Indra was referred to as śatakratu शतक्रतु, which was commonly understood as one who did 100 yagnas.
Rig veda III.37.3, dedicated to Indra, says:
नामानि ते शतक्रतो विश्वाभिर्गीर्भिरीमहे | इन्द्राभिमातिषाह्ये ||
O Indra, Lord of Hundred Powers, with all our songs we invocate Thy
names for triumph over foes.
Kratu (क्रतु) means resolve, will, determination or resolution or Enlightenment, apart from sacrifice or yagna.
According to Sanskirt dictionary Kavikratu means having insight of a wise man.
We can infer śatakratu शतक्रतु means, a person with a wisdom or capacity or will to do things in 100 ways.
It is similar like eulogising God as sahasraksha - having 1000 eyes or sahasrasirsha - having 1000 heads.
Indra was eulogised as Brahman (Rig veda 2.1.3) in Vedas. The Brahman will be having the ability to do any thing in many (100) ways.
That was the reason calling Indra as śatakratu शतक्रतु.