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Mr. K
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
19 votes

Repetition of Time and Yugas in Hinduism

15 votes

Why do Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva always meditate on each other?

14 votes

Did lord Brahma commit incest with his daughter?

8 votes

What are Five Layers (Pancha Kosha) of Human?

8 votes

Why praying is not a compulsion in Hinduism?

8 votes

What exactly is the basis/reason behind calling Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata as myths/mythology

7 votes

Is Kamadeva (Manmatha) still alive or dead?

7 votes

Any short mantra causing spontaneous visible physical change?

5 votes

Is there any story behind Lord Krishna's death?

4 votes

Can a chillum consider as bad habit of the sadhus?

4 votes

How can anyone punished after death

4 votes

What makes an Asura an Asura?

3 votes

What is the truth behind the practice of Sati? How is it related to Hinduism?

3 votes

Celebrating ganesh chaturthi

3 votes

Is there a universal symbol for Hinduism?

3 votes

Time travel in Hindu scripture

2 votes

Why could man have several wives historically and its sinful for woman to have more than one?

2 votes

Do The Hindu Scriptures Say If There Is Anything Special About Human Beings Compared To Other Unworldly Beings Such As Demi-Gods, Demons, Etc

2 votes

Who are Ashta Dikpalakas? what is their job?

2 votes

How can heaven-hell concept and rebirth concept both be true?

2 votes

What is difference between Shruti and Smriti?

2 votes

What is the difference between the words parameswara iswara bhagavan paramatma Brahman?

1 vote

Will a man attain liberation the moment his karma is nullified?

1 vote

Are there Hindu-specific rules/norms for the status of women?

1 vote

What is significance of Chatur Masya Vrata?

1 vote

Most important scriptures to understand hinduism

1 vote

What does 'Vajra' mean?

1 vote

Can sins be transferred?

0 votes

Why didn't Lord Shiva put back the original head of Lord Ganesha?

0 votes

How is the gotra determined