The Shiva Vishnu Bhujanga Prayata Stotram attributed to Sankaracharya:
kṛpāsāgarāyāśukāvyapradāya praṇamrākhilābhīṣṭasandāyakāya | yatīndrairupāsyāṅghripāthoruhāya prabodhapradātre namaḥ śaṅkarāya ||1||
cidānandarūpāya cinmudrikodya- tkarāyeśaparyāyarūpāya tubhyam | mudā gīyamānāya vedottamāṅgaiḥ śritānandadātre namaḥ śaṅkarāya ||2||
jaṭājūṭamadhye purā yā surāṇāṃ dhunī sādya karmandirūpasya śambhoḥ gale mallikāmālikāvyājataste vibhātīti manye guro kiṃ tathaiva ||3||
nakhenduprabhādhūtanamrālihārdā- ndhakāravrajāyābjamandasmitāya | mahāmohapāthonidherbāḍabāya praśāntāya kurmo namaḥ śaṅkarāya ||4||
praṇamrāntaraṅgābjabodhapradātre divārātramavyāhatosrāya kāmam | kṣapeśāya citrāya lakṣma kṣayābhyāṃ vihīnāya kurmo namaḥ śaṅkarāya ||5||
praṇamrāsyapāthojamodapradātre sadāntastamastomasaṃhārakartre | rajanyā mapīddhaprakāśāya kurmo hyapūrvāya pūṣṇe namaḥ śaṅkarāya ||6||
natānāṃ hṛdabjāni phullāni śīghraṃ karomyāśu yogapradānena nūnam | prabodhāya cetthaṃ sarojāni dhatse praphullāni kiṃ bho guro brūhi mahyam ||7||
prabhādhūtacandrāyutāyākhileṣṭa- pradāyānatānāṃ samūhāya śīghram| pratīpāya namraughaduḥkhāghapaṅkte- rmudā sarvadā syānnamaḥ śaṅkarāya ||8||
viniṣkāsitānīśa tattvāvabodhā – nnatānāṃ manobhyo hyananyāśrayāṇi | rajāṃsi prapannāni pādāmbujātaṃ guro raktavastrāpadeśādbibharṣi ||9||
matervedaśīrṣādhvasamprāpakāyā- natānāṃ janānāṃ kṛpārdraiḥ kaṭākṣaiḥ | tateḥ pāpabṛndasya śīghraṃ nihantre smitāsyāya kurmo namaḥ śaṅkarāya ||10||
suparvoktigandhena hīnāya tūrṇaṃ purā toṭakāyākhilaṅñānadātre| pravālīyagarvāpahārasya kartre padābjamradimnā namaḥ śaṅkarāya ||11||
bhavāmbhodhimagnānjanānduḥkhayuktān javāduddidhīrṣurbhavānityaho உham | viditvā hi te kīrtimanyādṛśāmbho sukhaṃ nirviśaṅkaḥ svapimyastayatnaḥ ||12||
||iti śrīśaṅkarācārya bhujaṅgaprayātastotram||
Bard translates this as:
Salutations to Shiva, who is the ocean of compassion, who is the giver of auspiciousness, who is the remover of all obstacles, who is the embodiment of knowledge, who is the source of all creation, and who is the destroyer of all evil.
Salutations to Vishnu, who is the supreme being, who is the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the universe, who is the embodiment of knowledge and power, who is the source of all happiness, and who is the refuge of all beings.
O Shiva, you are the one who wears the crescent moon on your head, the one who has a third eye, the one who dances the tandava, the one who is the lord of the ganas, and the one who is the destroyer of evil.
O Vishnu, you are the one who sleeps on the serpent Ananta, the one who holds the conch, the discus, and the mace, the one who is the protector of the world, and the one who is the embodiment of love and compassion.
I pray to you, Shiva and Vishnu, to protect my mother and to grant her moksha. May she be free from all suffering and may she attain eternal happiness.
I bow down to you, Shiva and Vishnu, the two supreme beings. May your blessings be upon me always.