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Questions tagged [yajur-veda]

One of the four Vedas, specifically dealing with the mantras said while performing each step of a Yagna.

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What are the Śaiva explanations for "saṅkarṣaṇamūrtisvarūpo (सङ्कर्षणमूर्तिस्वरूपो)" in the chamakam of Śrī Rudram and the source of this mantra?

This is the mantra: अस्य श्री रुद्राध्याय प्रश्न महामन्त्रस्य अघोर ऋषिः अनुष्टुप् छन्दः सङ्कर्षणमूर्तिस्वरूपो योऽसावादित्यः परमपुरुषः स एष रुद्रो देवता ।
Śipiviṣṭa's user avatar
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Doesn't the Aswamedha sacrifice debunk Vedic Hinduism completely and show that the rishis and Vedas were not divine?

Aswamedha sacrifice is an important sacrifice. It was done by Dasaratha, by Rama in Uttara Kanda, by Yudhisthira on recommendation of Krishna, by Indra, and by several kings. And in that, there is ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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What does rigveda 8:25:18 said? It it refer to the flat earth?

Rigveda 8.25.18 claim that (Mitra is he) who has measured with his rays the limits of both heaven and earth; who has filled bothheaven and earth with his greatness So , what does the word "limits ...
Jagadish's user avatar
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Which verses of Yajurveda does Satapatha Brahmana correspond to?

Satapatha Brahmana, afaik, is a book to explain rituals of Veda samhita. In, it describes Aswamedha Yajna. The verses are supposed to explain Aswamedha sacrifices in Yajur Veda, right? My ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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In aiterya brahmana, it is stated that animals like cow, camel, goat, horse, etc are not to be sacrificed, but other scriptures validate animal sac

Many commentators of different sampradayas conclude that Vedic sacrifice is just. But this encounter with aiterya brahmana and jaiminiya brahmana maybe says something otherwise? Well I would like to ...
Buttermasala's user avatar
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What are some good powerful stotras that quickly destroy our bad karmas or sins

I believe that our past life sins can be destroyed or reduced through reciting stotras. I have read phalashruti of some stotras having such benefits. I want to know such stotras which are powerful ...
chinnu's user avatar
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Why Chamakam is part of Srirudram?

I am very much confused about Srirudram and Satarudriya. I understand the Satarudriya. It is the 16th chapter of Shukla Yajuveda, which contains verses for Rudradevata. In Mahidhara's commentary, it ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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To those who know Sanskrit, what exactly is the mystery of Yajur Veda chapter 23?

Chapter 22-25 is supposed to contain ashwamedha sacrifice. As I have heard, Hindus and non-Hindus have a secretive debate about this because this sacrifice is said to have bestiality as per non-Hindus ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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Yajur Veda and Puranas say that Earth is spherical. But Rig Veda 10.62.3 says that earth is "spread out"

Rig Veda 10.62.3: Ye raised the sun to heaven by everlasting law, and spread the broad earth, the mother out on every side . Fair wealth of progeny by yours agnirases. Welcome the son of Manu, ye ...
Tarush Bhutani's user avatar
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During Ashwamedha yagna, did the queen really did obscene things with the horse? If not, what is the metaphor here? [duplicate]

Of all things ever written in Hindu scriptures, especially Vedas, this one ritual seems to be the most controversial of all. Carvarkas condemned this ritual in Madhavacharya's Sarvadarsanasangraha; ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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According to researchers, which are the old and new mantras of the Vedic Samhitas?

Please note: This question seeks to gain a collation of diverse views of Purvapakshis i.e. indologists as well as Indian researchers (like R.L. Kashyap) on the Samhitas, who actually aim to date the ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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What is the meaning of below shloka Yajurveda 25.7?

I am not able to make sense of existing translations provided. Somehow I feel it is related to virgin births where female species are able to create future progeny without any sexual activity. Please ...
WitVault's user avatar
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Is this verse present in the Māitrāyaṇa-saṁhitā́ found in the Tāittirīya-saṁhitā́?

I vaguely remember this hymn in the Tāittirīya-saṁhitā́, I'd like if anyone could tell me where.
Savitr̥'s user avatar
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destruction of Tripuras mentioned in other samhitas

The destruction of Tripuras by Lord Rudra is mentioned in Taittiriya samhita as- तेषामसुराणां तिस्त्रः पुर आसन्नयस्मय्यवमाथ रजताथ हरिणी ता देवा जेतुं नाशक्नुवन्ता उपसदैवाजिगीषन्तस्मादाहुर्यश्चैव वेद ...
Vom's user avatar
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Which Upanishad in the Yajur Veda references jñāna and ajñāna?

I remember having read about the terms Jñāna and ajñāna (gyan and agyan) in an Upanishad from the Yajur Veda. I know what the terms mean, and I know that they are present in certain other texts, but I'...
CDR's user avatar
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What is the date and time in USA for performing amavasya corresponding to IST 9 AM on 20th February, 2023

What is the date and time in the USA for performing Amavasya corresponding to IST 9 AM on 20th February 2023 Also Sangalpam is to be made in the USA on That date
S GOPALAKRISHNAN's user avatar
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Does one need initiation from a guru to recite vedas?

I’m thinking of reciting medha suktam and shraddha suktam daily. I have read that these suktams are a part of the vedas. Does one need initiation from a guru for reciting vedas or one can recite them ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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Ayushya Suktam is said to of Yajur Veda. Can someone provide the Vedic Shakha, the Kanda-Suktha number and link to its translation if possible?

Many Vedic Suktas have popular names, but the Vedic literature has Shakha-Kanda-Suktam Number with Devata, Metre, Group, Rishi and more. Some suktas are a collection of hymns/verses from various ...
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
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Regarding Pitru rituals

Recently one of my close relatives passed away. So, there are some rituals being done in the name of "Maasiyam and Oonam" I am not sure what are those rituals and why it is being done? Also, ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Can we do Sandhyavandanam in Bedroom?

Is there a restriction in doing Sandhyavandanam in particular place or it can be done anywhere?
Hansiemithun's user avatar
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What are the benefits of listening these mantras?

What are the benefits of listening the mantra present in 6.1.1 of Krishna Yajur Veda Samhita (Pavayati Chitpatistva Punaatvityah....) and Medha Suktam. Also, provide some details about MedhaSuktam.
LSSJ Broly's user avatar
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What was the real purpose of Shukla Yajurveda?

What was the purpose of Shukla Yajurveda when the Krishna Yajurveda was already present? Inviting answer from Any Vedic scholar on any references to the purpose. Sun instructed that to Ygnyavalkya.
Gopal Anantharaman's user avatar
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Sri Rudram Verses — nilakantha, sadashivaya

Is this verse from Sri Rudram actually present in the Taittiriya Samhita? I could not able to find any such verse. Some people say that this verse is later interpolation. oṃ namaste astu bhagavan ...
MitraVaruna's user avatar
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Which translation of the Vedas is the best?

Which translation of the Vedas is the best? Also, what are the errors in the translation of Vedas by Dr.Tulsiram?
muhamad sofyan Sanusi's user avatar
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The difference between Rig and Yajus chanting

There are primarily three Vedic (let’s call them) chanting styles viz. Rik, Yajus and Saman. The Rik is defined as: when there is a division into ‘pada’ – The Saman is defined as: when a mantra is ...
Adiyarkku's user avatar
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How many versions of Yajurveda Samhita are there?

I used to think there are two versions: Shukla and Krishna. However, I came across many Yajurveda Samhitas (Vajsaneya Samhita, Kathak Samhita, Taittiriya Samhita). It is very confusing. Exactly, how ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
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How many styles of chanting Shukla Yajurveda are there?

How many styles of chanting Shukla Yajurveda are there? I have heard shukla yajurveda chanting in two different styles, what are they?
Atharva's user avatar
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Can one lakh recitations of a mantra be done in a week?

I wish to know if it is ok to complete the recitations of the mantra in a week or should the recitations be paced over for a mandala number of days
Santhosh's user avatar
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Three mothers of Agni/Rudra; Tryambaka

Who are the three mothers, Tryambaka, of Agni/Rudra, and where are they mentioned in the Vedas?
MitraVaruna's user avatar
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Are there any stotras for curing baldness or enhancing physical beauty

Yes I do know that this is a materialistic request but honestly some of us can’t shed the materialistic part of life that easily and I believe that our ancient yogis had an answer for everything in ...
Viktor Greymane's user avatar
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Are the Vedic Samhitas complete?

Patanjali's Mahabhashyam mentions that there existed 1131 Shakhas originally, each of whom taught a particular Brahmana and Aranyaka. In the present day, only around 12 of them exist, from this we can ...
Arijeet Tripathy's user avatar
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Indra and Agni as Bṛhaspati/Brahmaṇaspati in Vedas

Why are Indra and Agni both regarded as Bṛhaspati in Rigveda 10.112.9 and 3.26.2, respectively? Rig-Veda 2.23.1 ग॒णानां॑ त्वा ग॒णप॑तिं हवामहे क॒विं क॑वी॒नामु॑प॒मश्र॑वस्तमं । ज्ये॒ष्ठ॒राजं॒ ब्रह्म॑णां ...
MitraVaruna's user avatar
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Is doing a good deed conscious of the resulting karmic reaction, bad?

If one wants to do some good deeds like feeding stray dogs,and he/she is consciously well aware that they are accumulating good karma based on the karmic law, Does the deed count as good karma?
Santhosh's user avatar
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Does any manuscript provide guidance about what to do with spent up cows

The beauty of our sanatan is that we worship the nature. Cow worship is just an example of it. But now a days, after a cow becomes spent up, ( when the cow is not fit for breeding anymore) they're ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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Who is the twice born Purusha?

This video is the recital of the Narayan Suktam. From 0:25-0:29,the translation reads: O Living One ,comparable to the twice born Universal Truth,Purusha.. Can someone please explain this concept of ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Bratamanda rules

On Thursday I had this Bratamanda ceremony which is practiced in Nepal and maybe also in India but what I wanted to know is more of my freedom after I did that ceremony. When it was happening the ...
Rijan Phuyal's user avatar
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Acceptance of Mahavakyas in Shankara's time

The Vakyas 2 & 4 of four MahaVakyas clearly identify the Self with Brahman... as a Vedic tradition. Non-duality had always been a well established fact of Sanatana Dharma... right? Then why did ...
Narasimham's user avatar
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Meaning of "Yaa" in Rudram first Anuvaka, second verse

This the second verse of Sri Rudram yAta ishus-shivatama shivam babhUva te dhanuH / shivA sharavyA yA tava tayA no rudra mRRiDaya // The first word in the first line can be divided into या | ते | ...
xax's user avatar
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Is it Dhruva padam or Dhruta padam in Dhyanam before Rudram?

I've seen two versions of dhyanam before Rudram (Namakam). āpātāḷa-nabhaḥsthalānta-bhuvana-brahmāṇḍa-māvisphurat- jyotiḥ sphāṭika-liṅga-mauḷi-vilasat-pūrṇendu-vāntāmṛtaiḥ | astokāpluta-meka-mīśa-...
xax's user avatar
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What could be my clan's sutra?

I belong to Gaargya gotra and follow the Yajurveda (Madhyanddinya). Our family does not remember the "sutra" of the Yajurveda that our clan was supposed to follow. I was wondering if ...
inpraiseofagni's user avatar
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Which sukta of Yajurveda talks about vAjapeya

Could you please tell me which mandala and sukta of yajurveda the following reference talking about: To me 1 of the most inspiring chants from the yajurveda is the chariot-race incantation used in the ...
inpraiseofagni's user avatar
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In Yajurveda there is written “Naasptimasti” means there is no idol of god and still we do worship of idols? [duplicate]

I was told that in Yajurveda it is clearly written “NAASPTIMASTI” means don’t make idols. Still people do, why ? And in Gita, they mentioned that make idols of god. Can anyone tell me this?
rajat sharma's user avatar
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How to reconcile mention of word Taittiriya in Ramayana?

In Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa (Ayodhyā kāṇḍa), Sri Rāma instructs Lakṣmaṇa to gift dasis to brahmins studying Tattiriya (school of Yajurveda). kausalyām ca yāaśīrbhir bhaktaḥ paryupatiṣṭhati | ācāryaḥ ...
Artist Formerly Known As CSD's user avatar
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Rishi, Chandas and Devatha of Panchakshari Mantra according to Krishna Yajurveda Taittiriya Samhita?

According to Shukla Yajurveda Madhyandina Shakha (Samhitha), the Rishi of Panchakshari Mantra is Vamadeva, Chandas is Pankti and Devatha is Sadashiva or Rudra. Who is the Rishi and what Chandas is ...
AN GK's user avatar
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Yajurvedic Shradha Vidhi and deep -dana?

As we know dwija perform various vedic rituals based on Grihya sutra according to vedas followed by them. I'm interested to know which chapter (Adhyaaya) of yajurveda explains about it.
Ganesh Khadanga's user avatar
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What's Arunam mantra or Arunaprasna?

What's Arunam mantra or Arunaprashna. Please explain the importance, origin of Arunam. Is it okay, or allowed to chant ArunaPrashna in front of Lord Vishnu or other Goddessess?
SaMolWT's user avatar
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A set of Hymns in Taittiriya Samhita of Krishna Yajur Veda

Can any expert here, provide me the meanings of mantras ending with "Swaha..." in the Samhita of Taittiriya Shakha of the Krishna Yajur Veda? I meant, in the samhita there are mantras, like- ...
DasAD's user avatar
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Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa - Whats the difference between Samhita and Brahmana

Would like to know, whats the difference between Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa and Samhita. I heard that, in Samhita there are some 44 chapters and contains mantras that includes Srirudram-rudraprasna.( ...
DasAD's user avatar
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Was there any form of discrimination in the yajurveda?

Since the Purusha Sukta of RigVeda is open to interpretations, I have read in certain places of various passages of YajurVeda having some passages that pertain to discrimination of some form in ...
Aaryan BHAGAT's user avatar
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What is the meaning of this verse 2:2:10 of Krishna Yajurveda?

Asavadityo na vy arocata tasmai devah, prayascittim aichan tasma etam. Somaraudram carum nir avapan tenaivasmin rucam adadhus (Krishna Yajurveda 2:2:10) What is the exact meaning of this shloka? ...
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