Sooner or later after (you) (including your brain, your mind, your consciousness, your soul and your spirit) has eternally ceased to exist and (you) (including your brain, your mind, your consciousness, your soul and your spirit) has gone forever, an exact copy of yourself with an exact copy of your brain, with an exact copy of you mind, with an exact copy of your consciousness, with an exact copy of your soul and with an exact copy of your spirit will randomly be created from scratch and will be realised, on another exact copy of this Earth that has the exact same history as this Earth up until the year you were born in, in another exact copy of our observable universe in another completely disconnected universe that is completely identical to our universe that was also spontaneously created from nothing and popped into existence without a cause, that has it's very own space and it's very own time, that has it's very own big bang followed by it's very own subsequent evolution somewhere else in the infinite mathematical multiverse. Over the course of eternity your exact life you have lived so far and every other possible variation of your life will ultimately be lived an infinite number of times by other exact copies of you that have an exact copy of your brain, that have an exact copy of your mind, that have an exact copy of your consciousness, that have an exact copy of your soul and that have an exact copy of your spirit, living on other exact copies of this Earth that has the exact same history up until the year you were born in, in other exact copies of our observable universe in other completely disconnected universes that are completely identical to our universe that were also spontaneously created out of nothing and popped into existence without a cause, that have their very own spaces and their very own times, that have their very own big bangs followed by their subsequent evolutions elsewhere in the infinite mathematical multiverse. In conclusion life after (your) death is completely impossible because there is absolutely no way for the information that is you (including your brain, your mind, your consciousness, your soul and your spirit) to persist after you die. Near death experiences and out of body experiences are just caused by the dying brain going haywire which causes it to hallucinate when it is nearly dead because there is not enough oxygen getting to the brain when it is shutting down. As brain cells start to die these start firing randomly, kind of like a last gasp. which can cause hallucinations which manifest as near death experiences or out of body experiences. When the left hemisphere is more stimulated during a NDE or a OBE people have a sense of flying and when the right hemisphere of the brain is more stimulated during an NDE or OBE people have a sense of communicating with spirits or hearing voices. After you die (your) brain will no longer function, become inactive and go kaput, (your) mind will no longer function, become inactive and go kaput, (your) consciousness will no longer function, become inactive and go kaput, (your) soul will no longer function, become inactive and go kaput and (your) spirit will no longer function, become inactive and go kaput.