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8 votes

Who are these women mentioned in the Hiranyakeshin Grihya sutras?

This verse is also found in Rig Veda, Mandala 8, Sukta 101, Verse 15-16 as given below: माता रुद्राणां दुहिता वसूनां सवसादित्यानामम्र्तस्य नाभिः | पर नु वोचं चिकितुषे जनाय मा गामनागामदितिं वधि...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
7 votes

Is sannyasa a Vedic way of life? Is it recommended by the Vedas, the ten authentic Upanishads or Grhyasutras?

Is sannyasa a Vedic way of life? Is it recommended by the Vedas? I am answering only this question. Since it is not possible to answer the question without going through all the 4 Vedas, and ...
Rickross's user avatar
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6 votes

Is sannyasa a Vedic way of life? Is it recommended by the Vedas, the ten authentic Upanishads or Grhyasutras?

I am referring to Rig Vedic mantras alone, which are the oldest and considered to be apaurushEya. The definition of Sannyasa was already elaborated by the OP. Hence, I am not reproducing similar ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
6 votes

What was the position of Women in the Vedic era?

I would like to write a detailed post with extensive references from Vedas, Vedangas and extra vedic literature. Also, along with this one can also refer to my another post on menstruation (which most ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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5 votes

Is sannyasa a Vedic way of life? Is it recommended by the Vedas, the ten authentic Upanishads or Grhyasutras?

Is sannyasa a Vedic way of life? Is it recommended by the Vedas, the ten authentic Upanishads or Grhyasutras? The idea that sannyasashrama is not sanctioned by the Vedas is an old idea held even by ...
Ikshvaku's user avatar
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5 votes

Do Vedas & Grihya sutras prescribe rules only for a Brahmin?

No the injunctions are not just for the Brahmins. The Grihya Sutras in fact prescribe rules for the first three Varna even though the Parashar Smriti actually mentions the roles and responsibilities ...
Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's user avatar
3 votes

Can you give me Grhya Sutra 1.22.0, Grhya-Sutra 3.4.4, Grhya, Sutra 2.22.9?

The translations of requested verses are as below. Covering it (the square and lotus referred to in previous verses) with pure blades of Kusha grass, he must chant the Vishnu Sahasranama or Shiva ...
Sethu Srivatsa Koduru's user avatar
2 votes

What is the reason behind the differences between Samaveda Āvaṇi Aviṭṭam and other Āvaṇi Aviṭṭam (upAkarma)?

The reason is because the respective manuals (grhya sutras) have recommended each shakha/veda to perform the upAkarma on specific day which is followed by the respective veda and shakha people. As ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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1 vote

How many Arya Samskaras are there? ten or sixteen?

Shodasha sanskāras: Garbhādhāna - This is mainly concerned with the purification of the seed and the womb so that the progeny will be endowed with good health and intelligence. Pumsavana - This is ...
Athrey's user avatar
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1 vote

What is Grihya Sutra?

The Vedangas have six divisions. One of the divisions of Vedanga is Kalpasutras, which has four subdivisions, namely, Srautasutra, Sulbasutra, Dharmasutra (also known as Dharmasastra) and Grihyasutra. ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
1 vote

Can someone suggest/ point me towards various Sakhas of Asvalayana Grihya sutras, Rigveda?

Presently, shakala branch is most prevalent and other less prevalent is bashkala (बाष्कलशाखा). Shrauta is the highest form of vedic living according to the prescribed rituals. Those who cannot ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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