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Svarga, Swarga or Svarga Loka usually translated as 'heaven' is one of the seven higher lokas (regions) in Hindu cosmology

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Is there any scriptural basis for the belief that heaven and hell are not physical places but merely states of mind?

I often hear many people claiming that heaven and hell are not actual physical places in hinduism but merely states of mind. Does this belief have any scriptural support?
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Can Shudras not attain heaven?

"By your grace, this Shudra will not be able to attain heaven!” I understand most of Shambuka's story and don't see it as a later interpolation, but this verse translated correctly that a Shudra ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Karma and afterlife

In abrahmic relegion there's concept of heaven and hell. In buddhism or nastika relegion there is karma. But in Sanatana Dharma there is mention of both so I don't understand what will happen after ...
AnimexArmy India's user avatar
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Clarification regarding a verse in Valmiki Ramayana.?

How did Lord Hanuman see the abode of Lord Brahma,Indra and other below mentioned Gods in the Himalayas.? स ब्रह्मकोशं रजतालयं च | शक्रालयं रुद्रशरप्रमोक्षम् | हयाननं ब्रह्मशिरश्च दीप्तं | ददर्श ...
Akshobhya Kashyap's user avatar
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How is it decided who goes to - Swarga or Pitri Lok?

After death people can go to multiple places , main among them are - Pitri Lok , Swarga Lok and Narak Lok . For Narak it is clear that people who do sins go to Narak. But I am confused between who ...
river's user avatar
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Is Krishna presenting Swarga versus enjoyment of worldly pleasures as "win-win" alternatives to Arjuna if he were to fight? हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम् | तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चय: || 37|| BG 2.37: If you fight, you will either ...
S K's user avatar
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What did the Pandavas have to do before reaching heaven?

Popular TV shows describe Yudhishthira's journey to heaven after each of the other Pandavas fell (or fail). He was accompanied by Yama Raj in the disguise of a dog. He had to undergo a series of tests ...
Severus Snape's user avatar
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What are kinds of pleasure in heaven (swarg lok) are mentioned in the Vedas?

What all kinds of pleasure in the heaven are mentioned in the Vedas. [Only vedas]
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Union of heaven, earth and nether regions

While reading Mahabharata, I came across following verse over here That part where Bhagirathi-Ganga flows in a northward direction is known as the union of heaven, earth, and the nether regions. ...
tekkk's user avatar
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Do people who go to swarga after death still have their earthly memories?

Do people who go to swarga after death still have their earthly memories? Like do they still remember their human life? Or are they born in swarga and forget their past life on earth?
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Death during war/combat and Moksha

Normally in Ramayana and Bharatha story telling, it is said that death during war is sacred: Veera Maranam. Question is, is there any scriptural references to say the death in combat is considered ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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What is the rationale behind the statement that all kings have to spend at least some time in hell?

In Svargarohanika Parva after Yudhishtra had experienced hell, Lord of Dharma gave the following reason Without doubt, all kings, O son, must once behold Hell. Hence hast thou for a little while ...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
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Swarga / Narak ( on domestic animals) [duplicate]

Famous religious orator Devkinandan Thakur Ji Maharaj has spoken that if we keep domestic animals like DOGS, CAT AND PIGS in our house we will go to Narak. And whatever religious things we do will ...
Rana Priyanshu Sinh's user avatar
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How does one attain the specific heavenly realms situated above Earth?

Above Earth, there are 7 heavenly realms: Bhuvaloka, Suvaloka, Mahaloka, Janaloka, Tapaloka, Satyaloka, Vaikunta. Swarga of Indra is situated in Suvarloka for example. Gandharvaloka, among other lokas,...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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What text/scripture does this commonly propagated verse appear in - 'aaputrasya gatir nasti svargo naivaca naivaca'?

It is commonly quoted during discourses on vAlmIki rAmAyana, but I cannot find any verse in vAlmIki rAmAyana that contains this often quoted verse, which means 'without a son you have no chance of ...
Vijay Sharma's user avatar
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Is Karma done in swarga valid?

As per Hinduism we have 6 lokas above us Bhuloka (Earth): Bhuvar Loka Swarga Loka Mahar Loka Jana Loka Tapa Loka Satya Loka There is wide spread belief that those who reach Swarga Loka will return. ...
Prasanna R's user avatar
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Distance from earth to heaven

We are living in the earth and there exists heaven (Swarga) according to the Hinduism. How much is the distance from the earth to heaven according to the Hindu scriptures?
hanugm's user avatar
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How is Heaven described in Hindu scriptures?

We all have read that if we do bad we will go to Hell (Narak Lok) and bear all punishments for our misdeeds/adharma and lot of description about Hell and punishments are present. But I want to know ...
Aby's user avatar
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Did Bhishma attain Swarga or Vaikuntha?

In the Mahabharata, when Yudhisthira enters Swarga-loka, he finds Bhishma there: "Behold Dhritarashtra, the king of the Gandharvas, possessed of great wisdom. Know that this one was the eldest ...
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How is punishment and enjoyment possible in hell and heaven without body?

How does a soul enjoy the fruits of his deeds in heaven without a mortal body???
Pravin RGMishra's user avatar
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Since Kaliyuga itself feels like hell (naraka), do souls still go to hell after death?

Are swarga and naraka any different in Kali Yuga? I mean quality of life itself will deteriorate so much in Kali Yuga that it will seem like hell on Earth so will there be another hell after death to ...
Pravin RGMishra's user avatar
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Does the Mahabharata give reasons why Duryodhana went to heaven? Ashwatthama is reporting his night-slaughter to the dying Duryodhana: Going from this world, O monarch, and meeting with those mighty car-warriors (that ...
S K's user avatar
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What happens to the soul of a person who died unnaturally in an accident?

If a religious, generous, kind-hearted person dies unnaturally in an accident what happens to its soul? The person had done great works in his life of 46 years and on the second hand, he was a ...
Akul Dixit's user avatar
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What are the enjoyments in heaven?

Based on puranic descriptions, it seems the Devas and inhabitants of heaven party. For example, they drink alcohol, eat meat, and have sex with Apsaras: Manusmriti: Milk, wine, honey, and ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Are dogs allowed in Lokas like Kailasha and Vaikuntha?

It is probably a well-known fact that dogs are not allowed in the heaven (Swarga). For e.g. the dog which accompanied Yudhishthira on his way to the heavens was denied entry in there. The Smritis ...
Rickross's user avatar
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Time and Hinduism

It is said that one day of Lord Brahma is so many years in earth and when he goes to sleep earth will get destroyed. To my knowledge, There are worlds(we are living in earth) Devas and Gods will live ...
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Where does Vishwamitra's parallel creation of constellations of stars and galaxies exist?

From my answer to a previous question, it was pointed out that Vishwamitra himself attempted to create a parallel world in addition to Brahma's, in which to transport Trisanku in his mortal body. ...
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Why can't we enter heaven with our physical body?

Why can't we enter the heaven with our physical body? However if some of the sages have entered, who are all? please list them. If we can't enter with the human body in the hell then so punishment ...
ssr1012's user avatar
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Did Ajamila go to swarga or attain moksha?

He called his son "Narayana" on his deathbed and that amounted to calling the god Narayana and that absolved him of all sins according to the story. Did he go to Swarga or attain Moksha?
S K's user avatar
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What is the difference between Swarga and Moksha? [duplicate]

What is the difference between Swarga and Moksha? Are they inter-related or the same thing? If not, when one reaches swarga, how does one attain Moksha because there is no scope to practice Dharma ...
Debtanu Chakraborty's user avatar
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Which scripture mention about sexual relationships in heavenly lokas?

According to some quora answer- The phenomenon of urdhwa reta When one reaches to this state, Vital energy has enormous potential energy. It rises up like steam does and reaches his ajna chakra or ...
Anubhav Jha's user avatar
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Death of persons by God

There are many stories about Hindu gods killing bad persons(Asuras). When they are killed, do the bad persons feel pain? Or do they just vanish from the universe? What will happen to them after ...
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What are the vedic references for swarga?

I am looking for some direct references in moola vedas that talk of swarga or heaven
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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What is the reason for metaphors relating to liquor being so frequently used in Hindu holy books? [closed]

All the Dharma shastras place ban on intoxicating products, similarly all the spiritual discourses/geetas promote satvic food. Then why is the mohini the avatar of Vishnu depicted to be dancing in ...
Anubhav Jha's user avatar
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Who's going to hell? [duplicate]

As per my knowledge, according to the concepts of Karma if you be bad (sinful) in your life you'll be reincarnated or if you be good you'll be going to heaven. So bad men will undergo rebirth, then ...
Xlam's user avatar
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Is there a scriptural basis for the story where Viṣṇu refuses to marry a disabled woman?

The following is an excerpt from a World Bank report on "People with disabilities in India: from commitments to outcomes." BOX 2.1: DISABILITY IN INDIAN MYTHOLOGY AND BOLLYWOOD MOVIES An ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Why do the Krodhavasas take away the merits of people with dogs?

When Indra comes to take Yuddhisthira to Swarga, the latter refuses to go without the dog who has been accompanying him all this while: "Yudhishthira said, ‘O thou of a 1,000 eyes. O thou that art ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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What happens to Indrani?

If being an Indra is just a post, what happens to Indrani(wife of Indra), after the current Indra's post is removed? Will she continue to be the wife of the next Indra too?
resh vanth's user avatar
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Is heaven a place of extreme happiness? If yes, how to solve the paradox of experiencing hell in heaven?

In Hinduism, is heaven (svarga) a place of extreme happiness? If yes, how to solve the paradox of experiencing hell (naraka) in heaven? This is better explained through the following an example. ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
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Did Indra kill his father by throwing him down from heaven?

This verse from Rigved Book 4, Hymn 18 alludes to Indra killing his own father! 4.18.12. Who was he then who made thy Mother widow? Who sought to stay thee lying still or moving? What God, when ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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Is mukthi possible from world's other than bhuloka(ie. From swarga and naraka)

In bhuloka, it is possible to achieve mukthi by doing several Sadhana. When we go to naraka or swarga, our sukshma Sarira(subtle body) will be there only sthoola Sarira(Gross body) is dropped during ...
Servent_of_Rama's user avatar
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What is the difference between Indra loka, Deva loka and Vaikuntha?

I want to know the differences if any among the following Lokas: 1.Indra Loka 2.Deva loka 3.Vaikuntha
Manjunath S's user avatar
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Is Heaven a static place or is it constantly changing?

What is the actual description of the Heaven according to Hinduism. Is it a static place or does it change with the times? Do you think there would science related things in Heaven example - cars, ...
NewUnhandledException's user avatar