pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātma-hano janāḥ" which means "The killer of the soul, whoever ...
shubham00000's user avatar
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Do individuals in this world have their own fixed identity?

Everyone born into this world gets a name—lets use x. x goes to school, eats, sleeps, does whatever they want, marries, has children, goes to work, retires, and dies. Per reincarnation theory, they ...
religious question's user avatar
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How would Hindu theologians respond to this quote by Plato?

"The evil is that the soul of every man, when it is greatly pleased or pained by anything, is compelled to believe that the object which caused the emotion is very distinct and very true; but it ...
Davir Lun's user avatar
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What is the concept of mind/intellect and body in Nyaya philosophy?

How did Nyaya theologians think about the mind and intellect in their philosophy? What is the relation between self, intellect, and body in their philosophy?
Davir Lun's user avatar
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Does soul have an identity after it departs the human body?

So, it is said that human body is just a cover/dress which everyone leaves at death to continue their journey according to their Karma. But the human body has an identity, name, religion, community it ...
Venkiii's user avatar
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Does jivatma have physical location?

Does our jivatma have a physical location in space while it is incarnated in a physical body?
Kos Loaes's user avatar
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How does the atma divide or individualize if it is always in existence?

I am listening to the Bhagavad Gita audiobook and in Chapter 3 Krishna is saying to Arjuna how while the body may be killed (be born and die), the atma remains unchanged, etc.. But my lingering ...
Lance's user avatar
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Are we(atma) god himself or amsh(part) of god?

Some saints say we(atma) are god itself and some say we are amsh(part) of god! For eg lets take the verse from nirvana shatakam composed by shri adi sankaracharya Mano buddhi ahankara chittani naham ...
Harsh's user avatar
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What is the difference between jiva and atman [duplicate]

Im pretty confused about this topic. I have read many answers to it on the web and every one is different. One says that they are the same, other say that the jiva is the mind and body while atma is ...
SzymonG's user avatar
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Who performed the funeral rites of Pandavs? Are their souls still "stuck" on Earth?

In Mahabharat, what happened to the dead bodies of Pandavs & Draupadi? I think towards the end while climbing some mountain one after the other they all get tired, fall to the ground and die. Did ...
chowkidar chor hai's user avatar
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Was there ever a mortal restored to life after having succumbed to death?

I heard that the son of Brihaspati was restored to life. Was there ever an ordinary human being restored to life after death?
Fun life's user avatar
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Brahma-Sutra 2.2.25 and memory as evidence for soul

Here are two translations of Brahma-Sutra 2.2.25: And (a permanent soul has to be admitted) because of the fact of remembrance (ie., memory). (Translated by Swami Gambhirananda here) And on account ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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What exactly can be the concept of possessing in this context?

We frequently encounter the phenomenon of "someone possessing the others" in the scriptures. One example can be found here. I provided below another example of kali possessing Nala. "...
hanugm's user avatar
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Where do souls of animals go after their death?

Does the scriptures say where they go after death? Do animals go to heaven like humans?
The Crimson Universe's user avatar
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When, How and Why soul take entry first time into cycle of birth and death? [duplicate]

It's usual to say that we take birth by birth into different species based on our Karm and desires until one gets Moksha. After Moksha one will not take any more births. This makes us think When, Why ...
Alok's user avatar
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explain with reference to bhagavat geeta "why humans feel "I"

With reference to chapter 7 sloka 6 and the commentary offerred by sri T.N.Sethumadhavan at (a) the three divinly components viz para, apara prakruthis and the soul are ...
venkata snc peesapati's user avatar
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Total number of souls in the world [duplicate]

I learned that souls are never created, all souls existed, exists and will never cease to exist. from this answer So, are there a number to how many souls are there, let it not be exact but some ...
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