Vishnu has several names over scriptures such as Sahasranamam.

Is any name of Vishnu is mentioned as Siva?

  • You check kuttralam in Tamilnadu, were Vishnu idol has shrunk by agasthiyar to shiv ling. Commented Jun 3, 2019 at 11:15

1 Answer 1


Yes, Lord Vishnu is also called Shiva in few versions of Vishnu Sahasranama. For example, Shiva appears as 27th name in Vishnu Sahasranama found in Mahabharata: Anusasana Parva:

17 सर्वः शर्वः शिवः सथाणुर भूतादिर निधिर अव्ययः संभवॊ भावनॊ भर्ता परभवः परभुर ईश्वरः

17 sarvaḥ śarvaḥ śivaḥ sthāṇur bhūtādir nidhir avyayaḥ saṃbhavo bhāvano bhartā prabhavaḥ prabhur īśvaraḥ

Wikipedia: Vishnu Sahasranama also mentions this in The Thousand Names of Lord Vishnu section:

27 शिवः shivah

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