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3 votes

Anyone give word to word translation of Brahma sutra Shankara bhashya 1:3:38?

From the translation by Swami Gambhirananda And because the Smṛti prohibits for the Śūdra the hearing, study, and acquisition of the meaning (of the Vedas). This is another reason why the Śūdra has ...
Śipiviṣṭa's user avatar
2 votes

How come Vyasa rejected Panchratra Agamas in Vedanta Sutras yet referred back to Bhagavad Gita which is also considered to be a Panchratra scripture?

It's a severe misconception that vyasa maharishi Rejected the pañcarātra agamas in his Brahma Sutra. The pañcarātras are sung in all shāstras starting from the vedas to the Purans/itihaas, How Can one ...
Brahmarakṣāsa's user avatar
1 vote

Do any commentators of Brahmasūtras other than Ādi Śaṅkarācārya disagree with both Pañcarātra and Śaiva Āgamas?

Actually Bhaskara and Vallabhacharya also say the same thing as Shankaracharya has said about this adhikarana: Not a wholesale rejection of Pancharatra but only a partial. The theology part is not ...
Subrahmanian Vaidyanathan's user avatar

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