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Why does this Vedic Hymn call Vayu the son-in-law of Tvashtar?

While reading the Rigveda I came across the following hymn: त्वष्टु॒र्जामा॑तरं व॒यमीशा॑नं रा॒य ई॑महे । सु॒ताव॑न्तो वा॒युं द्यु॒म्ना जना॑सः ॥ त्वष्टुर्जामातरं वयमीशानं राय ईमहे । सुतावन्तो वायुं ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
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What is the story behind the thousand eyes of Vayu?

Rig Veda 1.23.3 says: इ॒न्द्र॒वा॒यू म॑नो॒जुवा॒ विप्रा॑ हवन्त ऊ॒तये॑ । स॒ह॒स्रा॒क्षा धि॒यस्पती॑ ॥ “The wise invoke, for their preservation, Indra and Vāyu, who are swift as thought, have a thousand ...
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linga purana section i.54.9-12 does this prove scientific error in hinduism?

SPEED OF SUN MOVING AROUND EARTH Linga Purana Section I.54.9-12 ; “…Similarly when the sucker of waters (i.e. the sun) moves about in the middle of Puskara the mountain to the north of Manasa, he ...
Rigid BGM Mart's user avatar
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How many accounts of Hanuman's birth are there in the Itihasa and Purana literature?

We have the story of Vayu impregnating Anjana Devi in the Valmiki Ramayana, which leads to the birth of Hanuman. We also have an account of Shiva, through Vayu, 'creating' Hanuman in the Narada Purana....
v subrahmanian's user avatar
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Churning of Ocean and Lord Shiva consuming poison as per Mahabharata Tarparya Nirnaya

This question is related to the account of Kurmavatara described in The Mahabharata Tarparya Nirnaya of Srimad Madhvacharya. I have pasted the slokha below for reference. For full text one can check ...
Vidyarthi's user avatar
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Do followers of Madhwa consider him to be an incarnation of Vayu?

Is that something he claimed himself? or did his followers consider his incarnation to be revealed in scripture?
S K's user avatar
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Was verse 3.7.2 of Brihadaranyaka upanishad, a forerunner to Sri Krishna's statement in BG?

The verse 3.7.2 of Brihadaranyaka upanishad says : He said, 'Vayu, O Gautama, is that Sutra. Through this Sutra or Vayu this and the next life and all beings are held together. Therefore, O ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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Was worship of 3 times mentioned in Rig Veda III.4.2, a precursor to performing of Sandhyavandana 3 times a day?

Rig Veda III.4.2, dedicated to Āprīs, says as follows: यं देवासस्त्रिरहन्नायजन्ते दिवे-दिवे वरुणो मित्रो अग्निः | सेमं यज्ञं मधुमन्तं कर्धी नस्तनूनपाद घर्तयोनिं विधन्तम || yaṃ ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
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What is the relation between Light (Suryadevta) and Air (Vayu)?

Sun is the Devata (Deity/Surya Deva) of Air (Vayu) and Sun travels on Air (vayu) as its chariot (Vayu rupi rath). If there is no air can the sun rays have speed?
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Is Vayu identical to Pavan in Dvaita philosophy?

Is the Vayu deva (Mukhya Prana) in the Devata taratamya of Acharya Madhwa identical with Pavan deva or is he someone different?
Manoj Gowda's user avatar
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How can Wind, Sun and Fire be living beings?

There are many hymns dedicated to Wind, Sun, Fire in the Vedas. There was also a yajna done to please them. Sun is called Aditya, meaning son of Aditi and Kashyapa Rishi. How can a star be born from a ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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Do any scriptures describe Hanuman to be an incarnation of Vayu?

As described in this answer, Hanuman is considered to be an incarnation of Shiva. However, the Madhwa sect believes Vayu had the 3 incarnations, of which, the first was Hanuman (Sripad Madhvacharya is ...
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Is Agni and Vayu great because RigVeda eulogized them or are they not great because they're subject to ego in Kenopanishad?

The opening hymn of Rig Veda is for Agni , the god of fire I am assuming . And then there are many more hymns , but then there're ones for Vayu, Mitra, Indra, and so on for the other deities. The ...
Curious Seeker's user avatar
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What is relationship between Akasha (space) and Shabda (sound) according to Veda?

According to the Vedic account of creation in the Upanishads, the Mahabhutas or great elements proceed from most subtle to most gross: Akasha -> Vayu -> Agni -> Apah -> Prithvi. Meaning, Space -> Air/...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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Do scriptures mention about Srimad Madhvacharya being an avatar of Lord Vayu?

It is believed by his followers that Srimad Ananda Teertha (a.k.a Madhvacharya) was the third incarnation of Vayu (MukhyaprAna), the previous two were: Hanuman (Treta yuga) Bheema Sena (Dwapara yuga) ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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Do the Four Elements shown in Avatar Airbender series have any basis in Hinduism? [duplicate]

Do the four elements (fire, water, earth and air) shown in the Avatar (The Last Airbender) series have any basis in Hinduism? Is this just a fun way to represent in Hinduism or are there verses in ...
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