I am interested in learning about Yugas.

According to this [Wikipedia article][1], Kali Yuga started around 3201 BCE, or BC.

Same Wikipedia article mentions

> Acording to the Laws of Manu, one of the earliest known texts
> describing the yugas, the length is 4800 years + 3600 years + 2400
> years + 1200 years, for a total of 12,000 years for one arc, or 24,000
> years to complete the cycle, which is one precession of the equinox).
> These 4 yugas follow a timeline ratio of (4:3:2:1).

Ok, so we have 3102 BCE minus 1200 years, bringing us to 1902 BCE.

But that is only half the circle's arc. We must subtract another 1200 years to get to end of Kali Yuga.

1902 BCE - 1200 years = 702 BC

So does that mean Kali Yuga ended in 702 BC? 

I am really confused, please guide!!!

If this helps, I would like to add

> While the long yuga count is the most popular, it does not correlate
> to any known celestial motion found in the Astronomical Almanac. The
> value of 24,000 years fits relatively close with the modern
> astronomical calculation of one full precession of the equinox, which
> takes 25,772 years

And here is YouTube video explaining [procession of the equinox][2]

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuga
  [2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z97i3FBhSs