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Is it acceptable to sleep in same room as Murti (Idol)?

Naively speaking one might expect that it would be acceptable to sleep/ live in same place as a Murti of some God or Goddess, as can occasionally be seen in some temples. For example, the question ...
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What scriptures describe making statues of Muktas?

The Satadhusani is a work by the Sri Vaishnava Acharya Vedanta Desikan consisting of 100 refutations of Adi Shankaracharya's philosophy of Advaita. One chapter of the work is devoted to refuting the ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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What exactly is explanation of Hindus when they perform idol worship? [duplicate]

Is it they worship, the power inside idols. They use it as a point of concentration. Only a representation. God is present in idol. 4th option included after reading question here. What is the ...
Abdur rehman's user avatar
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What technique they used earlier to make idols stand for centuries

We all know there are lot of Hinduism temples where idols are standing from many centuries best example is Lord Venktaeshwara in Tirumala, Tirupati. This idol is standing from many centuries it ...
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