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What does our scripture say about marriage? Why should we marry?

What does our scripture say about marriage? As per manusmriti, there are four purposes of Hindu marriage To have progeny Sexual pleasure Performance of religious rites And through the above ...
WeShall's user avatar
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10 votes

Wherein the Shatapatha Brahmana it was mentioned about 8.64 lakh alphabets in Vedas?

It's in the AgniRahasya kanda of Shatapatha Brahmana: स ऋचो व्यौहत् । द्वादश बृहतीसहस्राण्येतावत्यो हर्चो याः प्रजापतिसृष्टास्तास्त्रिंशत्तमे व्यूहे पङ्क्तिष्वतिष्ठन्त ता यत्त्रिंशत्तमे व्यूहेऽति...
Tezz's user avatar
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Who is the Rig Vedic god Manyu who resembles Indra?

Wiki is right. Manyu is one of the Rudra among many forms of Rudra. As described in this chapter of Shatapatha Brahamana: And as to why he performs the Satarudriya offering. When Pragâpati had ...
Tezz's user avatar
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9 votes

Is Sri Kurma an avatar of Lord BrahmA (Prajapati)?

Shatapatha Brahmana is in accordance with Puranas. Both texts mention Brahma takes form of Matsya, Kurma and Varaha at time of creation. For example, Padma Purana and Vishnu Purana say, at ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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9 votes

Who is the 'messenger' of Asuras and what is his story?

According to Vayu Purana, Chapter 29, Saharaksha is the son of Pavaka and serve as the Agni for the Asuras. पवमानात्मजश्चैव कव्यवाहन उच्यते। पावकात्सहरक्षस्तु हव्यवाहः शुचेः सुतः॥४॥ The son ...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
6 votes

Alternatives to animal sacrifice during Vedic yajnas, according to Brahmana texts?

Your are probably looking for Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa (... paśur ha vā eṣa ālabhyate yat puroḍāśaḥ). Kanda I, adhyaya 2, brahmana 3 THE PREPARATION OF THE ALTAR 5. Thereupon the gods ordained this ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
6 votes

Who is Samyuka Barhaspatya?

According to Vayu Purana, Chapter 71, Shamyu was the son of Brihaspati who has inquired about Pitris and Shraddha to his father. सूत उवाच एतद्वोऽहं प्रवक्ष्यामि पितृसर्गमनुत्तमम्। शंयुः ...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
6 votes

Who was Parâvasu the former Hotri for Asuras?

According to Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva: Tirtha-yatra Parva: SECTION CXXXV, Paravasu and Arvavasu were the son of Raivya (or Raibhya). "Lomasa said, 'Bharadwaja and Raivya were two friends. ...
Triyugi Narayan Mani's user avatar
5 votes

Are these rituals really done in Ashvamedha as per Brahmanas? Is the translation correct?

The particular sexual interaction “Then they draw out the penis of the horse and place it in the vagina of the chief queen...” is nowhere to be found in the paralel English translation by Julius ...
Gabe Hiemstra's user avatar
5 votes

was Vishnu beheaded in Shatapatha Brahmana?

Yes, the story is described in this chapter of the Shatapatha Brahmana of the Yajur Veda. The gods once accidentally cut off Vishnu's head with his own bow (this is all Vishnu's Lila, of course) and ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
5 votes

Is Sri Kurma an avatar of Lord BrahmA (Prajapati)?

Most of the puranic stories will never match with the vedic like in vedic times maruts were son of rudra and in puranic age they are sons of sage kashyapa. Well there is not written lord bramha it ...
Fierce lord's user avatar
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Why did Tvastar, the father of Vritra fashion the Vajra that killed his own son?

The reason Lord Tvastar created vajra for Indra is discribed here in tattireya samhita of yajur veda kanda 2. 4.12 Tvastr, his son slain, offered Soma excluding Indra. Indra desired an ...
Karmanya Nanda's user avatar
5 votes

What parts of the TaittirIya Samhita of the Yajur Veda are Shruti?

This question was written in the early days of the site, back when I didn't know as much about Hinduism, as my misconceptions post will attest. As a matter of fact, all parts of the Vedas, including ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
4 votes

Doesn't the Aswamedha sacrifice debunk Vedic Hinduism completely and show that the rishis and Vedas were not divine?

Debunk?? No. Assuming the rituals do prescribe bestiality, the debunking logic still doesn't work. Premise A A Vedic ritual of this stature which tells a Queen to do this cannot be divine, right? ...
Hari Kumar's user avatar
4 votes

Is Sri Kurma an avatar of Lord BrahmA (Prajapati)?

Is Sri Kurma an avatar of Prajapati? Yes, it's already described in your question itself and in the answer which you have linked. Prajapati The word praja means subject and the word pati means master. ...
YDS's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the story of the three previous Agnis who passed away?

I found this in the Brhaddevata: Deeply grateful for the wonderful questions and the intelligent queriers. It seems that there are 3 or 5 brothers. I speculate, that the asuras had destroyed three ...
ajitdas's user avatar
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How to interpret Bhasyas of Madhidhara for Vajasaneyi Samhita 23.19-31 ? His Bhasyas look too vulgar

Asvamedha sacrifice is described in Yajurveda. White Yajurveda Samhita (Vajasaneyi Samhita) 23.18-32 mentioned the Mantras of Asvamedha sacrifice. Mahidhara who is the traditional commentator of ...
Amritendu Mukhopadhyay's user avatar
3 votes

Alternatives to animal sacrifice during Vedic yajnas, according to Brahmana texts?

Aitareya Brahmana (chapter)6.8-9 or (pancika)2.1.8-9 has a very explicit statement regarding effectiveness of using grain in place of real animals. Khanda 8 starts with describing how the Devas first ...
RamAbloh's user avatar
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Which Mleccha languages were revealed by the Asuras?

In Mahabharata both Vidura and Yudhisthira were described to be conversant with the jargon (of the Mlechchhas). "And after the citizens had ceased following the Pandavas, Vidura, conversant with ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
2 votes

In which Kalpa/Manvantar did the gods became immortal for the FIRST time?

The Ribhus, a group of three Gods in the Rig Veda, are said to have been mortals and to have attained immortality. They are said to be the sons of Sudhanvan, a descendant of Angiras. Rig Veda I.110 ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
2 votes

What is the meaning of this verse from the Satapatha Brahmana?

Edit: Question had been updated since my answer below. However, Kaushitaki Upanishad, being one of the 11 most important Upanishads is its own authoritative source, vs. Bhagavad Puran. Upanishads are ...
Vijay Sharma's user avatar
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Where can I find the rules of Vasordhara homa?

Satapatha Brahmana 9.3.2 offers instructions: Thereupon he [the Sacrificer] offers the Vasor dhārā. That whole Agni has now been completed, and he is here the Vasu (good one): to that Vasu, the gods ...
CDR's user avatar
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Why does this verse of Satapatha Brahmana call women and Shudras as untruth?

Such statements in the Vedas are offensive and should be rejected. That the Vedas have many statements that simply can't be of divine origin has been known for quite some time. There was a time when ...
Pradip Gangopadhyay's user avatar
1 vote

Are these rituals really done in Ashvamedha as per Brahmanas? Is the translation correct?

These verses are not to be interpreted literally because rama in ramayana performed ashvamedha without a wife. As per "literal" interpretation ram should have had not one but four wives to ...
ekAntika's user avatar
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Who is the Rig Vedic god Manyu who resembles Indra?

Manyu in Manyu Suktam of Rigveda god of terror and it is Lord Narasimha. In Manyu Suktam, Lord Narasimha who is called as Manyu is described as the controlling power behind Indra who killed Vritrasura,...
Abhinav Pant's user avatar
1 vote

What is the story of the gods disappearing from the Earth?

Partly answering the question - refer to chapters 5 to 7 of Adi Parva (Paulomo Parva) of Mahabharata. In these chapters the story of Maharishi Brighu cursing Agni and an angry Agni vanishing from the ...
Suresh Ramaswamy's user avatar
1 vote

What does our scripture say about marriage? Why should we marry?

In general, Hinduism supports household life over other. In the smriti and Vedic literature the household life is praised over renunciation. But if someone has some kind of health problem or some ...
Rakesh Joshi's user avatar
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