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21 votes

How is Lord Shiva revealed in the Rig Veda?

Various aspects of Lord Shiva are revealed under Rudra Suktas of RigVeda. They are like: 1) Revealing of Lord Rudra as One without Second: Lord Rudra in Vedas has one peculiar characteristic ie. He is ...
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16 votes

Are there any verses which pray for the birth of daughter in Vedas?

It is not that the Vedas only praise the birth of a male child alone. There are instances where female progeny is also praised. Further, it is important to know that the word "putra" does not ...
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15 votes

Where does Rig Veda states about Cyclical Nature of Creation?

10.190 is the Hymn to the creation in Rig Veda. In it's third verse it states sun and moon were created like that of previous creation. सूरय्याचन्द्रमसौ धाता यथा पूर्वमकल्पयत् I दिवं च पृथ्वी...
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14 votes

Is Shiva Sankalpa Suktam also a Khila Sukta of RigVeda?

Yes, Shiva Sankalpa Sukta is also a Khila Sukta of RigVeda. In the archive site we can find it in the book Rig-Veda Sayana Commentary Part 4 in the Khilani section where Khila Suktas of RigVeda are ...
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13 votes

What are the basic facts and summary of what the Rigveda is about?

Rigveda is one of the 4 Vedas. Read this and this to know about Veda or Shruti texts. Vedas are the most basic and primary scriptures of Hinduism and Rigveda is the most ancient among all four Vedas. ...
Pandya's user avatar
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12 votes

Are there any verses which pray for the birth of daughter in Vedas?

There is a verse in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.17 , Which says - अथ य इच्छेद्दुहिता मे पण्डिता जायेत , सर्वमायु-रियादिति, तिलौदनं पाचयित्वा सर्पिम्षन्तमश्रीयाताम् ; इश्वरौ जनयितवै ||१७|| ...
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Who is vAk (the speech) in Rig Veda 10:125?

The eight Mantras of the Suktam in question were revealed to a female Rishi (or RishikA) called VAk, the daughter of Rishi Ambhrina. And, that is why it is called the VAk Suktam. Another popular name ...
Rickross's user avatar
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12 votes

Why is Surya referred to as Martanda?

Is this story of Surya being born dead and revived later given in any scripture? Yes , apart from Brahma Purana , we find the brief mentioning of Aditya or Sun God being born dead and revived later ...
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12 votes

Do RV 8.33.19 and 10.85.30 suggest women should wear a veil in the presence of men?

This is what the Rig Veda hymns say: reference Mandal 10 Sutak 85 Mantra 30 The hindi version clearly states that in certain condition if the husband engages with his wife then his body too will be ...
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Does the word Purusha occur in the Rig Veda other than Purusha Suktam?

Yes, the word 'Purusha' is used in several places like: प्रयाजान्मे अनुयाजाँश्च केवलानूर्जुस्वन्तं हविषो दत्त भागम्। घृतं चापा पुरुषं चौषधीनामग्नेश्च दीर्घमायुरस्तु देवा।। (RigVeda 10.51.8) ...
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11 votes

Who eliminated Manmatha - Lord Indra?

No, Lord Rudra is the destroyer of Manmatha. It is told by Sita herself in the Aranya Kanda: यदि पश्येत् स रामः त्वाम् रोष दीप्तेन चक्षुषा । रक्षः त्वम् अद्य निर्दग्धो यथा रुद्रेण मन्मधः ॥ ३-५६-...
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11 votes

How did Vishnu help Indra in killing Vritra?

The full story is described in Srimad Bhagvata MahaPurana, Skandha 6, Adhyaya 9 to 12. SB 6.9: Appearance of the Demon Vṛtrāsura SB 6.10: The Battle Between the Demigods and Vṛtrāsura SB 6.11: The ...
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11 votes

Do all Vedic mantras start with "hari om"?

No Vedic Mantras start with "Harihi Om". It is not required to do so. But, there is a rule by which all Vedic recitals must start and finish with the Pranava or OM. BrahmAnah pranavah kuryAd AdAv ...
Rickross's user avatar
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11 votes

Do Vedas support the practice of Satī?

By seeing an alternate translation of that verse, i.e. Rig Veda 10.18.8, it says the opposite of Sati. Rise, woman, (and go) to the world of living beings: come, this man near whom you sleep is ...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
10 votes

What does the word 'Asura' mean in the Vedas?

The word Asura has 2 meanings in the text Rig Veda In positive sense and negative sense. The word asa means breath and the word Asura would mean who has his strength in the breath or who is the ...
Karmanya Nanda's user avatar
10 votes

Who are the demonic beings called Yatudhanas?

A Yatudhana is a type of Rakshasa. The demoness created by by the king Vrishadarbhi is referred to as both a Yatudhani and a Rakshasi in this chapter of the Anushasana Parva of the Mahabharata: ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
10 votes

Who is the Rig Vedic god Manyu who resembles Indra?

Wiki is right. Manyu is one of the Rudra among many forms of Rudra. As described in this chapter of Shatapatha Brahamana: And as to why he performs the Satarudriya offering. When Pragâpati had ...
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10 votes

Is there any mention of the Mahamrityunjay Mantra in the Puranas?

Here is a verse from the Shiva Gita (Padma Purana) where different mantras are chanted in praise of Lord Shiva/Rudra and the Trayambakam mantra is mentioned: सौन्दर्यसारसंदोहां ददर्श रघुनन्दनः। ...
Karmanya Nanda's user avatar
10 votes

Who is devi in devi suktam?

Vaak Suktam Or Devi Suktam is in Rig- Veda - Mandala 10 as sukta 125. The Rishika of this sukam is Vagambharni i.e. this sukta has been heard by a female sage by name Vaak , who is the ...
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10 votes

Who is the deity of the Purusha Suktam according to different schools?

Who is the deity of the Purusha Suktam according to different schools? The deity of any Vedic Sukta/Mantra does not vary with schools ... The three limbs of any Vedic Mantra are fixed and no ...
Rickross's user avatar
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9 votes

Is Shiva Sankalpa Suktam also a Khila Sukta of RigVeda?

Yes Khilanis are the section of appendices associated with Bhaskāla shakha of Rigveda. Sri suktam, Ratri suktam, Medha suktam and Shiva sankalpa suktam are the 4 khila suktas of Bhaskāla shakha of ...
SHAIVAMRUTAM's user avatar
9 votes

How did Vishnu help Indra in killing Vritra?

There is a slightly different version of the story of Vritra as mentioned in the Mahabharata. There Indra is defeated by Vritra, gets advice from Vishnu, befriends Vritra based on that advice, and ...
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How do Vaishnavas interpret the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra?

Lord Narasimha is described as Mrityumrityu (Death's death) in the Nrisimha Mantra. Accordingly, Sri Vaishnavas interpret tryambaka - the three-eyed one as Narasimha. This is supported in various ...
hashable's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there any mention of the Mahamrityunjay Mantra in the Puranas?

Linga Purana, Vol 2, Chapter 54 is completely dedicated to Tryambaka mantra alone. It describes the procedure of worshipping Shivalinga with Tryambaka mantra. त्रियंबकेण मंत्रेण देवदेवं त्रियंबकम्। ...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
9 votes

Who are the Havirdhanas mentioned in RIgveda?

The Havirdhanas are the two carts used to carry the Soma offerings in Soma Sacrifice from outside to main Place of Yajna . These two carts Havirdhanas are considered as gods. One is Heaven and ...
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9 votes

What exactly is the story of the Aditya called Bhaag/Bhaga?

According to Shrimada Bhagavata Purana, Canto 6, Chapter 6, Verse 39, Bhaga is the son of Aditi so is one of the twelve Adityas. Now please hear me as I describe the descendants of Aditi in ...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
9 votes

What does this Rig Veda verse mean about the fivefold human race?

य एकश्चर्षणीनां वसूनमिरज्यति |इन्द्र पञ्च क्षितिनाम् || RV 1.7.9 || Indra who alone rules over men , over riches , and over five (classes) of the dwellers on earth. (H.H.Wilson) The the sanskrit word ...
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8 votes

Word by word translation of Rig Veda

You can get word by word translation with commentary of Swami Dayanand Saraswati's RigVeda Bhashya in English at Internet Archive. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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