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Why does Ramayan and Mahabharat are present in different religions like Buddhism, Jainism and Kabir panthis

Why does Jainism, Buddhism and Kabir panthis and some other religions have their own versions of Ramayana and Mahabharata where they have shown their own deities as Supreme instead of Sri Rama and Sri ...
Special Account's user avatar
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Animal sacrifice prohibited in kaliyuga [closed]

Animal sacrifice prohibited in kaliyug Because in kaliyug narial bali started And no brahmin is pure
Karan Purviya's user avatar
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Krishna taking 16100 women for his 'own pleasure'

The linga purana 1.69.82 states : The excessively strong one, of unequalled exploit, Kṛṣṇa took up sixteen thousand one hundred girls for his own pleasure. This is completely different from the ...
Titanium ww7's user avatar
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What is reality of Kabir Sagar and other scriptures on Sant Kabir

What is Kabir Sagar written by Sant Dharmadas ji which claims that Lord Hanuman and many famous Vaishnav and famous Shaiva saints were initiated by Sant Kabir in some form in and helped them achieve ...
Tech Tat's user avatar
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Is Vishnu avatar of Krishna or krishna avatar of vishnu?

You know in general perspective it was always vishnu taking avatar as Krishna but if you go in depth and listen to the devotees of iskon they seem to say the reverse infact they even go a step ahead ...
vashi's user avatar
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On the nature of Sri Krishna

If sri Krishna is beyond material existence then how or why did he leave behind his body after his death is there a story behind this ?
Titanium ww7's user avatar
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Narayan and Vishnu are different?

I have a long debate with a guy and he try to proving that Narayan and Vishnu are different. He gave this reference from Mahabharat haran parv "supreme Purusha, the all prevarding Lord of the ...
Nitesh's user avatar
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Which is the largest Vaishnav Sampraday?

Which is the largest Vaishnav Sampraday of Sanatan Dharma?
Veer Bhadra's user avatar
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How does Jagadguru Ramanandacharya explain the most lovable moment of Shri Sita Ram?

How does Jagadguru Ramanandacharya explain the most lovable moment of Shri Sita Ram? In which Book he has written that?
Veer Bhadra's user avatar
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Is Shri Ram a Avatar of Vishnu? [duplicate]

Is Shri Ram a Avatar of Shri Vishnu? Or Shri Vishnu is avatar of Shri Ram?
Veer Bhadra's user avatar