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Questions tagged [brahmanda-purana]

The Brahmanda Purana (Sanskrit: ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण) is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts and has been assigned the eighteenth place in almost all the lists of the Puranas.

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What scriptures describe Radha defeating Harshana and Marshana?

Srimati Radharani is described as the Shakti of Lord Krishna in the Brahmavaivarta, Devi Bhagavata, Skanda, Padma and Narada Purana and is worshipped along with Krishna by Parashurama and Ganesha in ...
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Where is the story of Upilliappan in the Brahmanda Purana?

Most people only know about the Venkateshwara form of Vishnu (AKA Balaji or Srinivasa) in connection to the deity of the world-renowned Tirumala Venkateshwara Temple in Tirupati. But that is not the ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Mention of Valmiki installing the Saraswathi idol in Brahmanda Purana

The following excerpt is taken from the puranic story of Basara Gnana Saraswathi temple ఆది కవి వాల్మికి ఇక్కడ సరస్వతీ దేవిని ప్రతిష్టించి రామాయణం వ్రాసాడని బ్రహ్మాండ పురాణం వివరిస్తుంది. Brahmanda ...
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Where in Brahmanda Purana it is mentioned about Parthasarathy Temple?

The official website of Parthasarathy temple's history section states that according to Brahmanda Purana, king sumathi requested Venkatesha to grant him darshanam of Geethacharya. I would like to ...
Sreeram Gopinath's user avatar
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'Saddhya' suras from Purusha Sukta vs other references

In the Purusha Suktam of Rig V. 10.90 ‘Saddhya Santhi ddhey vaahah’ Looks like refers to the 'Saddhya' suras. There are other references to these semi-immortals in several Puranas. The list of such ...
Gopal Anantharaman's user avatar
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In which section of the Brahmanda Purana, is the advent of Swaminarayan supposedly predicted?

Some members of the Swaminarayan sect often quote the following verse supposedly from the Brahmanda Purana to prove Sahajanand Swami (more commonly known as Swaminarayan) to be an incarnation of Sri ...
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Where is the verse "ami sarvatmanayam atrapi srimad dasarathatmajah" found?

Rupa Goswami quotes this verse from Brahmanda purana in Laghu Bhagavatamrita: tatha hi brahmande sri krsna vakyam antaranga svarupa me matsya kurmadayas tv ami sarvatmanayam atrapi srimad ...
Krishna Varna's user avatar
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Hare Krsna mantra in Brahmanda Puran

Recently, I have come across various blogs which have mentioned that the Hare Krsna mantra is mentioned in the Brahmanda Puran. The transliteration cited is as follows- (Brahmanda Purana 6.59) nama ...
Aditya Mishra's user avatar
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Sri Lalithopakhyanam telugu version

I want to learn and do parayana of Sri Lalithopakhyanam (contained in Brahmanda Purana). I am looking for any good Telugu resources of the original Sanskrit text and translations to Telugu. I have ...
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is there a current version of Brahmanda Purana that includes the so-called "Ahobila Mahatmyam"?

It is claimed that a scripture called "Ahobala mahatmyam" exists as part of Brahmanda Purana.
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