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Does any scripture talk about extinction of Vanaras?

I have never heard of any scriptures talking much about vanaras after Ramayan and except lord hanuman. And they seem to have gone extinct in today's time except for lord hanuman again. Does any ...
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Is there any scriptural basis for the claim that Europeans/White people are vanaras and belong to Hanuman's lineage?

According to some Europeans, they were treated as untouchables in the 17th century in India. According to the Nepali civil code of 1854 they were "Pani Na Chalne Chhoichhito Haalnu Naparne" ...
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Does the fever curing mantra given by Dvivida found elsewhere? Is it in a mantra group family? Are any other mantras supposed to be written?

In Chapter 27 of the Kalki Purāṇa a short mantra is written by Dvivida for curing Lakṣmaṇa of a fever: समुद्रस्योतरे तीरे द्विविदो नाम वानरः Samudrasyotare tīre Dvivido nāma Vānaraḥ This is an odd ...
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