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Questions tagged [sruti]

For the questions about Shruti (Sanskrit: श्रुति) (literally "which has been heard") scriptures which are believed to be heard directly from Parabrahma/Parmeshwara in the state of Tapasya by ancient Rishis. These texts are considered as eternal and divine origin.

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How are the Nitya Srauta Yajnas like Agnihotra done while travelling?

According to Srutis once someone kindles the Tretagni must perform the Agnihotra and the fortnightly Darsapurnameshti homas daily till the death of either husband or wife or till sannyasa. My ...
Ayus's user avatar
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Is Aham Brahmasmi the embodiment principle of seeing the veda by the Maharshis?

Since source of divine knowledge is impersonal Brahman, through the Maharshi's, which principle, statement or shloka from Vedas, Puranas and Bhagavatam elucidates this, or supports it? All ultimate ...
ajitdas's user avatar
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Before the daily fire ritual - what is the purification?

This information coming from a Tamil Brahmin based on reference to Mahaperiyava's instructions and book on Achamanam written by the great Vedic Scholar Sri Sharma Sastrigal. Aachamana a.A ...
ajitdas's user avatar
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"When Smriti conflicts with Sruti, Sruti should be followed" - which SRUTI says this?

Quote which Sruti (Veda) says "Sruti is more important/takes precedence over Smriti". To clarify, in case it wasn't already crystal clear - DO NOT quote Smriti
ram's user avatar
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Is Tantra part of the Sruti or Smriti?

Is Tantra part of the Sruti or Smriti? I am a bit confused about where to place Tantra. Please answer with references.
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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Nakshatras of the Nambudiri Brahmins

Please help to find out: How exactly do Brahmins Nambudiri define their Nakshatras? They define the Nakshatra along the Moon's course in equal sectors along the ecliptic, i.e. in conventional signs ...
Lee's user avatar
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Is Karma transferable from one person to another according to śruti (Vedas, Upaniṣads, etc.)?

The Mahābhārata narrates the story of King Somaka and his chief priest who conduct a human sacrifice but only the priest is seen spending time in hell for his actions. And as the conversation between ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Who can add verses to vedas? [duplicate]

As vedas are considered to be 'srutis' (i.e. something that is heard), my question is how do we decide if some individual proposes couple of verses claiming that it was revealed to him while in ...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
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What are the arguments of Purva Mimansa that says Brahmanas are Apaurusheya?

We know that Vedas are Shruti text which are called Aparusheya. Shruti literally means "which is heard". Rishis heard Vedas directly from Ishvar in the state of deep meditation and hence ...
Pandya's user avatar
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4 answers

Do Sruti texts mention either or both of birth-based varna and guna-based varna?

Do Sruti texts mention birth-based or guna-based varna?[1]. To elaborate (further), are there any instances in Śruti scriptures which explicitly support either or both of birth-based varna and guna-...
DirghaChintayanti's user avatar
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Which Śruti texts explicitly state that varna is based on birth? [duplicate]

Are there any instances in Śruti scriptures which explicitly support birth-based varna? Edit: I'm not looking for interpretations, please only cite those references which exactly say that Varna is ...
Ajay Varma's user avatar
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What is the difference among Shruti, Smriti and Purana traditions?

What are the differences among the traditions of Shruti, Smriti and Purana traditions as in Shrauta Parampara, Smarta Parampara and Pauranika Parampara?
Indranil Amal Dutta's user avatar
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Could be that the dates and timeline of 4 yugas got changed when puranas were passed down orally? [duplicate]

The durations for yugas are way too large. Can it be that puranas witnessed contamination or corruption from people who weren't able to calculate the yugas correctly? Or were they exaggerated by later ...
Anisha's user avatar
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Are Vedas re-revealed every mahayuga, manvantara or kalpa?

I'm trying to understand, the Hindu timescales, but unable to understand if Vedas are revealed in every mahayuga or manuvantara, does any purana provide info as to when were Vedas revealed?
Anisha's user avatar
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Is Goddess Mahakali stated to be superior to Lord Vishnu in Sruti?

Certain Shaktas (followers of the Goddess, ie Shakti) used to quote verses from some Upanishads on Goddess Mahakali and her relation to the Lord Vishnu/Narayana/Krishna. Thus they quote the Devi ...
brahma jijnasa's user avatar
4 votes
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How can agama be treated as shruti?

Agamas as shruti : Hindpedia says Sruti, the eternal word, is said to be of two forms – Nigama (Veda) and Agama Also, Sri Vaishnava Acharya Yamunacharya (who was Ramanujacharya's guru's guru) composed ...
zaxebo1's user avatar
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Are the Vedanta Sutras Smriti or Shruti?

Vedanta Sutras, as you must be knowing, is the primary text of the most popular philosophical school of Hinduism i.e. the Vedanta school. Written by Badarayana Vyasa, it is summary of all the ...
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Which hindu scriptures support the (modern) concept of manifesation

There is a lot of propagation of the concept of LAW OF ATTRACTION in today's world. I also find Wikipedia mentioning that Hinduism has significantly contributed to the creation of this (new age) ...
Vishwanath N's user avatar
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Is the language of all the four Vedas similar or is there difference in language of the four Vedas too?

I know that in sama Veda many mantras of rigveda and yajur veda are repeated so that must mean that language is similar throughout Vedas, but does the vedic Sanskrit change between rig, yajur and ...
Anubhav Jha's user avatar
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How much of the Vedas exist as of present? [duplicate]

I've read somewhere that there are many shakhas of vedas and some of them have been lost, how much of the 4 Vedas have survived to this date? How many shakhas are surviving, and what are the names of ...
Anubhav Jha's user avatar
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How can subhuman treatment of a person be justified because he was "born" in a particular varna?

I was very shocked to read recently that venerated gurus of vedanta like Adi Shankara and Ramanuja said shudras (and women) have no right to study vedas when infact vedas clearly don't say so . Quite ...
Curious Seeker's user avatar
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Sectarian Upanishads - Sruti or Smriti?

I know that Vedas are Sruti, including its embedded texts - Samhitas, Aranyakas, Brahmanas and Upanishads. And also that each Upanishad is linked to each Veda. Tell me, if Upanishads are Sruti, then ...
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13 votes
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Is Sharanagati (jiva soul's self surrender to the Lord) based on Sruti?

In Vaishnava traditions it's often emphasized that Sharanagati or self surrender to Lord Vishnu is the key concept in Hindu dharma. The sum and substance of devotional life is that thing called ...
brahma jijnasa's user avatar
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Are the 3 gunas mentioned in the Vedas?

Are the 3 gunas, namely, sattva, rajas, tamas mentioned in the Vedas? I know they are mentioned throughout the Smrtis, notably the Puranas, Bhagavad Gita, and the Sankhya Smriti. In fact, the 3 gunas ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Does Bhagavad Gita Sloka 17.23 refer to Brahmanas or Brahmins?

Recently while revising the Srimad Bhagavad Geeta, the following verse inspired me to think and search: तत्सदिति निर्देशो ब्रह्मणस्त्रिविधः स्मृतः। ब्राह्मणास्तेन वेदाश्च यज्ञाश्च विहिताः पुरा।।17.23।...
Pandya's user avatar
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Does Veda has more than one Samhita regarding to Shakha?

As I've discussed here, we know that ancient Rishi heard Vedic hymns in the state of Tapasya (deep mediation) which are called Shruti/Vedas. Vedas are divided into two parts Samhita - the (mantra) ...
Pandya's user avatar
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Which Vaishnava Sects consider Vaishnava Agama Sruti and which don't?

Do any Vaishnava sects consider Vaishnava agamas as "Sruti" by their own internal sectarian definition of "Sruti"?
Aks's user avatar
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Online version of Sulba Sutras by Baudhayana

Sulba Sutras are texts belonging to the Srauta ritual (based on Sruti) containing geometry of Yagna related constructions. Where can I find an online version of the Sulba Sutras by Baudhayana? By ...
Amit Saxena's user avatar
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Are there Hindu texts which do not fall under the Sruti-Smriti classification?

This talks about what is the difference between Sruti and Smriti: What is difference between Shruti and Smriti? The above link also talks about what can be classified as Sruti i.e. Vedas and some ...
Amit Saxena's user avatar
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What is difference between Shruti and Smriti?

The Hindu texts are classified in Shruti (श्रुति) and Smriti (स्मृति). I want to know: What is the difference between Shruti and Smriti? What scriptures are included in Shruti & in Smriti?
Pandya's user avatar
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