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3 votes

Is the name Rudra a human form of Lord Shiva? What is eleven Rudra? Is Aswathama one among t...

@Tezz ji has given an excellent intro on Rudra and shared various sources in describing the concept of Rudra. So I would start from here. Here is the link Rudra the name of the human form of Shiva? … Is Aswathama one among these Rudra? …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
1 vote

Do rudras make the demigods cry?

Rudra is a Cumulative Divinity with many contradictions. Here is a link that has your quoted reference along with others explaining the nature of Rudra and the concept of Sorrow/Cry. … Here are a Vedic references where Rudra Roared to other Devas: Wandering Rudra in the heavenly realm (svargaṃ lokaṃ) with a sun-like luster/brilliance (ādityavarṇaṃ). …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
1 vote

Question about Rudra meaning

Bheshaji | Śivā Rudrasya Bheshaji “ Oh Rudra you are of Śiva (auspicious) body/form. … Annapurāstakam by Śrī Adi Śankaracharya Rudra is TIME Source LINK Rudra who makes us CRY and removes our CRY Source LINK Independent Divinity holding the elixir of immortality RV5.58,TS4.5 and healing …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
3 votes

is there any scripture/commentary that reconciles wildly different stories about the "birth"...

So when does Rudra emerge? … Well one might say, Rudra is Agni and Agni is Rudra and they both are the same, if so, then why does Agni become Rudra? Rather the correct question is, why does Rudra manifest in Agni? …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
1 vote

Are Rudra and Shiva the same person?

Neither Rudra nor Shiva are names of people unless human beings name their children so. Rudra is a collective Divine concept. Shiva is the very nature of that concept. … ~Kṛṣṇa Yajur Veda Taittirīya Saṃhitā 4.5 So Rudra is not just Śiva but Most-Śiva. If everything about Rudra is Śiva, What about his fierce weapons? …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
3 votes

Bhagvata Purana contradicts the fact that Lord Shiva is unborn

Hence, please note that Rudra didn’t come as the boy, this boy was called Rudra. … For detailed research on Rudra, you can search in Google for "Sanatanadhara Rudra Shiva across Vedas and Itihasa" …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
1 vote

Does the word "Shiva" appear for Shiva/Rudra in Rigveda?

In another case Agni wept in anguish, so He was also called Rudra. If any divinity shows attributes similar to Rudra they are called Rudratvam and so forth. … The Vedas clearly said, the so-called Rudra is a nameless divinity, He is unknown and only the learned Sages know who he is. …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
5 votes

What is the meaning of the word "Rudra"?

Rudra = Raw/Unmanifest: Because Rudra can manifest in anything and in everything. … So Rudra is not a single person or character, Rudra is everything. Hence the Vedas say "Everything is verily Rudra, there is none second to Rudra". …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar
1 vote

Recitation of rudra sukta and sri rudram at home

So Rudra Sūktams are the cumulative essence of the concept called Rudra. So how is this different from Stuti/Stotram? … This 5th chapter with 11 homages is called the Rudra Prashna or Śrī Rudram. …
Sanatana Dhara's user avatar