Om denotes the supreme Brahma:
omiti brahma omitīdaṃsarvam [Tait. Up. - 1.8.1]
Om is Brahman. Om is everything here.girām asmy ekam akṣaram [BG - 10.25]
Of sound vibrations I am the single syllable (OM)
But as we know God is threefold is nature, same is the case for the single syllable Om. It consists of three differnt letters A, U, M which are the seed of all other letters, sounds and words.
sa vā eṣa omityetadātmābhavat sa tredhātmānaṃ vyākuruta omiti tisro mātrā etābhiḥ [Mait. Up. 6.3] Meaning
He(God) came to have Om as his soul. He divided into three parts. So Om is the three units (a,u,m).
Now the letters of A,U,M can be signified differently as Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, or creation, preservation, annihilation, or satva(goodness), rajas(passion), tamas(ignorance). The Mandukya Upanishad which deals only the pranava (Om) defines the three units as below:
jāgaritasthāno vaiśvānaro'kāraḥ prathamā mātrā [Mandu. Up. - 9]
Waking state is the first unit (A)svapnasthānastaijasa ukāro dvitīyā mātrā [Mandu. Up. - 10]
Dream state is the second unit (U)suṣuptasthānaḥ prājño makārastṛtīyā mātrā [Mandu. Up. - 11]
Sleeping state is the third unit (M)
These three states are related to a person. But these are also synonymous to creation, preservation, annihilation and other meanings when analyzed from the universal point of view.
Usage of Om at the beginning of mantras
Om is the primeval sound from which everything originated. By Om speech is held together:
yathā śaṅkunā sarvāṇi parṇāni saṃtṛṇṇānyevamoṃkāreṇa sarvā vāksaṃtṛṇṇoṃkāra [Chg. Up. 2.23.3]
Like with a spike(stem or branch of a tree) all leaves are hold together, through the syllable Om all speech or voice is hold together.
So it is said that, without the presence of Om at the beginning all the following letters of the mantra will fall apart and hence won't work. Om at the beginning holds the rest of the mantra together.
Om is the seed mantra from which every other letter and mantra originated. Hence, om goes in the beginning of the veda mantras while reciting it. Because chanting of the vedas begin from Om, it is also known as udgitha (chanting of Veda mantra).
omityetadakṣaramudgīthamupāsīta [Chg. Up. - 1.1.1]
One should worship Om as the udgitha
I think this answers all the four questions you asked.