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What is the meaning of Sachidanand?

What is the meaning of Sachidanand? What does the word "Sachidanand mean? I think the word can be broken into - Sat + Chit + Anand. Does it have some relation with Brahmha (Sat) , Chit (Vishnu) ...
river's user avatar
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What are all the entities that are induced by ones kula (कुल)?

The word कुल is used across scriptures in different contexts. I am using the meaning of family here. Many entities are induced in an individual born in a kula. I want to know all the entities that are ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Is the deity of the Sun (Surya) a 'Devatā', or a 'Bhagvān, ' according to major sects?

What's the status of Surya as a deity as per acharyas of major sects (currently Vaishnava, Shaiva, Shaktas)? Adi Shankaracharya listed him as one of the five equally worship-worthy Pañcayatan deities. ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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What do the terms "Sanchit Karma" and "Prarabdha", mean?

What do the terms "Sanchit Karma" and "Prarabdha", mean?
Ploxguideme's user avatar
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What is the difference between Devata, Upadevata and Apadevata?

What is the difference between Devata, Upadevata and Apadevata? We have come across these terms several times and each is referred to the same entity consciously or not consciously. People use the ...
D. Chatterjee's user avatar
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Who is considered Hindu?

Keeping geographical location aside, who is considered to be a Hindu? (i.e. not belonging to other religions) Should that person accept authority of someone (Vedas, some God, philosophy etc.)?
iammilind's user avatar
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Is there any definition for gods? [duplicate]

In Hinduism lot of gods available. Is there any definition for gods in Hinduism? How the gods are identified?
sugunan's user avatar
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What is the difference between Devas and Asuras? [duplicate]

Devas are the benevolent and asuras are manevolent. Asuras used to take captive of Devas. Other than this, any historical comparison to devas and asuras? What are the meanings of these terms?
Nadhiya's user avatar
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