**Chapter 12 of Bhagvad gita is named "Bhakti yoga"** . It describes path of completely loving devotion to God in very detailed manner. Bhagvad gita is among Prasthantrayi scriptures of Vedanta Philosophy. So **that obviously means Bhakti yoga is atleast as old as Gita or even far more older. that definitely pushes it hundreds/thousands years before Christ** see : - https://www.esamskriti.com/e/Spirituality/Bhagavad-Gita/Bhagavad-Gita~Chapter-12-Bhakti-Yogah~Yoga-Of-Devotion-1.aspx - http://www.bhagavad-gita.org/Gita/chapter-12.html ------------- Now, [This book "Bhakti yoga for beginners"][1] ; shows that bhakti yoga is dealt by Sama veda. [1]: https://books.google.co.in/books?id=EYseAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA13&lpg=PA13&dq=bhakti%20yoga%20veda&source=bl&ots=1sPUqaSi91&sig=4uTuTIkDCB6MWRPwHwYtmyYDG98&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj65L-_0JPbAhVEPY8KHVmhC344ChDoAQhEMAU#v=snippet&q=bhakti%20yoga%20veda&f=false