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Why can't or why won't a jivan muktha change niyathi according to advaitha?

This question should be and can be answered using Advaitha only. According to advaitha, a person can become Jivan Muktha while she is living in her human body only. After becoming Jivan Muktha, she ...
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Why should one do his duty?

I am studying Advaita Vedanta. According to Advaita Vedanta, this world is an illusion. It suggests one to do his duty with detachment. What I do not understand is why should one even do his duty when ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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Why is it said in Vedanta that you are not the doer of any action?

In my study of Advaita Vedanta, I have come across many references to the point that one is not the doer of any action. See for example these two verses धर्माधर्मौ सुखं दुखं मानसानि न ते विभो। ...
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