I myself answered a question on the so-called "Shabar Mantras" [here][1].

[This][2] webpage claims that these mantras are auto energized or Siddha so to speak.

> A shabar mantra is quite different from a classical or Vedic mantra.
> One needs to attain siddhi to use a Vedic mantra but it is nothing
> like this in case of a shabar mantra. **Shabar mantras as auto-energized**
> and can be used even by a common man easily to bring his wishes true.

Is that true?

Also does that  imply that for these mantras upadesha from Guru(initiation) is not needed?

  [1]: https://hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/16673/what-are-the-shabar-mantras
  [2]: http://www.shabarmantraonline.com/