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Questions tagged [yuga]

The name of an epoch or era within a four age cycle.

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Yuga cycle in Hinduism and it's beginning

As per Hindu mythology, there are 4 "Yugas" - Satya/Krita, Treta, Dwapar and Kali which forms a cycle, i.e. after Kali Yuga again Satya Yuga starts. At the end of the Kali Yuga Vishnu's 10th ...
Raj's user avatar
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Does Kalki Avatar come in this Kali Yuga (28th one) or on the ending of 71st Kali Yuga?

We are living in Kali-yuga of the 28th Chatur-yuga cycle of 7th Manvantara. So in which kali yuga does Lord Kalki come? in this kali yuga or the last kali yuga(71st)? so if Kalki avatar does come in ...
Atenem Writings's user avatar
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What is the reason we Personify Kali?

Out of all four yugas, we only tend to personify Kali Yuga. Is there any particular reason behind this personification? It seems like, Kali Yuga is not governed by Devas but explicitly by some Asura. ...
Ubi.B's user avatar
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Please clear my doubts around kalpa, yuga and manu?

Please clear my doubts regarding kalpa, yuga ,immortality and manu. I want to know God sends Maharishi Manu at start of kalp, chaturyug Or in what state of time. Also avtars like parshuram, hanuman do ...
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Did the concept of Grama devatas exist in earlier Yugas?

Did the concept of Grama-Devis/Devatas ( local/folk deities )exist in the Yugas prior to Kaliyug?
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Physical changes in other lifeforms in each Yuga In this section of the Mahabharata mentions how men physically change over time I am wondering if other life forms similarly change.
Haridasa's user avatar
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Temples in Dvapara yuga

Are there any references that temple's were constructed during the period? If so share examples, if not why they were emphasized more in Kaliyuga?
Kanil's user avatar
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Where was the concept of Yugas discussed first?

The concept of chaturyuga, where does it trace its origin from. In which of the text(s) the concept is mentioned as it is known to us today.
Saksham 's user avatar
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What are lions and tigers eating in Satyug?

In Satyug the animals get along with each other and play together, no enemies, as says Skand Puran Chapter 17. So lions and tigers, cheetah, jaguar, what are they eating ? Cause in Kaliyug they hunt ...
veganenvironmental's user avatar
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Does modern Hinduism really accept the whole concept of Yugas as real or is it supposed to be allegorical?

I have seen the Yuga concept being peddled in a lot of scriptures - be it puranas or epics. Many shastras also seem to say it and even moral axioms are based on it it seems. Many things which were ...
Suradoe Uchiha's user avatar
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Ages of humans of each yuga

Human age in Satya yuga was 100,000 years; 10,000 in Treta; 1000 in Dwapar and 100 in Kali yuga. Is it just symbolic and means something? Also were humans of Satya yuga and Treta yuga physically ...
Suryanshu Tiwari's user avatar
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Why Vedang Jyotisha says 1 Yuga duration Is 5 Years which is different from Puranas

Puranas says One Yuga Is Thousands of year old but Vedang Jyotisha says it's only of 5 years. Is Vedang Jyotisha and Puranas are talking about different Yugas?
Sam's user avatar
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Is there any idea of change in technology with the changing of yugas?

We see with the change of yugas different laws are changed or the general conduct of the people are changed etc., so does the same apply to the change of technology? Like maybe in Krita yuga they didn'...
Rajam's user avatar
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Is the power of Tapasya the highest in Kali Yuga?

According to a popular religious lecturer, Krita or Satya yuga 10,000 years Treta yuga 100 years Dwapara yuga 1 year Kali Yuga one day are all said to yield the same benefit from Tapas. What is the ...
S K's user avatar
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Signs of Kali Yuga

Just a question. I have heard that an onset of certain things would indicate that Kali Yuga is getting increasing worse. Just recently, I have seen a lot of friends and family get daughters rather ...
Freshman's user avatar
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Narayana assuming different colours

When Yuga dharma normally described, its said that Narayana wears White in Krita, Red in Treta, Yellow in Dwapara and Black in Kali Yuga. Example, in Mahabharata. What are the reasons for changing ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Were there only Brahmins in Satyuga or in remote past ? Were all Varnas created from Brahmins?

Were there only Brahmins in the past ? Were all other Varnas created from Brahmins ? How did it happen ?
river's user avatar
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Are Some Of The Characteristics Of Kaliyug & Satyug Meant Figuratively

Just wondering if is there is a figurative meaning of some of the characteristics described in Hindu texts for Kaliyug, Satyug ? Any respected commentaries of our religious works touch on this ? Like ...
veganenvironmentalist's user avatar
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Did all people in Satyug use to get Moksha?

Since there was no sin in Satyug . Did all people use to get Moksha in Satyug ? Or Did all people would go to heaven ?
river's user avatar
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If the Ramyana we know happened in 24th Treta Yuga, what happened in 28th Treta Yuga?

According to this answer, Ramayana happened in 24th Treta Yuga. If it happened in 24th Treta Yuga how did we come to know of it? Through which sage did we get the current available Valmiki Ramayana? ...
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Do Yugas change every 12 years or so?

I know about 4 yugas and their timelines which runs for lakhs of years. But in childhood I heard from people that after every 12 years or so Yuga changes. Is it a different type of Yuga ? Where this ...
river's user avatar
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What happens at end of maha pralay (end of Brahma's lifespan)? Does a new yuga start right after with new Brahma? How is this different from pralay?

It was written in Ramayan that Hanumanji got boon that he will be the next Brahma and that is why he is waiting on Earth (Chiranjeevi) till this era ends. Also as I understand this is 51st year (out ...
Himanshu Makhija's user avatar
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How really was the Satayuga?

We all know there are 4 Yug. Satayugs, TretaYuga, DwaparaYuga, and Kaliyuga. Through Ramayan, we got to know more about TretaYuga, through Gita we got to know about DwaparaYugs, and we are living in ...
Prateek Chaubey's user avatar
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Does the universe get recreated at the end of every Yuga?

I read in Mahabharata that at the end of every Yuga , the universe gets destroyed and new universe is created again. But it was not very much explicit. Adi Parva (Anukramnik Parva Verse 38-39) And ...
river's user avatar
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What was Ravana's age when Sri Rama killed him?

Ravana was born way before Sri Rama, as per inferences using some texts, he was born 12 or 13 Mahayuga before Sri Rama (born - 24th Treta Yuga). From this answer, it seems that Ravana was at least 56 ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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Did the human lifespan gradually change from 100k to 10k during the course of sata-yuga, or was the change abrupt when treta-yuga began?

Did the human lifespan gradually change from 100 thousands to 10 thousands during the course of satya-yuga, or was the change abrupt when treta-yuga began? I am only interested in answers that contain ...
Devin's user avatar
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The actual age of each yuga [duplicate]

Puranas extensively mention the length of a mahayuga or a chaturyuga to be of 12000 divine years or 4,320,000 human years. This period is divided in 4:3:2:1 in 4 subsequent Yugas. But Yukteshwar Giri, ...
Nipun Joshi's user avatar
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Which Yuga starts and which ends the Chatur-yuga? (Is Satya Yuga through to Kali Yuga right?)

Everyone, even if they don't say it seems to assume Satya Yuga starts the cycle and Kali Yuga ends it, but I have not seen any actual claim that that is true (actually scripture not having ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Does Treta Yuga have a personified form like Satya, Dvapara and Kali? [duplicate]

Kali and Dvapara have personified forms in the Mahabharata and Satya has a personified form in the Kalki Purana, among their other appearances. Does Treta Yuga have a personified form, or does it not ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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Where has it said in the authentic scriptures, that a year in the Yuga schematic of Manu is actually a Daiva year?

The one of the early mentions of Yuga theory of Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali occurs in Manu Smriti. There the Yuga is acutally only 12000 years with Kali Yuga - 1200 years Dwapara Yuga - 2400 ...
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Which scripture mentions Yuga length?

I am aware that the yuga lengths have the ratio 4:3:2:1 and have seen in various posts that a Kali Yuga is 432,000 years. What religious texts (Puranas, Mahabharat, Ramayan, etc) mention these Yuga ...
Debbie's user avatar
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How many days of humans are equivalent to 1 day of Pitris?

I want to know about the calculation of years of Pitris (manes) according to scriptures. 1 Pitri year = How many human years? 1 Pitri day = How many human days?
Pasham Vishnu Vardhan Goud's user avatar
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Point behind Creation [duplicate]

I have read that Sri Krishna creates jeevas periodically(end of Chatur yuga) Questions: a)There must have been a “first time” when God created the Universe(I understand the verse from Bhagavad Gita ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Where are the realms of a perpetual Treta Yuga mentioned as being such?

It kind of makes sense for Treta Yuga to be the default Yuga, as its number of legs is the average number of legs: (4(4)+3(3)+2(2)+1(1))/(4+3+2+1) = 3 i.e., If you average the dharma in all Yugas you ...
Aupakarana Abhibhaa's user avatar
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When kaliyuga will end then yuga cycle again rotate to Sat-yuga then what will happen, like Shree Râmaji take avatâr again?

As we are living in the Kaliyuga when it will become end then again yuga cycle rotate to Sat-yuga. Then my question is that then there will be same leelâ of my god like they will take avatâr of Lord ...
Ravindra Kushwaha's user avatar
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Do scriptures change over time? Or they're static but different for each Yuga? Can customs of one Yuga be ridiculed by people in earlier or next Yuga?

It is well known that laws & customs change over time, according to people, society and events. Some people claim that religious scriptures also change over time. But the wise say that religious ...
ram's user avatar
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In the Kalyug after this one, will the demon be same Kali again?

The demon Kali we have right now, will that guy again rise in next Kalyug or is Demon Kali just a post similar to Indra?
Zeke's user avatar
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Adharma must prevail in this very Yuga?

Quoting Shastras from reputable sources: "Manu Smriti says: 1.85. One set of duties (is prescribed) for men in the Krita age, different ones in the Treta and in the Dvapara, and (again) another (...
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Pralaya at end of every Yuga cycle [duplicate]

Many scripts talk about re-creation at the end of pralaya, and pralaya at the end of kalpa. In this section for example, it is said that And when those terrible times will be over, the creation will ...
Kanthri's user avatar
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Is it possible to live like in Krita Yuga [Satya Yuga] for an individual, despite being in Kali Yuga?

Being inspired by this very extensive answer: to a question about Yugas, I would like to know if, applying all the human efforts and energies to sadhana ...
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Can we compare Big Bang theory with the beginning/ending of a Kalpa? [closed]

There is a recent statement by the Nobel Laureate Prof. Roger Penrose, who says that the Big Bang was "not the beginning" of our universe rather it was the end of the previous one. This ...
Jagadish Kudkuli's user avatar
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What is the chronological order of events mentioned in Devi Mahtmya/Durga Shaptshati?

Devi Mahatmya or Durga Shaptshati is one of the most important Shakta scriptures. It is present in Markandeya Purana. Basically it tells the story of King Suratha and a Vaishya who go to Medha Rishi ...
RishX's user avatar
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Do the Vedas change through the Yugas?

I have heard that the Devas change through the Yugas, and that the Devas of the current Yuga are the children of Aditi. Similarly, one often hears that the structure of music ragas change through the ...
Aravind Suresh Thakidayil's user avatar
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Is Brahma referring to the incidents of previous mahayugas?

Anusasana Parva contains a long discussion between Bhishma and Yudhishthira. In the conversation, Yudhishthira once asks the following question "Yudhishthira said, 'Tell me, O learned sire that ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Foreigners knowledge about fasting in previous yugas

The following statement by Yudhistrira clarifies that foreigners are aware of (benefits of) fasting during Dwapara Yuga "Yudhishthira said, 'The disposition is seen, O grandsire, in all the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the difference between Yuga Dharma and Santana Dharma? What is the Yuga Dharma for each Yuga?

I'm really confused about the Yuga Dharma of each Yuga. Some say Daan is the Yuga Dharma of Kaliyuga while some say chanting the name of God. Someone please explain this concept in detail.
Sanatani's user avatar
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Hindu timeline versus evolution theory [closed]

Hindu timeline says that the universe is created and destroyed in a cyclic way (for 84 times) and each cycle consists of 4 phases, namely, Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dwapara-yuga and Kali-yuga. It is ...
Ved Gupta's user avatar
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What is the story of Kakabhusundi [duplicate]

When I searched for Kakabhusundi on wikipedia, it was written that ----- The conversations happen between Shiva and Parvati, Sages Bharadwaj and Yajnavalkya and finally Kakbhushundi and the king of ...
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Turn of events every mahayugam

Whether in every mahayugam same events reoccur with same avatarams and same souls taking birth , following same karma cycle as was in last mahayugam ?
Srinivasan Sundaram's user avatar
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How is it fair that kali yug is the only bad yug

How is it fair that kali yuga is the only bad yuga because Dwapara Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Satya yuga have most dharma while Kali yuga has the least dharma
The Preserver's user avatar