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4 votes
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Are Itihasas and Puranas the only classes of scripture in which celestial weapons are used?

Ramayana, Mahabharata and many Puranas relate conflicts in which Divyastras like Brahmastra get used. Do these weapons occur in earlier scriptures like Vedas and Brahmanas or any scriptures written ...
S K's user avatar
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What are the bows of the warriors of the Mahabharata? [closed]

I want to know what were the names of the bows of the warriors of the Mahabharata, their abilities and how they got them
Gabriel Alexander Gonzalez Agu's user avatar
7 votes
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Where did the Brahmastra, which Bhagwan Rama launched to dry up the sea, eventually fall?

At the time when Lord Rama was on his way to Lanka, he asked the sea god (sagara) for help and to make way for his journey , but the sea god didn't offer any help. Then Shree Rama activated brahmastra....
Mirg Nitin's user avatar
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Do scriptures describe the effects of Brahmastra?

Brahmastra is debated to be similar in nature to Atom/Nuclear bomb. But my question is, do scriptures describe the effects of Brahmastra?
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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