- Karma for Killingkilling a Brahmin is given Punishment Higherpunishment higher than other Varnas.
- This is because Brahmin'sBrahmins are of Sattva guna in Dominantdominant manner than others Varnas.
Lord Ram got Dosha for Killing Ravan as he was BrahminRavana as he was Brahmin(PulastiyaPaulastiya) by Birth - Guna's Reflect one's Ignorance Level Gunas reflect one's ignorance level(High Sattva has Low Ignorancelow ignorance and Low Sattvalow sattva has Highhigh Ignorance)
- Animals,Plants,Insects Animals, plants, insects are of High Level of Ignorancehigh Level of ignorance than Humans
- Does Karma Punishment Variespunishment vary with Material Naturematerial nature and Ignoranceignorance(Killing a Brahmin and Killingkilling an Animalanimal) ?
- If Karma Variesvaries with Ignoranceignorance then Killing Animals will Cause Punishment at Low Level killing animals will cause punishment at low level?