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The Metaphsyics of Varna

Clarification of Metaphsyics A clarification: By metaphysical I mean more the system in which it's decided and the various aspects of it ie what differs a Brahmin-Brahmin from a Brahmin-Chandala and a ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Is there any counter example saying astrological varna and geetha varna are different?

Answers to this question says that astrological varna based on Zodiac sign of a person is same as the varna of a person assigned by Krishna. You can read the referred question for details. But still ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Are the first/early members of each varna mentioned in the scriptures?

Verse 1.31 from the Manu Smriti But for the sake of the prosperity of the worlds he caused the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his thighs, and ...
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