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Questions tagged [tantra]

Tantra, also called Tantrism and Tantric religion, is an ancient Hindu tradition of beliefs and meditation and ritual practices that seeks to channel the divine energy of the macrocosm or godhead into the human microcosm, to attain siddhis and moksha. This Hindu Tradition was emerged in form of dialogue between Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati.

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20 votes
2 answers

In which scriptures can we find the original stories of the Mahavidyas?

The Dash Mahavidyas are an enigmatic group of goddesses worshiped majorly in the Tantrik disciplines but except Kali, the origins of most are unclear. In which scriptures can we find more about the ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How can I start Tantra sAdhnA? Which all are the scriptures I need to study to have in-depth knowledge?

I am interested in Tantric sAdhnA and first I need to study the Tantric scriptures in detail. I have studied yogA-VedAnta and Buddhism in detail also mahAmUdrA and dzogchen path (only studied, though.)...
Karan200590's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between Dakṣiṇācāra and Vamachara Tantrism?

Tantra exists in 2 types- The orthodox Dakṣiṇācāra followed by āstika sects and the unorthodox and extreme Vamachara followed by nāstika sects. So what are the differences between the practices of ...
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13 votes
2 answers

Was Tantric upasana (Vamachara) a relatively new concept (or) in existence in ancient India also?

The VAAMACHARIs sacrifice animals to attain Tantric Powers, which are different from that of Yogic Powers. The Tantric Powers can attained within short time, but have certain deadly consequences. If ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
13 votes
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Should Eclipses be considered as an auspicious and divine event or as an inauspicious occurrence?

Most Hindus just view eclipses as something which is an inauspicious thing and also believe negative energies are radiated from it. The word 'Grahana' itself also induces a sense of fear to many. ...
Tezz's user avatar
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12 votes
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What is Sri Vidya?

In many books, TV shows, and discourses there are various definitions and explanations of Sri Vidya. So what exactly is Sri Vidya?
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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12 votes
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How is tantric sex, meat eating and alcohol consumption justified?

Tantra which refers to the esoteric practices and traditions of Hinduism usually in Shaktism involves taboo activities of meat eating, alcohol consumption and sex. All these activities are perceived ...
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12 votes
2 answers

Is there a curse associated with misuse of Tantra?

I have heard that Tantra has a curse associated with it; that any misuse will lead to Naraka. rauravaM cha pade pade "In every step you take a very great hell by the name raurava awaits the ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What is the relation between Dash Mahavidyas and Dashavatar?

Various Tantrik texts like Mundamala Tantra and Todal Tantra mention the Dash Mahavidyas in respect to the Dashavatar. For example in Todal Tantra CHapter 10 we find the following declaration: "...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Should fire generated by match-sticks or petroleum-based products be used in homa?

In the Bṛhat Tantrasāra, it is stated that fire used for Tāntrika homa should belong to any one of the following categories : It should be generated by araṇi wood. It should be generated by stone (i....
অনু's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Black Magic/Kala Jadu/ Pilli Soonyam are real?

As I know, due to jealousy, or some base cause, the Tantriks use cheap tactics to overcome the adversaries, which can ruins one's life . Also I heard that if someone is affected by Black Magic then ...
Chandra shekar's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Scriptural reference for Navadurga

Navarātri is popularly considered to be 9 days dedicated to the worship of Navadurgā i.e 9 forms of Bhagavatī Durgā. However the Devi-Bhāgavata Purāna, which describes the procedure of Navarātri vrata,...
অনু's user avatar
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Which Tantric scripture classifies the Agamas into SAttvic, RAjasic and TAmasic categories?

It is a well known fact that the PurAnas have a classification based on the TriGunAs (Sattva, Rajas and Tamah). That is, there are SAttvic PurAnas, RAjasic PurAnas and TAmasic PurAnas. Now, for the ...
Rickross's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Which are these so-called Garuda scriptures, by mastering which, one can digest even poison?

In the KulArnava Tantram, Lord Shiva says to Mother Goddess: Shaive tattva parijyAnam gArude vishabhakshanam | Jyotishe grahanam sAram kaulehanugrahanigrahau || Meaning The essence (...
Rickross's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Does Tantra say cow is sacred animal?

In Tantra, is there any mention of "cows being sacred"? Also, does Kaulācāra Tantra explicitly talk about it?
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the theory of creation of the universe as per agama/tantra section of Hinduism

Can anyone tell with reference? Would be helpful .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
9 votes
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Do all Shaiva Siddhantins reject Vamachara practices as sinful?

The term "Shaivite" is overused nowadays. For instance, Iyer Brahmins are often called Shaivites, but they're actually followers of Adi Shankaracharya's Smartha sect ((which I discuss here and here), ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
9 votes
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Importance of Chinnamasta Sadhana

In which avastha/bhaava does Chinnamasta falls? Does it belong to Srividya Krama? Its heard that, people should not go for this Sadhana for "getting things done" --experiencing materialistic pleasures!...
samolpp2's user avatar
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Who are all the Gurus of Abhinavagupta and what Paramparas did they come from?

Generally, Vaishnavas follow the Pancharatra Agamas, Shaivites follow the Shaiva Agamas, and Shaktas follow the Shaiva Agamas. But long ago, there was a group of people in Kashmir who followed the ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
9 votes
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Do Tantras oppose Vedas?

I was wondering what is the opinion of Tantra on Vedas? Does it oppose the Vedas? Does it accept the authority of the Vedas?
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How does a bad spell (Tantra or Maran Vidhya) work?

There is one type of sadhu called Aghori, which also has one sub-type called Kapalik. While reading a book on Pujya Mota, I found that a Kapalik used a bad spell on Pujya Mota to make him, his Sishya ...
Kiran's user avatar
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How did Bhadra conceive children from the corpse of her husband?

Mahabharata Sambhava Parva Section CXXI mentions an interesting story of a king Vyushitashwa who dies without siring any child. His wife lamenting on his death bed hears her dead husband's voice ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
9 votes
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Can mantra siddhi once gained be lost due to some reasons?

A Sadhaka gains full mastery over a particular Mantra after obtaining it from a Guru and doing the japa as prescribed. This process is often called "Mantra Sadhana" or "Mantra Puruscharana".Now the ...
yubraj's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What are six darsanas or philosophies, known to be limbs of Shiva?

What are the six darsanas or philosophies mentioned in kularnava tantra which are known to be the six limbs of Shiva?
Twinkle's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Worshipping Lord Sharabha in Tantra

According to Shiva Puran, Lord Shiva had to take avatar of Sharabha to stop Lord Narasimha from destroying whole universe out of anger after killing Hiranyakshipu. His power is intolerable for a ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why does Prakirti / MahaKundalini Shakti descend from her blissful state into worldly phenomena?

The descent of prakriti essence via her beautiful creative power known as Maha Kundalini Sakti is there for all those who have eyes to see. The world of phenomena has been created and her work is done ...
Frank Hestermann's user avatar
8 votes
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Which all sects accept three forms of Vishnu as described in Satvata Tantra?

As already mentioned in this answer, Satvata Tantra describes three Vishnu forms, namely Karanokadasayi Vishnu, Garbodhakasayi Vishnu and Kshirodakasayi Vishnu. The exact verse talking about three ...
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8 votes
1 answer

What is Shaktipata?

Can anyone explain about it with good examples? What are the different types of Shaktipata?
Spiritual Seeker's user avatar
8 votes
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What are the age limits for an Agamic initiation? Can a very old person be initiated as well?

For the Vedic initiation (the Upanayana) the prescribed ages(when to perform the initiation) are given in various scriptures like the Manu Smriti etc. And, the age limits till which the disciples can ...
Rickross's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How many Tantra (Sakta Agamas) texts are there?

I am only talking about Sakta Agamas (Tantra). How many texts are there? I somewhere read the number is 64. But I am not sure. I do not have any reference also. For example, we had a clear idea of how ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why is the "Dasa Avataram" concept considered a debatable topic on this site while Scriptures make clear mention of them?

Since the concept of Dasavataram doesn't even exist in Hindu scripture, this is sort of a moot question This was posted by Keshav Srinivasan as a comment under this question.Comments with the same ...
Rickross's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How many Devi Sahasranamas are there in scriptures?

How many Sahasranamas dedicated to Devi are there in scriptures?
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7 votes
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What is Vigyana Bhairava Tantra?

Can any one explain what does "Vigyan Bhairava Tantra" mean? What does "Vigyan" i.e Science here refer to?
WitVault's user avatar
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What are the symbolisms behind Lord Shiva speaking tantras and agamas to Devi?

Those who are acquainted with Shakta Tantras and Agamas will find that the common feature in all these scriptures is that they are mostly spoken by Lord Shiva upon requests made by His consort or Devi ...
Rickross's user avatar
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About UcchistaGanapathi and why its regarded as highest Ganesha form

I have heard about the UcchistaGanapathi mantras, and why this form of Lord Ganapathi is regarded as highest and more Tantric. However, am not sure whether its regarded as highest! (saw in one ...
samolpp2's user avatar
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What is the most authoritative book/translation on Vignana Bhairava Tantra?

Which book is the original sanskrit account of Vignana Bhairava Tantra? What is the story/events surrounding the time this Yoga method was introduced to the world? Which is the best available English ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Is Trika system mentioned in Shakta scriptures? What they say about it?

I want to know whether Trika which is technical term for Kashmiri Shaivism is mentioned in Shakta scriptures? If yes, what they say about it?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
7 votes
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What Tantras say on Kevala Kumbhaka?

In the advanced Yoga, there is stage Kevala Kumbhaka which means effortless breathlessness. This means you surpass inhalation retention and exhalation process and you attain Kevala Kumbhaka. But my ...
Agamas Tantras's user avatar
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What is "twelve fingers" in Pranavayu?

In Shiva Sutra, III.4 it is mentioned about Pranavayu that this is a way of meditation to concentrate on Prana i.e. on the expiration and inspiration of breath from the centre of the body upto a ...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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What is the actual name of these mysterious goddesses?

In the Gondwana region of India, which stretches from Madhya Pradesh to Chhattisgarh, I read about few mysterious Goddesses in the tribal area. The tribes make use of the powers acquired by these ...
RKh's user avatar
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How does Prana and Apana fuse outside the body?

In the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Lord Bhairava states: वायुद्वयस्य सम्घट्टाद् अन्तर् वा बहिरन्ततः । योगी समत्वविज्ञानसमुद्गमनभाजनम् ।। From the fusion of both Vayus (Prana and Apana), inside ...
Tezz's user avatar
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Which Shaiva Agamas does Appayya Dikshitar consider anti-Vedic?

As I discuss in this question, by far the most popular school of Hindu philosophy is the Vedanta school, which bases its tenets on the doctrines laid out in the Brahma Sutras, a work by the sage Vyasa ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
6 votes
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Scriptural sources for different classification & types of mantra and their science

In which all scriptures (Vedas, Tantras, Agamas, etc.) is the science of mantra and the types of mantras mentioned? To be specific, the answer can be on the lines of following sub-questions: Where ...
Prakash K's user avatar
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3 answers

Will a sati go to heaven or hell?

Parasara Smriti 4.30 “A widow, who immolates herself on the same funeral pile with her deceased husband, resides in heaven for ten millions of years, which is the number of hairs on the human body.” ...
Sanatan Darshan's user avatar
6 votes
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What are the letter of alphabets (varnas) associated with each of the Seven Chakras?

Body consists of mainly seven chakras as I discuss here. In the Netra Tantra book I have; in the introductory preface part it is written: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahat, Shakini and Ajna ...
Tezz's user avatar
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Questions about the image of goddess Chhinnamasta? [duplicate]

What is the mythological story behind Chhinnamasta? Is there any philosophical meaning behind this image shown below ? What benefits can one earn by worshiping this form?
b.sahu's user avatar
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Sources describing rituals for collecting herbs

I have found the following ritual for collecting herbs in the Kamaratna-tantra, which is a Hindu tantra from the 14th century (although its contents may be derived from older source). Are there more ...
Gabe Hiemstra's user avatar
6 votes
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Commentaries by Tantrika Acharyas on Mukhya Upanishads

Did Any Acharya like Bhaskaracharya, Utapaladeva, Abhinavagupta etc. from Tantrika sect write their own commentary on Mukhya Upanishads? If yes, Please share the link to the book/text.
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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What are the Yantras associated with Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya?

I am aware of Sri Yantra which is the yantra representation of Sri or Thirumagal, are there any other?
DirghaChintayanti's user avatar
6 votes
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Are the one lakh+ slokas of the KulArnava Tantram really lost or are they still extant under some other titles?

I have the book KulArnava Tantram, which is a ShAkta Agama. It is comprised of 17 chapters (each chapter is called an UllAsha here; so Saptadasha UllAsaha is the last chapter). Each chapter is again ...
Rickross's user avatar
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