Yes. We can meditate on Lord during Asoucha or Sutak period which generally lasts for 13-15 days depending on region and caste.

[Sri Annadanam Chidambara Sastry][1]  says the following in [this video][2] which is part of Dharma Sandhehalu telcasted on Telugu Channel Bhakthi TV.

> *Soucham* (cleanliness) is needed for works related to God. Like how we need a vehicle (milk or food or water) to carry medicine, rules are
> needed (followed) for Daiva Pooja (worship). We should worship with *Suchi*
> (purity) both internally and externally. Asouchi acquired during death
> of relatives is called *Mrutaasoucha*. Asouchi acquired during birth
> is called *Jatahasoucha*. Upasana is not allowed during Jatahasoucha
> and Mrutaasoucha but those who are initiated with a mantra shouldn't
> stop chanting the mantra. *Mantratyaage Daridrataha*.
> In Asoucha times, we can meditate in mind (mental meditation) without
> moving lips. There is no dosha for mental meditation during Asoucha
> days.
