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Who were the ancient gods in Tamilnadu?

Without considering mythology, according to real history, are Shiva and Vishnu pre-vedic Gods? In historical opinion who came first? And who were the ancient gods in Tamilnadu?
Vaibhav U prabhu's user avatar
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Vedic schools like Charvaka

Were there any materialistic and overly skeptical schools of Vedic thought that are well-Vedic and got their inspiration from the Vedas? If not can some verses in Vedas support such materialistic ...
Haridasa's user avatar
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Other Darshanas which are Vaidika other than Shad-Darshana?

Or their other Vaidik Darshanas which aren't defined in Shad-Darshana?
Haridasa's user avatar
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Understanding Vishnusuktam

तद्विष्णोः परमं पदं सदा पश्यन्ति सूरयः । दिवीव चक्षुराततं । ।१.२२.२०.। तद्विप्रासो विपन्यवो जागृवांसः समिन्धते । विष्णोर्यत् परमं पदं ।।१.२२.२१.। अत्र रावणभाष्यं । विष्णोर्व्यापनशीलस्याऽपि परमात्मनः ...
Awe Kumar Jha's user avatar
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Is there any Vedic script where marriage procedure steps are mentioned from end to end?

I wish to understand our Vedic procedure /steps for marriage ceremony. Is there any Vedic script where marriage procedure steps are mentioned from end to end ? I have seen people writing article and ...
rakeshKM's user avatar
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What were the subjects of ancient Gurukulas?

What did children were taught in Vedic periods and why?
Shiv's user avatar
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How could someone aim for moksha if his people are not protected by god?

How could someone aim for moksha if his/her people are not protected by god? in particular if he/she is not protected? What will he even pray for? If a person wouldn't pray protection what will he/she ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Verification of Dharma always triumphs at the end [closed]

I have repeatedly heard that Dharma and truth always triumphs in the end but I have seen so many times untruthfulness win for example Socrates was killed for his rational thinking about god and ...
Shiv's user avatar
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Can a person whose manglik dosha was cancelled still marry a manglik person

Suppose a person has mangal in 1st house in kundali, so has mangal dosha. But also there is saturn in 4th house, which will cancel the mangal dosha. It is said that a mangalik person can marry a ...
Prazil's user avatar
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The correct table for vashya matching

What is the current table for vashya matching. Surfing around the internet I found like 5-6 different tables for vashya matching. Which one is connect ?
Prazil's user avatar
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Saving Dharma and Saving Lives

Between Saving Dharma and Saving Lives, as per Vedic wisdom which comes first?
Kanil's user avatar
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Is there a precise statement in scripture to delimit what scriptures have the status of being "Vedic" (in Sanskrit वैदिक)?

"Vedic" here only means the adjectival form of Vedas - not "scriptures having the status of Vedas", "scriptures based on Vedas", "scriptures that explain the Vedas&...
S K's user avatar
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Where can I learn Vedic maths? [closed]

I have recently learned that in Vedas there is a concept of Vedic Maths. I want to know in which Vedas does hav the concept of vedic maths?
DJS's user avatar
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Knowledge of universe according to various vedic texts

I wanted to know about various things and vedic books give knowledge of cosmos and universe I have done research and found out some materials like 1.Richard thomson Mysterious of the sacred Universe:...
Rishab Sharma's user avatar
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Did Adi Shankaracharya remove his yajnopavita and is that anti-Vedic?

Adi Shankaracharya got digvijaya over anti-Vedic followers and is entitled to respect. However I found one thing objectionable in his conduct after reading a post on this site. Adi Shankaracharya is ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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Why is planetary friendship in vedic astrology inconsistent with Hindu mythology?

According to vedic astrology, Jupiter and Moon are good friends. They conjunction causes the auspicious Gaja Kesari yoga. Jupiter is also exalted in Moon's own sign of Cancer. However, according to ...
curiousseeker's user avatar