Sri Pamchanan was the chief disciple of Sri LAhIrI mahAshaya.

Very well known for his geeta commentary.

I would like to know about all books penned by him and if any of these available online as pdf version


2 Answers 2


It seems you can order books by him and on him from this website:


(Shipping to India though...)


These books are available online : https://www.amazon.in/Books-Panchanan-Bhattacharya/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A976389031%2Cp_27%3APanchanan%20Bhattacharya

and https://www.amazon.com/Amazing-Autobiography-Siddha-Yogi-Bhattacharya/dp/1877854557

and https://www.amazon.in/Yogacharya-Sri-Panchanan-Bhattacharya/dp/1877854484

I could not get the list of all His books.I shall search for His bengali books and update.But probably these if any are not yet been translated.

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